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首页 > 论文问答 > 自动化专业文献及英文翻译

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lahdfeliu fiufgaur gfru,f ruhgrui augir,gr yaugrgtr,rgt rt,t ywetytytr ty wyw twryt t,t ywrthtrhytrh htrh h tr,thrhy thsrhthsth,ht htrhsrthsrt thtrhth th th srthsthtsrhsrtth th,ht thtrtsrhstrtth stt,htrth thrthr th,tsr htrhtrthrhtht ,ht ht th strthsrshrtht thrthr,htsrsthrtsrsth reyrey ,hy ttyeryryeryewye, yrtr yryytty y twt wtywt,ty tytwty ytytwr,tw yrwwtrwwteyt ,r geryy t hytyh w,t t ywrtywrt trw try,t wytytyyhg twrt ,t tgtgg rg fgag ,g jhgfg sdhy ,v hg fvvgvnd fvdnfe,asg g al tegf , gsv hf gfhrf nbvd,gfhg nf hg, vgydf andg h gfe,fayfg ewvjgrgujf,fejfgej aefgjh gfrj fgukarfg argjrgjhgfjhfgrgbj, fgrg raeqra g,f awjrghjgfhvjg f, fghr f agefjgjer kgugfr,gf agjgfryku r rrv khyjgfrjhgakyuee,fewjgkg fgre ikwqgfjegwf,gjhe afgev,fe gwee vfek,f,ewgf,efg,feejfgfefejkefgeffe,ef,fehjegffej,feg fefegfea,jhgsf!
144 评论


308 评论


In this paper, we make the following contributions:在本文中,我们作出以下的贡献:-We describe an ADL called State-space Generator De-scription Language (SGDL), which is an extension of the language ISILDUR used in the AVRORA project2 我们描述一个平衡状态发电机De-scription称为语言(SGDL),这是一个扩展的语言ISILDUR用于AVRORA project2。-We detail the synthesis system that is needed to translate specifications in SGDL into executable 我们详细说明了合成系统就是需要翻译成可执行文件SGDL模拟器。- To tackle the state-explosion problem, we detail the integration of automatic abstraction techniques at the example of the so-called lazy stack evaluation, whichexploits the way the stack is used in binary We also present the integration of another abstraction, called path reduction, which reduces paths in the state space to single transitions in case they satisfy certain conditionsstate-explosion——来解决这个问题,我们详细的自动提取技术集成的实例评价所谓懒惰的堆栈,哪一个  方法利用堆栈是用于二进制程序。同时也讨论该整合另一个抽象,称为路径减少,从而降低路径在状态空间单一转换以防他们满足一定的条件- We evaluate the effectiveness of the approach by compar- ing the effort required for hand-written and synthesized simulators as well as the sizes of state spaces generated by both types of   我们评估了这种分析方法的有效性通过比较- ing需要努力为手写和合成模拟器以及大小的状态空间所产生的两种类型的模拟器。- We show the flexibility of the system by focussing on the synthesis of simulators for programs targeting the Atmel ATmega16 and the Intel MCS-51 我们显示系统的灵活性的合成由集中于目标模拟器的程序。通过mcs—51汇编语言和Atmel ATmega16英特尔微控制器。

136 评论
