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描述上海近代建筑的英语作文:The features of a city are its As a factor most reflecting the times, society and nation,the buildings give overall and integrated expression to the national tradition, regional features spirit of the times and the social When you walk along the financial street of the Bund and the commercial street of East Nanjing Road and among the villas and gardens of Xujiahui, you can feel the history of prosperity of S In the past 150 years since its opening in 1843, Shanghai has gradually developed into an international metropolis as well as an important economic, trade financial and cul-tural center of C The special development op-portunities have made the western culture, local Shanghai culture and regional cultures of China collide, co-exist and become integrated and thus make Shanghai integrate the essence of the Chinese and Foreign In this way, Shanghai has become the place of origin for the modern Chinese con-struction culture and has a unique history of con-struction The modern buildings of Shanghai are rich in styles, almost covering those of almost all the periods of the world construction It can be said that they constitute a living world construction You can see the new classicism buildings, Gothic building and compromise buildings, to the modernism buildings popular in Europe and America, decoration and art buildings and the new classicism Chinese The number of the styles, the complexity of the types and the grand scale of those builds are beyond match in this They give a comprehensive reflection of the evolution of the modern society and cities and also provide a key to learn the culture of Shanghai and the history of modern C 中文翻译:漫步街头,寻找城市的足迹,最显而易见的是城市的建筑建筑是文化领域中最具有时代性、社会性和民族性的因素,整体而又集中地体现了民族传统、地域特性、时代精神和社会的价值取向徜徉外滩金融街南京东路商业街、徐汇区的花园别墅群间,看到的是上海兴盛的历史自1843年开埠以后,上海在150年中,逐渐发展成为一个国际化的大都市,成为中国重要的经济中心、贸易中心、金融中心和文化中心特殊的发展际遇,使西方文化、上海本地文化和中国不同地域文化在此相互间冲撞、并存,融合,糅合了古今中外文化的精粹,令上海成为中国现代建筑文化的策源地,拥有独特的建筑文化历史 上海的近代建筑有着十分丰富的内涵,在近百年的建筑中,几乎囊括了世界建筑各个时期的各种风格,简直就是一部活生生的世界建筑史从新古典主义,哥特复兴式、折衷主义到盛行欧美的现代主义建筑、装饰艺术派建筑复兴中国传统建筑艺术的中国新古典建筑等,各种风格数量之多、种类之繁杂、规模之宏大在世界上也是罕见的它综合反映了近代社会和城市演变的历程,是解读上海文化、研究近代中国的一把钥匙
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China built environment the value of cultural significanceAbstract: This paper discusses the traditional Chinese culture in the built environment and value embodied in, and when the built environment and cultural traditions and modern analysis, elaborated on China built environment of the significance of cultural development for the traditional architectural culture and modern development of the bonding In the context of Chinese culture, China's built environment to show with the people and the natural environment for the financial - body balance each Key words:Construction,Environment,Traditional,Modern,CultureChinese ancient architecture has a brilliant achievement, in the palace, gardens, construction of space processing, architectural art and material structure of harmony and unity, , have excellent creativity and contribution to the formation of the regression of other buildings in the West of special character, in the human construction played an important role in the Today, the nature of architectural culture more and more attracted From the Great Hall of the People in Beijing after the founding of the end of the twentieth century buildings, hotels, and other Xiangshan inherited the traditional Chinese architectural art of the essence, but also a combination of modern Western art of architecture new concepts, new technologies, to become both fresh ethnic characteristics, strong characteristics of the times and the construction of cultural China's urban construction regardless of the ancient and contemporary, are in a particular space in cultural phenomenon, its richness and complexity of all the researchers can not be Since modern times, Chinese culture began the difficult process of From a traditional society to a modern social changes, but also depends on cultural If it is said that traditional Chinese culture in history and evolution of the track is more clear, then, the changes in modern times seem very China's vast territory, different parts of the larger cultural and economic In modern times, China and the western city undoubtedly follow a different path of development, not only to form their own political, economic and cultural systems, but also formed their own style of urban planning and architectural In modern times, with the intrusion of Western powers, as well as imported culture, including architectural culture of the Western urban culture, including the start of the Chinese have an enormous Because of this, including the China Architectural Culture urban culture, but also the beginning of the transition from traditionalism to modernization profound Today, in China's architectural theory and creative activity, people fond of tradition and modernity, inheritance and innovation, China and the West, such as a class of architectural culture and the phenomenon of comparison and controversy, it is But the debate of these issues should be made clear its purpose, that is, it should promote a culture of development and construction, and promote its progress, and not just be satisfied with the basis of these cultural phenomena to make objective and accurate Such as: During the discussion of traditional and modern, inheritance and innovation of the issue, many people keen on from the style, form or technology to argue their superiority, the wild, but it is not with the people from their survival and livelihood of the fundamental link go to explore their During the discussion of Chinese and Western architectural culture, people in the space of Chinese and Western concepts, behavior and attitude toward life and so a detailed comparison, based on the discovery and summed up the Chinese architectural concepts with Westerners differences and their respective characteristics, and then in creation and insufficient emphasis on theory and embody the characteristics of this, of course, is On the other hand, people are less human existence from the perspective of the state of traditional and modern, inheritance and innovation, Chinese and Western architecture to make further value Thus, the "tradition" of "modern" "inheritance" "innovation" "China" "Western" and so the purpose of turning themselves Building a culture of comparison and debate should therefore not achieve the purpose of architectural culture can not lead to real A long time, research in the field of architectural history, there is a "Western Center on" The view that the West is a historical tradition of urban construction, the East Building of non-historical In弗莱彻尔"comparative Architectural History" on the issue there is a "construction of the tree," with illustrations, the center of the tree trunk is marked with Greece, Rome, Lo Man-style, top of the six main branches are some European and American countries Gothic architecture, Renaissance architecture and modern But Egypt, India, Mexico, China and so before the following number of delicate young branches, the United States on the center of the tree trunk on top, great image to express the author's construction of "Western-centered" There is no denying that the Western Urban Architecture in the past few centuries is indeed developing rapidly, both in content and form, or in technology and theory, aesthetics are taking shape on the forefront in the However, "Western Center on the" point of view is no doubt there is a problem with the development of world architectural history, not just the West, and no hall, which has become more and more consensus building and cultural ① Western post-modernist theorists Architectural Culture Frampton that: traditional architecture, especially folk architecture is the formation of specific locations in the building system with a function and structure is Especially in dealing with a number of specific factors, such as ventilation, lighting, insulation, with excellent Therefore, we can not simply deny according to the location, physical geography of the specific cultural environment and human development of the local Traditional Chinese architectural culture research, is to open up a theoretical level, the health of Chinese architectural Building Cultural Studies is not confined to explain a variety of architectural culture phenomenon, it is to building a culture of value-oriented Therefore, the architectural culture should be critical and To provide value-oriented, we must make a value assessment, it is necessary to establish one set of Human beings are different from their own cultural backgrounds, different building events are also a certain degree of architectural culture But culture is also a double-edged On the one hand, are the essence of any culture coexist with the dross, even if it is the essence, but also often can not be separated from the specific conditions of time and space; On the other hand, both the traditional culture may be a heavy cross, stifle the creative potential of modern people can also be become a treasure house of wisdom and enrich our imagination, expand our scale of Reality and future requirements of the complexity of life, far from being mechanically copy a certain kind of traditional methods, approaches, they can be met, we must absorb, draw upon their strengths needed to pick up In addition, the creation of the characteristics is still a serious topic, require a combination of specific locations, conditions, on the design requirements for specific Creative methods, the use of "abstract inheritance, moved like a wonderful" principle, may find a new Wu Liangyong, a so-called "abstract inheritance" means from the construction of traditional Chinese traditional architectural design principles and the basic theory of the essence of part of the development, applied to the reality created in the And the traditional image of the most distinctive part of extracted through abstract and concentrate to improve as a motif, be innovative and creative design in order to inspire the current Formal At the same time, should touch the pulse of China's traditional culture, digging out of the traditional architectural art connotation of time and space, first of all, attention should be paid to the art of architecture and the restoration of cultural values and spiritual function, not only the architectural and artistic works as industrial products and daily necessities, more efforts should not only its immediate physical This kind of inheritance, is not a form of plagiarism or the old parts of the permutation and combination, both creative principle of the succession and development, and the image of the drawing and So that the design of both the spirit likeness seek, nor exclusive to some extent, the details of the shape of a key is based on the location, condition And "want to move too wonderful," "move to" is to their own imagination into the image of the object to, "Miao was" refers to grasp the true expression of the ② Extensive and profound traditional Chinese culture, architecture is the same We should not only from the perspective of the form, and from culture to understand the depth of the traditional, such as: the first level, the traditional beauty of classical architecture in the roof, brackets, shapes portico features, poetry, calligraphy and technology combined with the fitting-out forms , as well as all kinds of doors and windows Prism Grid, decorative patterns; second level, the courtyard-style layout of the space rhythm, natural and architectural environment of complementary design, poetic, full of the humanistic spirit of gardening art, shape, number of paintings, azimuth the appearance of a symbol and metaphor practices; the third level, "harmony between man and nature" of the nature and focus on environmental effects of "feng shui" of thought, yin-yang confrontation, interaction, and the corresponding philosophical thinking and the "body, mind, and gas" competent a concept of health, and so Of them contains a wealth of content, deep philosophy and ③ which states that the value of traditional to modern needs in our new building works to discover, to Therefore, we should try to find traditional, modern values, and carry forward in preserving the essence of their traditional at the same time, get rid of its backward, not suited to modern development of things, to seek traditional architectural culture and the modern development of the combination of points, reflect the traditional architecture and cultural respect Heaven and Earth,Humanistic, say the pro-and thinking of materialist Carry forward the tradition of architectural culture are also available from traditional architecture design principles, spatial composition, composition methods, ideas have inspired the expression, , have to inherit and use the development of innovation, continuous exploration of thinking of traditional architecture and modern architecture thinking, traditional technologies with modern technology, traditional and modern aesthetic of a combination of aesthetic consciousness, the outstanding traditional architectural culture into modern architecture Notes ①Chen Lixu urban culture and the spirit of the Southeast University P 2002, 142②Wu Liangyong broad architecture, Tsinghua University P 1989, the first 65-66 pages ③ Yang Y Building 100 words, China Building Industry Press, N 62中国建筑环境文化的价值意义内容摘要:本文论述了中国传统文化在建筑环境中的体现与价值,以及时建筑环境文化传统与现代的分析,阐明了中国建筑环境文化发展的意义,寻求传统建筑文化和现代发展的结合点。在中国的文化背景下,中国的建筑环境表现出了与人与自然环境融为—体,互为平衡。 关键词:建筑 环境 传统 现代 文化 中国古代建筑有着灿烂的成就,在宫室、园林、建筑空间的处理、建筑艺术与材料结构的和谐统一等方面,都有着卓越的创造与贡献,形成了迥别于西方建筑的特殊风貌,在人类建筑史上占有重要的地位。时至今日,建筑文化的特质愈来愈引起人们的重视。从建国后的北京人民大会堂到二十世纪末的香山饭店等建筑都继承了中国传统建筑艺术的精华,又融汇了西方现代建筑艺术的新观念、新技术,成为既有鲜活民族特色,又有强烈时代特征的建筑文化丰碑。中国的城市建筑无论古代、当代,都是在特定的空间中产生的文化现象,其丰富性与复杂性令所有研究者无法回避。 自近代以来,中国文化开始了艰难的转变过程。从传统社会向现代社会的转变,也是有赖于文化的转变。如果说中国传统文化的历史脉络和演变轨迹是较为清晰的话,那么,近代以来的转变似乎显得非常复杂。中国地域广阔,不同地区的文化和经济差异较大。 在近代以前,中国和西方城市无疑遵循着不同的发展道路,不仅形成了各自的政治、经济和文化制度,而且也形成了各自的城市规划风格和建筑风格。近代以来,随着西方列强的侵入以及文化的传入影响,包括建筑文化在内的西方城市文化,开始对中国产生巨大的影响。由此,包括建筑文化在内的中国城市文化,也开始了从传统到现代的深刻的转型。 当今,在我国的建筑理论和创作活动中,人们喜欢对传统与现代、继承与革新、中国与西方等一类建筑文化问题和现象进行比较和争论,这是必要的。但是争论这些问题应该明确它的目的,那就是它应当促进一种文化的发展和建构,推动它的进步,而不是仅仅满足于依据对这些文化现象做出客观、准确的描述。如:在讨论传统与现代、继承与革新的问题时,许多人热衷于从风格、形式或技术等方面去争论它们的高下、文野,却不是从它们与现代人的生存和生活的根本联系上去探讨它们的意义。在讨论中西方建筑文化时,人们在对中西方空间观念、行为方式和生活态度等等进行详尽比较的基础上,发现和总结出中国人同西方人建筑观念的差异和各自的特点,进而在创作和理论中充分强调和体现这种特点,这当然是好的。但是另一方面,人们却较少从人的存在状态的角度对传统与现代、继承与革新、中国与西方的建筑做出更进一步的价值判断。于是,“传统”“现代”“继承”“革新”“中国”“西方”等等本身变成了目的。建筑文化的比较和争论因此就没有达到应有的目的,不可能导致建筑文化的真正进步。 长期以来,在建筑史研究领域中,存在着一种“西方中心论”的观点,即认为西方城市建筑是历史传统,东方建筑是非历史传统。在弗莱彻尔的《比较建筑史》上刊有一幅“建筑之树”的插图,树的中心主干标明是希腊、罗马、罗蔓式,上端的6根主分枝分别是欧美一些国家哥特式建筑、文艺复兴建筑和近代建筑。却把埃及、印度、墨西哥、中国等都摆在下面一些纤弱的幼枝上,把美国放在这棵树的中心主干的顶端,极为形象地表达了作者的建筑“西方中心论”思想。无可否认,西方城市建筑在近几个世纪以来确实发展迅速,无论在内容和形式上,还是在科技和理论上、美学形态上都走在世界的前列。但是“西方中心论”的观点无疑是有问题的,世界建筑历史的发展,决不只此西方而别无殿堂,这已成为越来越多的建筑文化史家的共识。①西方后现代主义建筑文化理论家佛朗普顿认为:传统建筑特别是民俗建筑是在特定地点形成的建筑体系,具有功能和结构上的合理性。特别是在处理一些具体因素,如通风、采光、保温等方面具有优良的特点。所以,不能简单否定依地点、体具体的地理情况和人文文化环境发展起来的地方风格。 对中国传统建筑文化的研究,是为了在理论层面上开拓一条中国建筑的健康发展之路。建筑文化学并不局限于解释各种建筑文化现象,它是要为建筑文化的发展提供价值导向。因此,建筑文化应该是批判的与实践的。要提供价值导向,先要作出价值评判,所以必须树立一种价值观。不同的人类都各有自己的文化背景,不同的建筑事件也都有一定的建筑文化影子。然而文化也是一柄双刃剑。一方面,任何文化都是精华与糟粕并存,即便是精华,也往往离不开具体的时空条件;另一方面,传统文化既可能成为一副沉重的十字架,扼杀现代人的创造潜能,也可以成为一座智慧的宝库,丰富我们的想象,扩大我们思维的尺度。 现实及未来生活的复杂要求,远非机械地搬用某一种传统方法、途径,就可以得到满足的,必须博采所长,取我所需。另外,对于本特色的创造仍然是一个严肃的课题,需要结合具体地点、条件,对设计要求作具体分析。在创作方法上,采用“抽象继承、迁想妙得”的原则,可能会找到一条新途径。吴良镛提出所谓“抽象继承”是指从建筑传统中,将传统建筑的设计原则和基本理论的精华部分加以发展,运用到现实创作中来。并且把传统形象中最有特色的部分提取出来,经过抽象,集中提高,作为母题,予以新意,以启发当前设计创作形式美的创造。同时应当摸到中国传统文化的脉搏,挖掘出传统建筑艺术的时间和空间内涵,首先是要重视和恢复建筑艺术的文化价值和精神功能,不能只把建筑艺术作品当作工业产品和生活用品,更不应当只抓其眼前的物质功能。这样的继承,并非形式的抄袭或旧零件的排列组合,既有创作原理的继承与发展,又有形象的借鉴与创造。使设计既求神似,也不排斥某种程度、某一细节的形似,关键是根据地点、条件的需要。而“迁想妙得”,“迁想”是将自己的想象力深入到对象的形象中去,“妙得”是指把握对象的真正神情。② 中国传统文化博大精深,建筑文化也是同样。我们应不仅从形式的角度,而且从文化的深度来理解传统,譬如:属于第一层面的,传统建筑中古典美的屋顶、斗拱、柱廊的造型特征,诗文、书画与工艺结合的装修形式,以及各式门窗菱格、装饰纹样;第二层面的,庭院式布局的空间韵律、自然与建筑互补的环境设计,诗情画意、充满人文精神的造园艺术,形、数、画、方位的表象与隐喻的象征手法;第三层面的,“天人合一”的自然观和注重环境效应的“风水”思想,阴阳对立、互动、相应的哲学思维和“身、心、气”合一的养生观,等等。它们之中蕴含着丰富的内涵、深邃的哲理和智慧。③这些都阐明,传统对现代的价值还需要我们在新建筑的创作中去发掘,去感知。 因此,我们应当努力去寻找传统的现代价值,在保存和发扬其传统精华的同时,摒弃其落后的,不适应现代发展的东西,寻求传统建筑文化和现代发展的结合点,体现传统建筑文化尊天地、重人本、讲亲和的唯物辩证思想。弘扬传统建筑文化还可从传统建筑的设计原理、空间组合、构图手法、意念表达等方面有所启迪、有所继承和运用、有所发展创新,不断探索传统建筑思维与现代建筑思维、传统技术与现代技术、传统审美与现代审美意识的结合方式,把优秀的传统建筑文化结合到现代建筑文化之中。 注释 ①陈立旭都市文化与都市精神.东南大学出版社.2002 第142页 ②吴良镛,广义建筑学,清华大学出版社.1989,第65—66页 ③杨永生.建筑百家言,中国建筑工业出版社,1998. 第62页 仅供参考,请自借鉴希望对您有帮助

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关于“绿色建筑”和适宜技术“绿色建筑”也称为生态建筑、可持续建筑,最早是在1992年联合国环境与发展大会上明确地提出来的。用建设部仇保兴副部长的总结——“绿色建筑”就是指为人们提供健康、舒适、安全的居住、工作和活动的空间,同时在建筑全生命周期(物料生产、建筑规划、设计、施工、运营维护及拆除、回用过程)中实现高效率地利用资源(能源、土地、水资源、材料)、最低限度地影响环境的建筑物。可见,绿色建筑理念的提出,就是为了使得建筑在满足人类不断提高的健康、舒适、安全的需要基础上。对环境、资源影响最小,最终做到可持续发展.前提都是为了人类的永久利益。社会上有一些观点把绿色建筑看得很片面、绝对化,要不就是极端限制人的合理需求,以保护环境为唯一目的;而另一些观点就是把绿色建筑当成是仅仅是为人类的眼前利益、健康或舒适(像绿色建材、绿色蔬菜一样看待)而不怎么从整体上、长期上考虑对环境的影响。这两种观点可能都不利于“绿色建筑”的健康发展和推广。绿色建筑最终的目标是以“绿色建筑”为基础,进而扩展至“绿色社区”、 “绿色城市”层面。达到促进建筑永续发展的目标。这意味着建筑不仅被作为非生命元素来对待,更被视为自然生态循环系统的一个有机组成部分。 中国的国情 中国作为最大的发展中国家,二氧化碳排放居第二位,根据《京都议定书》的要求,中国要采取一系列减少温室气体排放的政策和措施,包括努力提高能源利用效率,改善能源结构,促进新能源和可再生能源的利用等。 就能源消费而言,在我国化石能源资源探明储量中,90%以上是煤炭,人均储量也仅为世界平均水平的二分之一;人均石油储量仅为世界平均水平的1 1%;天然气仅为4 5%;而目前我国单位建筑面积能耗水平是发达国家的2~3倍以上。就土地的情况而言,我国人均耕地只有世界人均耕地的1/3,水资源仅是世界人均占有量的1/4;实心黏土砖每年毁田12万亩;物耗水平与发达国家相比,钢材消耗高出10%~25%,每拌和1立方米混凝土要多消耗水泥80公斤;卫生洁具的耗水量高出30%以上,而污水回用率仅为发达国家的25%。严峻的事实表明,中国不仅要走可持续发展道路,发展节能与绿色建筑也刻不容缓。 我们应该认识到我国不仅经济上“穷”,在资源和环境上更“穷”,但要想做到可持续发展的目标就要摆脱狭隘的“唯经济穷论”,全面在“四节一环保”上提高标准,用强有力的税收、金融、土地政策鼓励有条件的地区或开发绿色建筑项目,走在地区、国内甚至国际的前列。同时,强制要求经济发达地区和大型城市的节约标准,提到一个和自身地区资源相符合的程度。 成本问题 从全国范围里来讲。绝大多数普通的民用建筑在节能等方面存在巨大的缺陷和不足,因此需要我们进行综合的设计来增加建筑这些方面的品质和性能,每一方面的改善基本上都需要增加一定的成本,比如成本增加10%以上,是必然的。 就住宅而言,一说到因为“节能要增加成本”,就有许多人说会增加购房人的负担,好像以后使用过程中的使用成本对老百姓无关紧要一样。因此,我们不仅要关注建造的经济成本,更要关注今后使用中的经济成本以及生态成本和社会成本。就生态成本来讲,今天对环境的污染今后需要花费更大的代价去治理;就社会成本来说,绿色建筑由于改善了室内的环境,使人的疾病发生率大幅度下降,因为人有80%的时间是在室内活动,这样疾病发生率将会大幅度下降.寿命将会延长,生存质量也大大提高,这就是另一方面的节约;同时,在建筑数十年的使用过程中.使用成本将高于建造成本数倍以上。,因此,我们应该把注意力放在生态成本、社会成本和全寿命周期的经济成本上,况且现在的房价即使没有技术含量和“四节”,性能的提高也在不断的增加,这种价格的增加加大了房地产泡沫的可能性,因此房地产价格的理性回归应该是建立在价值的增加基础上的。我认为可以鼓励各个地方的高档住宅或其他民用建筑通过适当的高投入,带来项目的内外环境质量、提升“绿色”性能,从而提高房子的品质,以品质来支撑高于其他普通房子的价格,让这些高价房成为“绿色建筑”的榜样,以此带动地方住宅技术及产业化的发展,最终让更多的普通房子更容易实现“绿色”梦想。 绿色建筑需要什么样的技术? 在探索绿色建筑的技术路线时.经常会听到一些专家主张应该采用“低技术”,有些认为应该采用“适宜技术”,还有些认为应该采用“适宜技术结合高技术”等等不同的观点,我个人认为这种争论没有意义。技术是用来解决我们所面临的具体问题的,应该根据具体项目的具体情况和实际需求来选择。更多技术选择的可能性一方面能够满足建筑师的创造需要,另一方面能够满足市场的需求。。在我们国家目前普遍技术非常落后的今天,如果不是大力去发展高新技术而一味强调低技术,只能是更落后,离我们自己的标准也会越来越远。 在技术选择上,我们应该从所需要的建筑性能和全寿命周期的观点去分析、判断、计算、选择。汪光焘部长说过,要充分认识资源环境问题已成为国民经济和社会发展的重大制约因素。,我们当前在经济增长方式方面主要还存在“高投入、高消耗、高排放、不协调、难循环、低效率”的问题。这些问题如果低技术能够解决还需要拖到今天吗?高低是相对的,适宜不适宜也是相对的,如果站在国际的水平上看,我们国内有些专家认为的“高技术”早已经是“低技术”和“适宜技术”了。所以根据我们的国情,恰恰需要去大力鼓励开发绿色高新技术甚至是自主知识产权的高新技术,同时去大力鼓励使用高新技术,工程实践能促使技术的发展,使之变成适宜技术。只有这样.到2020年我们的住宅和公共建筑的能源资源消耗水平才有可能接近或达到现阶段中等发达国家的水平,这是我们国家建筑发展的总目标。 总之,绿色建筑的发展建设需要正确看待卫生、安全、健康、舒适的问题和当地资源情况,目前各地的节能标准里面所假定的舒适度,前提是小康标准的,是最基本的,不能完全体现今后的发展方向。随着生活水平的提高,舒适度的标准也会提高,能源等资源的消耗也将会大幅提高。因此应该根据当地气候和生活习惯、经济水平分级,适应不同收入阶层和满足不同的需求,要有一定的前瞻性。同时,绿色建筑的设计需要将有关今后使用费用(如采暖制冷等)或能耗等定量化,要具体到单位使用者,这样有利于老百姓的选择权、知情权和监督。有了老百姓的参与,绿色建筑才会更加迅速和健康地发展。 On the "green building" and appropriate technology "Green building" also known as eco-architecture, sustainable construction, was first at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development clearly put With the Ministry of Construction Qiu Baoxing, vice minister of the summing up - "green building" refers to provide people with healthy, comfortable, safe living, work and activities in space, while the entire life cycle in the construction (of material production, construction planning, design, construction, operational maintenance and dismantling, reuse process) to achieve efficient use of resources (energy, land, water, materials), the minimum impact on the environment of This shows that green building concept proposed, is to allow construction to meet the ever-increasing human health, comfort, safety needs On the environment, resources, the least impact, and ultimately to achieve sustainable Premised on the permanent interests of That there are some points to green building can see that very one-sided, absolutized, or is the extreme limit of a reasonable person needs to protect the environment for the sole purpose; while others point of view is that as a green building is only for human eyes interests, health or comfort (such as green building materials, look like green vegetables) instead of how a whole, to consider the long-term impact on the These two views may not be conducive to "green building" the healthy development and The ultimate goal of green building is "green building" as the basis, and then extended to the "green communities" and "Green City" The promotion of sustainable development to achieve the goal of This means that the building not only as a non-life element to treat, but also be seen as the natural ecology of the circulatory system an integral China's national conditions As the largest developing country, ranked second in carbon dioxide emissions, according to the "Kyoto Protocol", China should adopt a series of reducing greenhouse gas emissions policies and measures, including efforts to improve the efficiency of energy use, improve energy structure, promote the development of new and renewable sources of energy use, such On energy consumption, in China's proven reserves of fossil energy resources, 90% of which is coal, the per capita reserves are only half the world average; oil reserves per capita world average is only 1 1 percent; natural gas only 4 5%; and the current construction area of China's unit energy consumption levels in developed countries more than 2 ~ 3 On the land's case, China's per capita arable land per capita cultivated land is only the world's 1 / 3, is the world's water resources per capita is only 1 / 4; solid Clay eradication 12 million mu each year; material level with the developed countries, steel consumption has risen by 10% to 25%, every one cubic meters of concrete mixing more cement consumption of 80 kilograms; sanitary water consumption by more than 30% higher, while the wastewater reuse rate was only 25 percent in developed The grim fact that China has not only take the road of sustainable development, development of energy-saving and green building is also We should be aware that our country not only economically "poor" in terms of resources and the environment more "poor", but in order to achieve the goal of sustainable development will be out of narrow "Only the poor economic theory", fully in the "4 A environmental protection "to improve standards, with strong revenue, finance, land policy to encourage the development of regional or conditional green building projects in the region, domestic and even international At the same time, mandatory for economically developed areas and large cities, saving standards, referring to a region and their own resources in line with the Cost From across the country in terms The vast majority of ordinary civil construction in such areas as energy saving was greatly flawed and inadequate, so we need an integrated design to increase the quality of construction in these areas and performance improvement in every aspect of almost all the need to increase some costs, such as increase the cost of more than 10%, are inevitableResidential is concerned, I said because "energy-saving to increase the cost", there are many people that will increase the burden on home buyers who, like later use in the process of using the cost of ordinary people as Therefore, we must not only concern the construction of the economic cost, but also concerned about the future use of the economic costs and ecological costs and social On the ecological cost is concerned, the pollution of the environment today, the future will take an even higher price to governance; on social costs, green building as a result of improved indoor environment in which the significant decline in the incidence of disease, because 80 % of the time in indoor activities, so that the incidence of disease will fall significantly. Life will be extended, which has greatly improved the quality of life, that is, on the other hand, savings; At the same time, in the construction for several decades the use of the Cost will be higher than the construction costs over several Therefore, we should focus our attention on the ecological costs, social costs and the whole life-cycle economic costs Besides, now that housing prices even in the absence of technical content and "4", performance improvement has been an increase in such The increase in prices has increased the possibility of the real estate bubble, real estate prices is therefore rational regression should be based on the value of the increase on the basis I think we can encourage each of the local high-end residential or other civil construction through appropriate high input, internal and external environment brought about by the project quality, and enhance the "green" performance, thereby enhancing the quality of the house, to support quality higher than that of other ordinary house prices to enable thesebecome a "green building" an example to stimulate local technology and industrialization of residential development, and ultimately allow more ordinary house easier to achieve "green" Green building what kind of technology? Green Building in exploring the technical Often heard some experts advocate should adopt a "low-tech", and some think we should adopt "appropriate technology", and some think we should adopt "appropriate technology combines high-tech" and so on different points of view, I personally think that this argument no Technology is used to solve our specific problems faced by, and should be based on the specific circumstances of specific projects and the actual demand to More on the one hand, the possibility of technical options to meet the needs of architects to create, on the other hand to meet the needs of the In our country is now generally very backward technology today, if not vigorously to develop high-tech and low-skilled blindly emphasizes, can only be even more backward, away from our own standards will become farther and Technology choice, we should be required for building performance and life-cycle perspective to analyze, judge, calculated Wang Guangtao, minister said, should fully understand the resources and the environment has become a national economic and social development of the major Our current mode of economic growth in the main there are still "high input, high consumption, high emission, lack of coordination, difficult cycle, low-efficiency" These problems can be solved if the low-skilled today also need to drag it? Is relative low, and suitable for inappropriate relative, if the level of standing on the international point of view, our domestic and some experts believe that the "high-tech" have been "low Technology "and" appropriate technology "has Therefore, in accordance with our national conditions, it needs to vigorously encourage the development of green and even their own intellectual property rights of high-tech high-tech, at the same time to strongly encourage the use of high technology, engineering practice to promote technological development, make the appropriate Only in this By 2020, our residential and public buildings of energy resource consumption level will it be possible to approach or reach the level of moderately developed countries at this stage, this is our country's overall goal of building In short, the development of green building-building needs a correct view of health, safety, health, comfort issues and local resources, the current energy efficiency standards around the inside of the supposed comfort, the premise that a well-off standard, is the most fundamental and can not be fully reflected the future direction of With the improvement of living standards, comfort of the standards will also increase the consumption of energy and other resources will also be greatly And should therefore be based on local climate and living habits, economic level of classification, to adapt to different income groups and to meet different needs, it must be forward-At the same time, green building design needs to be used for future costs (such as heating refrigeration, ) or the quantification of energy consumption to specific units of the user, so that is conducive to people's right to choose, the right to information and With the participation of ordinary people, green building will be more rapid and healthy

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