Abstract: along with the social life rhythm is accelerating, snack market has made rapid development, from the fast food industry development level, western fast food than Chinese fast food has obvious Western fast food can have obvious advantage, because western fast-food through years of development has a core But Chinese fast food, can occupy the market share, in an ideal food market in certain key lies in whether the advantage to develop a Chinese fast food enterprise competitive strategy of science develop their core But according to the current characteristics of fast food industry for days rather fast development of enterprises, analyzed its core competitiveness in the management system, standardization, the employee service level, and innovation ability, and the problems existing in the construction of brand and according to the existing problems, and puts forward the corresponding cultivation strategies to solve the weaknesses in the competition, thus make the heavens ning Chinese fast food enterprises to realize modernization management, have their own food enterprise competitiveness, the characteristics and establish their core Keywords: the core competitiveness of Chinese fast food cultivation strategies
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