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摘要:本试验研究AA肉鸡体重与肌纤维直径的相关关系,通过对AA肉鸡体重和肌纤维直径相关性的研究,分析在其生长过程中体重和肌纤维直径的变化规律。选择100只AA肉鸡,在笼养的环境下,自由饮水、采食。自1-7周龄每周屠宰8只,共屠宰7次。空腹状态下每周进行体重称量,并取一定量胸肌样本在显微镜下测量其纤维直径,记录相关数据,建立体重和胸肌纤维直径间的回归方程,并筛选最佳的回归方程。体重随周龄变化的最佳回归方程为:y = 438x2+674x+507,R2为9972;肌纤维直径随周龄变化的最佳回归方程为:y =-3979x2+055x+7457,R2为9886;肌纤维直径随体重变化的最佳回归方程为:y =647Ln(x)-323,R2为986。试验结果表明:胸肌纤维直径随体重的增加而不断增粗。因此,以体重的大小来估测肌纤维直径粗细效果较好。 关键词:AA肉鸡;体重;肌纤维直径;相关分析 修改后:Abstract: This pilot study AA broiler weight and muscle fiber diameter of the correlation between body weight through the AA broilers and muscle fiber diameter of the relevance of research, analysis, in its growth process in body weight and muscle fiber diameter changes in the Select 100 AA broilers, in the cage environment, free drinking water 1-7 since the eight-week-old weekly slaughter, slaughter a total of seven Fasting state weight weighing a week and take a certain amount of breast samples under the microscope measurements of its fiber diameter, recording relevant data, the establishment of weight and diameter of the chest muscle fibers regression equation, and the best selection of the regression With the changes in the weight-week-old best regression equation is: y = 438x2 +674 x +507, R2 to 9972; muscle fiber diameter with changes in the best-week-old regression equation is: y =- 3979x2 +055 x +7457, R2 to 9886; muscle fiber diameter with changes in body weight in the best regression equation is: y = 647Ln (x) -323, R2 to The results showed that: chest muscle fiber diameter with the increase in weight of constant Therefore, to weight to estimate the size of muscle fiber size in diameter Key words: AA broiler; weight; muscle fiber diameter; correlation analysis请楼主参考。
333 评论


325 评论


您这机译的还真不好修改,我给您较专业的翻译吧。摘要:本试验研究AA肉鸡体重与肌纤维直径的相关关系,通过对AA肉鸡体重和肌纤维直径相关性的研究,分析在其生长过程中体重和肌纤维直径的变化规律。选择100只AA肉鸡,在笼养的环境下,自由饮水、采食。自1-7周龄每周屠宰8只,共屠宰7次。Abstract:This experiment analyzes the variations of AA Broilers’ body weights and their muscle fiber diameters by studying the relationship between the two during the growing process of the B A hundred AA Broilers were selected and placed in captive environment with unrestricted drinking and During the growing period from first to the seventh week, 8 Broilers were slaughtered every week for 7 空腹状态下每周进行体重称量,并取一定量胸肌样本在显微镜下测量其纤维直径,记录相关数据,建立体重和胸肌纤维直径间的回归方程,并筛选最佳的回归方程。Every week the Broilers were weighed under empty stomach condition, and the fiber diameters of certain numbers of chest muscle samples were measured under a microscope; the relevant data were then recorded to set up regression equations between the body weights and the diameters of the chest fibers, and the regression equations were screened to select the best 体重随周龄变化的最佳回归方程为:y = 438x2+674x+507,R2为9972;肌纤维直径随周龄变化的最佳回归方程为:y =-3979x2+055x+7457,R2为9886;肌纤维直径随体重变化的最佳回归方程为:y =647Ln(x)-323,R2为986。试验结果表明:胸肌纤维直径随体重的增加而不断增粗。因此,以体重的大小来估测肌纤维直径粗细效果较好。 The best regression equation of week age variations in body weights is y = 438x2+674x+507,R2为9972; the best regression equation of week age variations in diameters of chest fibers is y =-3979x2+055x+7457,R2为9886 and the best regression equation of body weight variations in diameters of chest fibers is y =647Ln(x)-323,R2为 The results of the experiment indicate that the diameter of chest fiber grows thicker as the body weight Therefore, the effect shall be better by using the body weight to estimate the diameter thickness of chest 关键词:AA肉鸡;体重;肌纤维直径;相关分析Key words: AA Broilers; body weight; diameter of chest fiber; relevant analysis

184 评论


andychewbj - 副总裁 十一级 6-3 16:32I think the last paragraph should be optimal regression function of body weights vs/against age is y = 438x2+674x+507 with an R Square equal to This is the standard presentation in S

91 评论


Abstract: This experimental study AA meat chicken body weight and the muscle fiber diameter's correlational dependence, through to the AA meat chicken body weight and the muscle fiber diameter relevant research, analyzes in its growth process the body weight and the muscle fiber diameter change Chooses 100 AA meat chickens, under the raising in cages environment, the free potable water, picks the Slaughters 8 every week from 1-7 week age, altogether slaughters 7 Under the empty stomach condition each week carries on the body weight weighing, and takes the ration musculus pectoralis sample to survey its textile fiber diameter under the microscope, the record correlation data, establishes the body weight and the musculus pectoralis textile fiber diameter regression equation, and screens the best regression The body weight along with the week age change's best regression equation is: y = 438x2+674x+507, R2 is 9972; The muscle fiber diameter along with the week age change's best regression equation is: y =-3979x2+055x+7457, R2 is 9886; The muscle fiber diameter accompanying body heavy change's best regression equation is: y =647Ln(x)-323, R2 is The test result indicated: The musculus pectoralis textile fiber diameter accompanying body heavy increases increases thickly Therefore, by the body weight size estimated that the muscle fiber diameter thick thin effect is

156 评论


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