How fast can Science evaluate my manuscript?Science is committed to speedy evaluation of manuscripts, and our record in this respect in recent years compares favorably with those of major competing For most papers, reviewers are asked to return comments within two weeks; papers that call for particularly rapid assessment, owing to competition or other factors, can often be reviewed within 48 hours or Most papers are published within 14 weeks of initial submission, considerably faster than our Through our online publish-before-print program, Science Express, we publish certain papers within ten days to two weeks of acceptance, and in some cases within two weeks of Most papers are published within 14 weeks of initial submission大部分稿件在审核后的14周以内发表。Through our online publish-before-print program, Science Express, we publish certain papers within ten days to two weeks of acceptance, and in some cases within two weeks of 在网上的“科学快线”栏目中,我们会把一些稿件在审核后的10天到2周内发表,某些情况下会在收到稿件的2周内发表。摘自Science magazine的网站的FAQ。据上面看是最长14周吧。
1、想要拿到杂志,一般要经历以下过程:投稿、审稿、录用/被退稿、修改润色、终审、定稿、校对、排版、印刷、出刊、邮寄。正常周期是1-3个月左右。 下面再讲一下其他