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你把选择题自己改成判断题不就行了么?真是又笨又懒!!!"God made the world, but the Dutch made H” True to this saying, the people of the Netherlands are again “making” their About 1980 the Netherlands will complete a project begun in the 1920’s: transforming the Zyuder Zee, an inlet (小港) of the North Sea into dry land and a freshwater By stages, 550,000 acres of land will serve several purposes: industrial, recreational, military, and Fed by the river Yssel, the remaining water basin Lake Yssel, about 300,000 acres will irrigate the surrounding land and help in the fight against salination (盐化作用) Excess water will drain through sluices into the As the first stop a nineteen-mile-long barrier dam, rising twenty-five feet above sea level, closed the entrance to the Zuider Z Then the experimental polder of a hundred acres preceded the first and smallest of the main polders fifty thousand acres that became dry land in The fifth and largest polder 150,000 acres will be the last of the Zuider Zee Farmers for the new polder (开拓地) come from every The Eastern Flevoland polder, completed in 1957, became farmland for many from the province of Zealand which was badly hit by the disastrous floods of This article gives a present-day example of how__________ A salty soils are desalinated B the Netherlands has increased its land area C irrigation systems are built D dams are constructed The period taken for the Zuider Zee project is__________ A from 1900 up to 1960 B from the 1920 till about 1980 C from 1930 to 1957 D less than fifty years The Zuider Zee will be replaced by____________ A 550,000 acres of land B 300,000 acres of fresh water C both A and B D Neither A nor B The article gives a measurement for the__________ A height of the barrier dam B width of the barrier dam C width of the road along the dam D height above sea level of the area on the land side of dam Implied but not stated: A The first step in the project was a barrier B The polder recipe was first used in this C Half of the Netherlands is below sea D There is more than one method of fighting D B C D A During the Christmas shopping rush in London, the intriguing story was reported of a tramp(流浪汉) who, apparently through no fault of his own, found himself locked in a well-known chain store late on Christmas E No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get Presumably all the proper Security checks were made before the store was locked and they left to enjoy the three-day holiday untroubled by customers desperate to get last minute Christmas presents However that may be, our tramp found himself alone in the store and decided to make the best of There was food, drink, bedding and camping equipment, of which he made good There must also have been television sets and radios Though it was not reported if he took advantage of these facilities, when the shop re-opened, he was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside He seems to have been a man of good humor and philosophic temperament---as indeed vagrants(流浪汉) very commonly Everyone also was enjoying Christmas, so he saw no good reason why he should not do the He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken way by the Perhaps he had bad a better Christmas than He was sent to prison for Seven The judge awarded no compensation to the chain store for the food and drink our tramp had They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on Perhaps the judge had had a good Christmas The tramp was locked in the store____ A for his B due to a C by D through an error of The staff were 'dead beat' means they were _____ A half B C D What action did the tramp take? He_____ A looted the B made himself at C went to sleep for 2 D had a Christmas When the tramp was arrested, he _____ A laughed at the B looked forward to going to pr) C rook his bottles with D didn't make any Why didn't the judge award compensation to the chain store? A The tramp had stolen nothing of B The store had profited by the C The tramp deserved a happy C D The store was responsible for what C(apparently through no fault of his own)第一段中找答案 B(No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get ) B D(He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken way by the ) B(They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on )

159 评论


世界已经花费在准备战争超过一千一百二万点零零万美元一年,大约450美元每头每个男人,妇女和儿童在世界上。让我们考虑一下如何才能与这笔钱如果用在和平而不是战争。其中的一些,无论如何,在较富裕的国家,可用于减少税收。 [ 1 ] ,其余应该花的方式,将在同一时间,有利于人类和解决经济问题的转换军工扩大和平产业。至于这种扩张,让我们开始最基本的所有需求,即食物。目前,大多数人类患有营养不良,并在认为人口爆炸,这种情况很可能会恶化在未来几十年。一小部分是目前用于军备将纠正后的困境。 [ 2 ]不仅可以在美国剩余的粮食,这是多年的不必要破坏,是花费在救济饥荒,但是,通过灌溉,大型沙漠地区现在可以取得了肥沃的土壤,并通过改进运输,分配由区域超出区域的稀缺可以便利。房屋,即使是在最富裕的国家,往往是灾难性的不足。这可以弥补一小部分是用于导弹。教育无处不在,但特别是在新解放的非洲国家和亚洲国家,要求支出多次伟大因为它获得的。但它不仅是增加开支所需要的教育。 [ 3 ] LF炉的恐怖战争被拆除,科学可以用于改善人类的福利,而不是发明的日益昂贵方法的相互杀戮,和学校将不再认为它的一部分,他们的职责,以促进仇恨可能敌人的手段无知锻炼的谎言。的帮助下,通过现代技术,世界可能进入一个时期的幸福和繁荣远远超过任何已知的在过去的历史。所有这一切都是可能的。它仅需要一个不同的前景在国际事务中和不同的心理状态对这些国家目前已被视为敌人。这是可能的。我再说一遍,但是它不能做一次。为了扭转这一趋势的国际事务中的最强大国家的世界是没有根据的任务,将需要一个艰苦的过程的再教育。

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