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Gone from the Promised Land: Jonestown in American cultural history : John Hall, New Jersey, Transaction Books, 1987, xx + 381 $95 Religion, Volume 20, Issue 1, January 1990, Pages 89-92David Chidester Skinheads shaved for battle: A cultural history of American skinheads : By Jack B Moore Bowling Green State University Press (Bowling Green, Ohio 43403), 1993, 200 , hardcover—$95, softcover—$95 Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 24, Issue 4, 1996, Pages 369-371Betty Dobratz History of Asian American Psychology Original Research ArticleCultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Volume 15, Issue 4, October 2009, Pages 352-362Frederick TL Leong, Sumie Okazaki The return of cultural history? ‘Literary’ historiography from Nietzsche to Hayden White Original Research ArticleHistory of European Ideas, Volume 29, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 73-84Hans-Peter S�0�2der Asian and European American Cultural Values, Collective Self-Esteem, Acculturative Stress, Cognitive Flexibility, and General Self-Efficacy Among Asian American College Students Original Research ArticleJournal of Counseling Psychology, Volume 52, Issue 3, July 2005, Pages 412-419Bryan SK Kim, Michael M Omizo Managerial competency appraisal: A cross-cultural study of American and East Asian managers Original Research ArticleJournal of Business Research, Volume 61, Issue 3, March 2008, Pages 191-200Eric Chong Cultural history from corporate archives Original Research ArticlePublic Relations Review, Volume 16, Issue 3, Autumn 1990, Pages 105-114Roland Marchand Reflecting media: A cultural history of copyright and the mediaThe History of Information Security, 2007, Pages 83-119Robert Verhoogt, Chris Schriks
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Why American Culture is Unique American culture is unique because it is nurtured, formed and developed under certain conditions, which are characteristically(特性)A The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族) and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the What is more, these elements are still influencing the American Rough EnvironmentThe early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of A The environment there was very rough but they believed the poor land could purify their mind so they chose the place along the From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further The American frontier consisted of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found in the western part of the The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and Actually they looked for a better So individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage(遗产) of A Ethnic DiversityThe population of the United States includes a large variety of ethnic groups coming from many races, nationalities, and People refer to the United States as "melting pot "and the dominant people are B American is made up of WASP+MM, that is, White, Anglo Saxon, Protestants plus Middle Class and M In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to American three They brought their own culture to American and later on different cultures were mixed Thus the unique American culture is formed, a common cultural life with commonly shared Plural religionThe fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United S The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United S Christianity(基督教) is the dominant religion in American and Protestant (新教)is predominate(主导) Any individuals are equal before God and they believe they can communicate directly to God so they can share the same Under the protestant, many new ones are formed and different explanations produce different sect of Churches are independent and American religion is no longer religion The institution permits the practice of religion and the political power is separate form So there are more religions in American than in other Current influence:Nowadays,we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American American family is typically parents and their unmarried Middle-aged and elderly people generally do not live with their married Many Americans live in mobile homes whose homes are built with They can be The people in American have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new Quite a number of people change residences(住所) every The average American moves fourteen times in his The courage to try something new has been an American American democracy means majority rule, but it also means protection of minority There are certain freedom which the United States promises to all its citizens and members of minority group cannot be denied these rights by a vote of the Americans also like to be involved in many challenge activities and sports to show their adventurous All of these are affected by the heritage of the American From the facts above, we can see American culture is unique which was cultivated, formed and developed by the main three factors, rough environment, ethnic diversity and plural religion and still is affected and determined by them now

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道可道 非常道 名可名,非常名。无名天地之始;有名万物之母。  学者梁燕城访谈:太初有道、道(Logos)是信息的意思。神的话成为万有的根据,也成为万有的规律。当代的量子力学就非常奇妙地发现,万有事实上是根据很多信息的秩序组成。这主要是由戴维•玻姆(DavidBohm),著名的量子力学大师提出说:万有有一个看不见的秩序,叫“ImplicateOrder”,里面都是非常复杂的信息系统,造成我们看见的秩序,叫作“ExplicateOrder”。中文“道”这个字也有信息、语言的意思。老子那个时候非常奇妙地体会到,宇宙背后是有真理的信息存在。《庄子》里面提到:“夫道,有情有信”。从前后文里还可以看到,庄子心中的神是有位格的。这个传统一直到1911年,就是上帝是没有形像的。天坛里没有偶像,祈年殿里一个偶像都没有,里面只有一个牌子,叫“皇天上帝”。中国祖先本来就相信无形的上帝,老子、庄子事实上是继承这个传统而来。这正是《圣经》里的内容,上帝是个灵、而且恨恶世人崇拜偶像。  在牛津的博德莱安图书馆里有一份手稿,作者名叫马斯——乌迪。他在这份手稿中宣称所谓胡夫的金字塔是埃及王苏里特叫人建造的,而这个苏里特是在大洪水前统治埃及的。根据其它文献记载,这位目光深远的苏里特王命令他的僧侣们,写下他们的全部常识,藏在金字塔里,给洪水后的人们留下必要的知识。  《圣经》创世记前11章,关于人类早期共同史的记述,在中国古经中几乎都可以找到印证:  《周易》也神秘地说:七日来复,天行也;  《圣经》说:上帝造物的工已经完毕,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了。  《淮南子》上说:天下有四水,凡此四水者,帝之神泉,以和百药,以润万物;  《圣经》说:伊甸园里有四条河,流出珍珠玛瑙。  《山海经》上说:当初有不死树和圣树,圣树又叫睿木,“食之令人圣智也”;  《圣经》说:伊甸园中有生命树和智慧树。  《尚书》和《国语》上说:人犯了罪,上帝命令重黎堵绝天路,上下不相来往;  《圣经》说:人类始祖贪吃了智慧树上的果子,被上帝赶出伊甸园,并有基路伯和火焰之剑,阻断了人神通路。  《老子》说:天地之母,万物之根,众妙之源,从无中生有,乃天地之始;  《庄子》说:有情有信,无为无形,可传而不可受,可得而不可见;  《圣经》说:太初有道,道就是上帝,生命在他里头,这生命是人的光。  一位伟大的学者在美国神学院读书时,发现《老子》与《圣经》有奇妙相通之处。老子的道,是自有永有者,造化养育者,超越者,启示者,生命者,公义者,拯救者,这七点很像上帝的属性。无神论者把道归于自然神,其实老子的道不乏人格特征,有信实、有恩德、有慈爱、有赏罚、能赦罪、能教化。更神奇的是,惜字如金的老子竟然着重笔墨描述一位道的化身圣人:自有永有者,造化养育者,超越者,启示者,生命者,公义者,拯救者。说他承袭上天大道的光明和永恒,来普救世人。知其荣、守其辱、知其白、守其黑、成为世人认识大道的中介。圣人秉持大道本像,普天下的人都前往归向他,领受平安。他外表粗卑、内怀宝贝,能将众人从过犯中领回来。最后,老子竟然暗示这位圣人要受辱受难,却作主作王,直到永远,是谁?  查考世上所有的经典、教门的主子都对不上号,唯独道成肉身的耶稣基督非常酷似。这2500年前的古人是怎么知道《圣经》中“道成肉身的耶稣”的呢? 这的确是一个巨大的、神圣的、跨越时空的谜团。  老子说:道是万物之主、是善人的宝贝、罪人的中保。美好的言辞固然可以博取尊荣、美好的行为固然使人得到敬重,然而人的不善怎能被剔除干净呢? 所以,就是立为天子,身为太师、太傅、太保,财宝无数、荣华加身,还不如坐进这大道里呢。古时候为什么重视道呢? 不就是因为在道里面,寻求就能得着,有罪可得赦免吗? 所以道是天下最宝贵的啊!  老子的笔墨中展示给人间的不正是《圣经》中上帝的天国、耶稣的救赎吗?   《尚书》、《诗经》都记载着:中国人来自上帝。早在老子古经中便记载旧约《圣经》预言中的“耶稣”。而且两千多年来,举凡太平盛世,竟无一不是遵循了老子之学说。顺天道治国的皇帝,囊括了仅有的几百年辉煌时代。文景之治、光武中兴、贞观之治、开元之治等等。孔子倾注毕生心力宣扬敬天爱人的忠恕之道,当代多个皇帝均尊纯了老子“天道”的统治方式,那么老子的神学知识是那里来的呢?就目前世界不管任何一种教门的国家,他们的统治方式都在努力提高到上帝的道上来,这又是为什么?  清皇康熙说:中国人的“上帝”就是真神,天不是物质的天。康熙亲临宣武教堂,题写了“敬天”和“万有真原”两副扁额,又作诗称颂耶稣:“功求十架血成溪,百丈恩流分自西。”在《生命之宝》一文中,康熙明确表示:“天门久为初人闭,福路全是圣子通。我愿接受神圣子,儿子明分得永生。”  古人老子、孔子、孟子对“道”的认识,已如此入神境界,实令人难以置信。其代表着中国的古人,代表着中国的文化。他的“道”影响着整个中国尽至世界的每个人的行为和思想。  可悲的是现今一辈自己不进去,却连急俗得到真知走进真理的下辈也挡在门口。而至今只能在未接触过这批“贵人”的最低层中找到蛛丝马迹:  《广东新闻网》2011年10月21日10:12王华报道:10月13日晚,两岁女童小悦悦在佛山市某市场内被两辆车相继辗过,肇事车辆逃逸。18名路人陆续经过均对躺在地上奄奄一息的孩子视而不见。让人想不到的是,最后伸出援手的竟然是一位俗世里被视为生活在最底层的人,捡垃圾的阿婆。期间,阿婆想向附近店主要块纸皮为孩子遮挡有些凉意的秋雨,亦被拒绝。 历史以来,司机驾车交通肇事撞伤了人,伤者都是理直气壮责令司机赔偿,司机都是礼亏连连道歉。可是现今被车撞伤者爬起来就逃,问曰何故?答:我怕又是高校大三的大学生药家鑫!  老辈人们看到读书人都会夸耀说:“读书人讲句话都特别有道理,不像我们斗大的字不识一箩筐的文盲,开口就只知道讲女人、男人那一点东西”。可是现今算是文化的中国,耳朵听到的、眼睛看见的,千篇一律。都是男人、女人的那个“爱”。或者几个男的争一个老婆、或者几个女的争一个老公。一夫多妻、一妻多夫,杀人的、放火的也是自家园子,通行无阻。现今的文化已经傻到随眼见到的都是胡编乱造,谎话连篇累牍,而真话却无处寻觅的朝代。当然聂耳、洗星海已经死了这是事实,但活着、真正有一定艺术水准、记录写实的近代作品也被挤到角落里,成了葱蒜。  古人早已给后人作过警告,就汉字信息也明白罢着:一人二女则是“爽”字,不难发现一人两边颈上是4个“杀”字的头,按麻衣相法用语:即凶多没吉。你若认真地去看一下,也是斜着的罗马人死刑犯用的4个十字架;就国内而论,刚好是冲军犯人戴在头颈的一个枷(锁)。古人说:“万恶淫为首”,冲军路上小心“爽”死。  60岁的粗人都知道,古人对这个字的造词指向是十分狭隘的,往往都只两个人、夜里床上才好轻声说的话,可怜的今天打开电视就能听到,“爽XX”、“XX爽”还作为光彩照人的时尚广告。什么话还讲不清楚、刚学说话的婴孩却先会“爽XX”!你若反对恐怕就得挨罚款,因为是国家批准当产品商标的。  公安不辞辛苦天天在扫黄,而名牌的幼儿用、小儿科教片打开就听见“谈恋爱啦!” 2010年4月8日《杭州日报》B11版告诉人们:开发商的卖房广告:“卵巢寻找精子”、“如果你不能给她一个名分,那就送她一套房子”、手提红裙露出大腿的靓女画旁“要提,还要往上提”等雷人广告已经出现。60岁的人答不出的有关男女问题,现今6岁的孩童都能回答。不论看的、听的若不加上男的女的哪些事休想出版、上架。历史以来关于男、女哪些事,没有一个朝代能写得如此透彻、细腻,比现今更精粹了。  若借着有把“靠椅”就是为了“机不可失”、调节一下精神,倒是情有可原,否则,哪中国的爱国人士该放声大哭了,它所折射的已不只是一付简单的中国画像。  2009年8月6日《杭州日报》B7版文章:八岁儿子给他们女班长写情书;  2007年3月9日《钱江晚报》A12版文章:11岁女孩遇害,谜底令人震惊,凶手今年12岁。文章说:11岁的小女孩就因为不接受12岁小男孩歪歪斜斜的“我爱你”三个字送了命。  更可悲的是,党中央再三强调“社会和谐、人民稳定”的今天,“弱肉强食”斗争“进化论” 新、老剧本通行无阻,而历史悠久极力推行的孔子、孟子、老子优良传统的“天道”实体;世界上最古老的人类道德源头、中国文化背景;劝人为善、不要犯罪、否认地上“有神论”的《圣经》有关文章出版界成了一条不可碰的红线、上不了架。人啊! 一个失去了心灵的口头道德世界,用子弹是无法收服的。我国祖先文明建设靠的就是: 一直传到今天从未分离的“道德”二字,若没有了“道”还有什么“德”呢?

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