这些都是名字的缩写,学位的缩写只有PhD,MD,BD啊,英文文献好像是不标学位的给你几个示范一下,都是根据国标写的。 作者 文章名 刊物类型 刊物 年度,期卷号:页码范围 [ ] Nikolaev Yu A, Gas Detonation and its Application in Engineering and Technologies[J] Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 2003, 39(4): 382-410 [ ] LCYang, P H D Key Parameters for Controlling of Function Reliability in “None1 Tube” Explosive Transfer System[C], 1999: AIAA99-31211 [ ] Peng Jinhua, Tang M One of the Applications of Dust Explosions – Nonel System[J] Archivum Combustionis, 1989(9): 223-229 [ ] Liu Dabin, Jiang Rongguang, Yang D The Pressure Characteristics of Nonel Tube in Its Detonation Growth Process[J/OL]: 93-96
如果你不知道如何写,但是又急着交。一个非常简便的方法,就是去知网上面找你要写的那方面的硕士论文,上面有完整的文献综述(那最好,你稍稍改动即可),如果是开题报告形式,你就可以找好它上面的内容(其实跟文献综述写的内容差不多,只是格式和形式不太一样)。你按照以下的提纲自己复制粘贴内容即可(我们这学期写了一篇文献综述),也有可能每个学校的要求提纲不太一样,不过都是差不多的不用太担心,主要是内容要找准: 论文题目:一般不超过25个字,要简练准确,副标题统一为“文献综述及研究思路”可分两行书写; 摘要:中文摘要字数应在300字左右,英文摘要与中文摘要内容要相对应; 关键词:关键词以3—5个为宜,应该尽量从《汉语主题词表》中选用,分号隔开; 正文:正文要符合一般学术论文的写作规范,内容层次分明,数据可靠,文字简练,观点正确,能运用现代经济学、管理学的分析方法,并能学会利用计量经济学、统计学等相关工具对所涉及的问题进行分析,文章主体字数为4000字以上。正文基本结构如下: 一、选题背景及选题意义 二、有关国内外研究成果综述 (一)国外研究成果 (二)国内研究成果 (三)对研究成果的评述(这个地方就不要把引用的写出来了,我被我们老师就批了) 三、基本研究思路(最好有图,把你参考的文章所有的提纲画一个简易图即可,不单是自己的文献综述,是你参考的整篇论文的内容) 四、研究方法及创新处 参考文献:参考文献应按文中引用出现的顺序列出,只列出作者直接阅读过、在正文中被引用过的文献资料,一律列在正文的末尾,特别在引用别人的科研成果时,应在引用处加以说明。每篇论文的参考文献一般不应少于五条。 希望对你有用~~
British novels in the 19th century, especially in the 40-50 years a great development, which is the UK during the intensification of class Lenin referred to as "the world's first truly 、 broad masses of the proletariat 、 political movement that is shipped Charter \ dynamic" has brought the Charter L At the same time accelerate the development of science and technology in Darwin's landmark theory of evolution to the traditional beliefs to fierce The religious house, there on the "Oxford Movement," the In political circles and public opinion around the Corn Laws and the "British status" issues of the debate about longer Debate tempered the In this troubled times, the results of numerous literary essays, Carlisle's "French Revolution" (1837) and "past and present" (1843) 、 Macaulay's "History of the United Kingdom" (1849 ~ 1861) 、 Ruskin's "Venice Stones "(1851 ~ 1853) 、 Muller's" On Liberty "(1859) is Readers are also rapidly-expanding number of new publications come out, began a series of lengthy case-by-phase approach Such an environment and atmosphere so that the author's more concerned on the major Dickens was first used humor amusing strokes wrote "The Pickwick Papers" (1837), so that people with his optimism, and two years, however, he "Austrian out the Buddha
字体为小五号或六号字体。下面是几中常用参考格式:你可以参考一下。专著: [序号]作者书名[M]版本(第1版不著录)出版地:出版者,出版年起止页码 期刊: [
外国语学院英语论文格式规范(附样例) A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms(题目:二号
回答 文献综述简称综述,是对某一领域,某一专业或某一方面的课题、问题或研究专题搜集大量相关资料,然后通过阅读、分析、提炼、整理当前课题、问题或研究专题的最新进