中文名称:美国新闻与世界报道英文名称:US News & World Report[内容提要] "US News & World Report" is US one of three flash news weekly, has a more tremendous influence in theAmerican US News & World the Report Chinese name "美国新闻与世界报道", is US one of three flash news weekly(the first two flash news weekly is "Time" the weekly and Newsweek),in 1947 by "the American News" and "World Reported" merges becomes, atpresent 发行量 each issue of 8 million (1), have surpassed US'Stwo big newspapers in the release quantity "the New York Times" and"the Washington Post", former daily 发行量 is 19 million, latterdaily 发行量 is 850, "The American News And World Reported" themain report scope involves the American home and in world scopepolitics, the economy, the military and the culture, is a politicaleconomical comprehensive "American News And World Report" thereader surface quite is broad, this magazine is engaged in theinternational political economy and in particular the technicalculture work knowledge level public figure in the American societyhigher level has a more tremendous influence, is affecting theAmerican domestic part of person to the world politics economicalsituation and other country image view and the Said frompopularization surface and in the popular degree that, this magazineinfluence is inferior to "Time" the weekly and Newsweek, but said fromthe analysis question depth and influence dynamics, this magazinecertainly does not compare in American domestic populace prestige"Time" the weekly and Newsweek the
《COSMOPOLITAN》杂志: 是世界上销售规模最大的年轻女性杂志,因向年轻白领女性介绍流行时尚、探讨当代两性关系而闻名遐迩。自从1886年创刊 以来,《COSMOPOLITAN》杂志一直报道现代社会潮流。上个世纪60年代,在海伦·布朗编辑方针的领导下,《COSMOPOLITAN》向妇女发 出了在当时激进的口号:“勇敢地生活,在你生命的每个领域中你都能做到最好!”现在,《COSMOPOLITAN》已经不仅仅是一本杂志,它同时也是读者 的一种生活方式。主要读者是全球无数的勇敢、娱乐的想在他们生活的各个领域中成为佼佼者的年轻女性。 ELLE: 是一本世界性的时尚杂志,专注于女性服装、美容、健康和娱乐等各个方面。ELLE也是世界上最大的时装杂志。它在1945年由Pierre Lazareff和他的妻子Hélène Gordon创立。ELLE杂志至今在6大洲已发展为36个版本。目前由法国Lagardère集团拥有。杂志的中国大陆版名称为《世界时装之苑》。
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英语里面magazine 是那种彩色页,钉成一本的periodical 是报纸那种纸,做成的一本,一般都有连载