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Collins, D W, Kothari, S P, 1989, “An Analysis of Intertemporal and Cross-SectionalDeterminants of Earnings ResponseCoefficients”, journal of Accounting & Economics, 143-1812Holthausen RW, Leftwich RW, 1983, “The Economic Consequences of Accounting Choice:Implications of Costly Contracting andMonitoring”, journal of Accounting & Economics, August,pp77-117
121 评论


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Bibliography China's State Council General Office,(2008) Norms of the State Council General Office on the clean-up activities related to various types of vocational qualification notice, Huang,YQ,(2009) Chapter Four,PPT International Accounting Standards Board,(2003) International Accounting Standards, China Financial and Economic Publishing House MBA,(2009) Materiality Principle, _Principle Peng,F,(2008) Affect the quality of accounting information of the human factors and regulatory response,IFMA Robert,David,Kenneth,NFA,(2007) Accounting:Text and Cases, China Machine Press Wang,YH,(2006) Quality evaluation of financial accounting information to explore a number of issues, Zeng,FY,(2002)On the Behaviour Pattern of the Users of Financial Information, Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences) ·China's State Council General Office,(2008) Norms of the State Council General Office on the clean-up activities related to various types of vocational qualification notice, ·Huang,YQ,(2009) Chapter Four,PPT ·International Accounting Standards Board,(2003) International Accounting Standards, China Financial and Economic Publishing House ·MBA,(2009) Materiality Principle, _Principle ·Peng,F,(2008) Affect the quality of accounting information of the human factors and regulatory response,IFMA ·Robert,David,Kenneth,NFA,(2007) Accounting:Text and Cases, China Machine Press ·Wang,YH,(2006) Quality evaluation of financial accounting information to explore a number of issues, ·Zeng,FY,(2002)On the Behaviour Pattern of the Users of Financial Information, Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)

179 评论


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    Collins, D W, Kothari, S P, 1989, “An Analysis of Intertemporal and Cross-Sectio

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