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因为不认识你,只能按想象的往好里写你。你可能比我写的还优秀。自己改改吧。祝你成功!To whom it may concern,I strongly support Miss Yu Cheng to apply for place in your school to carry out her PhD Yu has been a master student under my supervision since 2009 and undertaken her study on ABC since She is one of most talented students in our Her academic report based on the examination results of all her subjects has been excellent, which has ranked top 5% among all postgraduate students of her She has a very quick mind and a great learning She has a remarkable ability to carry out her project She always works hard and her work is always During her three years study she has published 2 journal papers, one in Chinese and one in E She also presented her work at the 30st International conference on ABC in Berlin (2011) Based on what she has achieved with us and her ability, I am confident to recommend her to carry on her study under your I hope her application will be successful and a place can be offered to For any inquiries about Yu's academic backgroud, please don't be hesitated to contact Professor Tang JunJ
252 评论


242 评论


申请复旦大学推荐免试硕士研究生导 师 推 荐 信以下由申请人填写申请人姓名: 所在学校: 申请院系和专业: 以下由推荐人填写 推荐人姓名(正楷): 所在单位: 职称: 您和申请人关系:□任课教师 □辅导员 □毕业论文指导教师 其他(请说明) 您对申请人 □很熟悉 □比较熟悉 □有所了解 □偶尔接触 极为突出 优良 处于平均水平 低于平均水平 较差 难以评价 对申请领域一般知识的感悟力 创造力和想像力 对科学研究的激情、从事研究工作的努力程度 独立工作能力 合作精神 表达能力 您作出上述评价的比较群体: 您作出上述评价的依据是什么?您对申请人有否其他评价?推荐人签名: 日期: 联系地址: 邮编: 电话: 电子邮箱: 注:此信填写好后须封入信封,并请导师在封口处签名。

220 评论


申请读研究生的奖学金 可以在杂志上发表论文就可以申请!找个老师发表一篇论文 指导老师写上他的名字 ok

333 评论


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    因为不认识你,只能按想象的往好里写你。你可能比我写的还优秀。自己改改吧。祝你成功!To whom it may concern,I strongly suppo

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