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汽车诞生之前,马车就是人类最好的陆上交通工具。1770年法国人尼古拉斯古诺(1725-1804)将蒸汽机装在板车上,制造出第一辆蒸汽板车,这是世界上第一辆利用机器为动力的车辆。 1885年,德国工程师卡尔·本茨(1844-1929)在曼海姆制造成一辆装有85马力汽油机的三轮车。德国另一为工程师戈特利布·戴姆勒(1834-1900)也同时造出了一辆用1马力汽油发动机作动力的四轮汽车,这便是现代意义上的汽车。 世界十大名牌汽车: 法拉利 福特汽车 特(Ford)、林肯(Lincoln)、水星(Mercury)、马自达(Mazda)、沃尔沃(Volvo)、阿斯 顿·马丁(Aston Martin)、路虎(Land Rover)和捷豹(Jaguar)。 大众汽车 宝马汽车 莲花汽车 宾利 7 你可以试下
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汽车(Automobile;Car)汽车是一种能自行驱动,主要供运输用的无轨车辆。原称‘自动车’,因多装用汽油机,故简称汽车”。汽车有四个或四个以上的车轮,不依靠轨道和架线,能在陆地上自行驱动行驶的车辆。具有高速、机动、使用方便等优点。主要供人乘用或载运货物,经改装,也可用于起重、消防、救护等特种用途虽然,长久以来学术各界对:“谁是第一位汽车发明者”,皆有不同的看法及论述。但是,绝大部份学者皆将德国工程师卡尔·奔驰(KralBenz)视为第一位发明者。 现代汉语词典》解释为“汽车是用内燃机做动力,主要在公路或马路上行驶的交通工具,通常有四个或四个以上的橡胶轮胎。用来运载人或货物。”但这样给汽车下定义有失严谨。一则摩托车也是自行驱动、无轨、用汽油机;二则拖拉机也使用内燃机、无轨、有四个或四个以上的车轮;三则过去的蒸汽机车是采用外燃机;四则现在的汽车还可以用天然气、煤气、甲醇等为燃料,何况还有太阳能车、电力车等。因此,目前对汽车的解释存在一定的局限性。 新的定义:汽车是有自主动力源,主要在公路或马路上行驶的交通工具,通常有四个或四个以上的橡胶轮胎。用来运载人或货物Motor Vehicles (Automobile; Car) vehicle is a self-driven, primarily for non-rail transportation Formerly known as' automatic vehicle ', because more equipment gasoline engine, the car "Car with four or more wheels, and do not rely on the track and overhead line, in the land will drive their own A high-speed, mobility, ease of use, primarily for use by people or the transport of goods, modified, can also be used for lifting, fire, ambulance and other special use Although the academic community for a long time: "Who is the inventor of a vehicle," both different views and discussed, but the majority of scholars are engineer Karl Benz of Germany (KralBenz) as the first Modern Chinese Dictionary "as" Motor vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines, mainly in the road or driving on the road transport, usually have four or more of the rubber Used to transport persons or "But that the car being strict Motorcycle is a self-driven, trolley, gasoline engine; two tractor also use the internal combustion engine, trolley, four or more wheels; past three steam locomotives using outboard engines; four cars also now can use natural gas, gas, and methanol as the fuel, not to mention there are solar car, electricity and Therefore, the current interpretation of the car there are some The new definition: Automotive is to have independent power sources, mainly in the road or driving on the road transport, usually have four or more of the rubber Used to transport persons or goods

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