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Liu flies in circles the name: Liu Xiang Sex: Male Project: Track and field 110 meters fences Goes study the university: East China normal university Birthday: 1983.7.13 Native place: Shanghai Year in which one was born as represented by an animal: Pig Height: 1.89 meters Body weight: 74 kilograms Constellation: Cancer Birth place: Shanghai Puto area Birth body weight: 9 catties Birthmark position: Left forehead place Term of endearment: Flies in circles Nickname: Eldest child Ottmann Family member: Daddy - Liu Xuegen, mother - the lucky powderis colored Grandfather's appraisal: You can take the gold medal, at theOlympic Games make every effort to succeed for the family in, makeevery effort to succeed for the country, your paternal grandmotherunderground has the knowledge, certainly can be happy for you Daddy's appraisal: (A speech) is a filial child Mother's appraisal: My son that leads since childhood The initiation trained Gu Baogang the appraisal: The bodilycondition is good, the spring outstanding, suitablly practices thehigh jump, the long jump, perhaps future will be the nationalchampion Skilled worker grandson Hai ping appraisal: Courageous, therhythm feeling is extremely good, is good seedling which practicesjumps a hurdle. Schoolmate's appraisal: Liu Xiang is extremely deep to this classcollective sentiment, on alumnus road all materials and contact methodall careful filling up Room friend appraisal: Liu flies in circles usuallycontinuously very is good to his parents, some times also can educateme to want the opposite party person filial politeness The childhood most likes the game which plays: Hits the bulb,blows the cigarette sign, hits the computer game The childhood most likes toy: Distorts Jin'gang The childhood most likes the cartoon book which looked: "SevenCapsicum anomalums" The childhood most likes the animated cartoon which looked:"Distorts Jin'gang" xiu matter: In childhood and the companion played in shows off ability, plants the lime basin Proudest matter: Athens Olympic Games 12 seconds 91 records Biggest merit: Loves cleanly, speaks the health Biggest shortcoming: Falling in love with study, to does notgo to school has one kind of inexplicable resistance Most painful memory: Two children's sparetime sports schoolsthat section of time Sports project most excels which besides the track and field:Ping pong, pool Most likes athlete: Jordan reason: In field demeanour Pakistan蒂斯 chart tower reason: Keeps off spirit which I dies Most likes entertainment way: Sings to KTV Most likes actor: Zhou Runfa likes the reason: Professional Most likes actress: Lin Qingxia likes the reason: Makings Most likes singer: Male: Tao .chu (17) revolts в chooses (17) Ou □ng Female: Zhang Aijia Selects a friend for marrage the standard: Good Whether has by the opposite sex pursue experience: When twofew bodies has received the track and field team girl's pursue, butalso receives many love letters When opposite sex pursue which does not like meeting: Somewhatin reverential awe, locks the love letter the drawer, cannot divertattention for this After wins the championship the most prominent feeling: Likeis has a dream same, works as the Olympic Games champion too to belaborious.

226 评论


If I'm reading you correctly ,your problem is like a circle. You keep yourself off the outside world-you don't make any friends-you feel shy-you stay away from other people-you feel annoyed. So if you really wish to make a change, first of all, you have to get a start. Start opening your mouth to people(you may begin with your classmates) and tell them what you like. Join in when you see other people talking and be brave enough to give your opinion. Don't be afraid of being refused. You see, when people know you're interested in their talk, they sure will welcome you. Feel free to make one close friend or two with whom you can share both happiness and trouble. Friendship is the cure to your depression. Try cheer up and start right now! Ralph

130 评论



309 评论


My friend I have a good friend. Her name is Susan.She comes from America. Now we are in the same class within No.8 Middle school. We often go to school and go home toghter,just like sisters.She likes English very much and actually she is good at it. So, If I have a question of English, I will turn to her for help. She is very helpful. She also does well in singing and dancing. Everytime there is a party,she will give us a wonderful show. This is my good friend, kind,excent and helpful.

358 评论


一、选择自己熟悉的感兴趣的题材写作科技小论文,要自己选题,选出自己感兴趣的、能独立完成的好题材,选择的题材要具有新颖性。选择新颖的好题材意味着科技小论文的写作成功了一半。明确要求,规范格式。严格地说,科技小论文不是“写”出来的,而是科技实践活动的结晶。许多科技小论文在各级评比中落选的原因,是内容和格式不符合要求,或者是数据材料不足。因此,写作科技小论文之前,必须了解科学研究的一般方法和步骤、科技小论文的选题要求、实验数据记录的方法和要求、写作的格式等等。这样才能有计划、有目的、有步骤地开展科学实践活动。此外,一篇好的科技小论文,应该有一定数量的图表和照片等直观说明材料,才能更好的体现真实性,增强说服力。二、科技小论文写作的规范格式科技小论文是科学研究的总结,而不是文学作品。它包括以下内容:1、论文题目:题目要与研究的内容相一致,不能文不对题。题目要求简洁、新颖、吸引读者。研究的题目不能太大,不然无从下手;2、引言:是论文的开场白,简单说明进行该研究的目的或作者是怎样想到要开展这方面研究工作的起因;3、材料和研究方法。要写清考察和观察的对象、实验的材料及材料来源;采用什么研究方法以及具体研究步骤;使用了哪些仪器等,这都要如实交代清楚,以便经得起他人的重复试验;4、结果:是论文的论据部分。除了用文字,还可用表格中的数据,图片,照片,这样具有说服力。数据的真实可靠是实验研究的关键所在。5、讨论:这是论文的论证和论点部分。通过实验得出了什么科学结论,并要在理论的基础上加以说明。论点必须是以科学的研究方法和研究结果为依据,要恰如其分,实事求是。如果脱离实际,故意扩大研究成果,就失去论文的科学性,结果将是一事无成。6、参考文献凡是引用他人的报告、论文等文献中的观点,数据、材料、成果等,都应按本论文中引用先后顺序排列,文中标明参考文献的顺序号或引文作者姓名。每篇参考文献按篇名、作者、文献出处排列。7、附件将不便列入正文的有关资料或图纸、编入其中,它包括有实验部分的详细数据,图谱、图表等。附录里所列材料,可按论文表述顺序编排。三、科技小论文的类型野外考察型、实验操作型、规划设计型、环境观察型、参观访问型、调查研讨型、栽培饲养型四、科技小论文的要求有新意、过程科学规范、材料详实可靠、论述规范合理、结构明晰流畅五、注意事项1、 要亲自动手做2、 在论文中能看出你动手操作和思维的过程3、 要从身边的小事入手,要切合实际,具备可操作性。4、 打开思维,要有创新意识,不要被已有的知识拘束,要学会猜想,并且通过实验去求证。5、 小论文的形式是多种多样的,而且短小精干,不是说写的字数越多就越好,关键要写清楚自己的观点、想法和做法。(希望对你能有帮助!!!)

130 评论


结合中学生实际谈消费心理面面观新泰市新汶中学 韩加勇 2009年7月14日 07:55 浏览:309 专家浏览:0 | 评论:38 专家评论:0 消费是经济活动四环节中很重要的一环,是生产的目的和动力。对中学生的消费观教育要结合他们的实际,才能引起思考,激发共鸣,达到教育的目的。 中学生是一个特殊的群体,身体在成长发育,心理也在发展,但不稳定,不成熟,在消费方面,表现的也很独特,对以后的消费观产生至关重要的影响,因此特别需要加强教育与指导。 中学生的消费心理主要有:求实心理,从众心理,求异心理,攀比心理,但在中学生中主要有哪些问题哪? 1、储蓄观念薄弱,财商需要培养和加强。 所谓财商是指一个人在财务方面的智力,即对钱财的理性认识与运用。很多同学对此表示陌生,中学生财商意识普遍薄弱,大部分同学承认自己消费超出计划范围,甚至还需借钱度日。不少同学几乎不曾有过储蓄的想法,往往是有多少用多少,“吃光用光身体健康”!可是透支的代价是不是该思考些什么呢? 2、消费差距拉大,出现两极分化。 一个月有的学生消费在200元以下,有的能花200—400元,少数能消费到400—1000元,可见中学生消费差距很大,两极分化也比较分明。 3、消费结构存在不合理因素,女生更为突出。 爱美之心人皆有之。有些女生名牌衣服、化装品、手饰等消费占据生活费的大部分。为了节约支出不顾营养需要选择廉价的饭菜,甚至不吃。俗话说“身体是革命的本钱”,没有健康,谈什么大理想、大目标呢? 4、过分追求时尚和名牌,存在攀比心理。 今天的中学校园已告别了昔日的寒窗时代,不惜花钱去追求潮流时尚已蔚然成风。手机、MP3、MP4,同学们你们拥有了吗?你李宁,我耐克,他阿迪,铺张浪费,盲目攀比!可又有谁看得到家长背后的心痛!有个学生家长曾和我交流,说孩子隔三差五就买鞋子,而且必须买名牌,家长很无奈。 中学生,未来之希望,担负着历史重任,他们的健康成长关系到国家的兴衰成败。树立正确的消费观,迫在眉睫。适度消费,理性消费,科学消费,绿色消费。消费,永恒的话题!让中学生引领出新的消费时尚吧! 这个符合你的需要吗?(谢谢采纳)

262 评论


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