近二十年来,我国的经济快速发展,带动了服务行业的进步,快餐行业也蓬勃发展起来。但就发展水平来看,我国的快餐行业还处于较低的层次。在中式快餐与西式快餐企业之间存在着很大的差距,这种差距主要体现在服务与营销的方面。虽然目前关于市场营销的理论有很多,但服务营销在我国还是一个新的理论,特别是快餐业的服务营销更是一个崭新的课题。通过研究快餐业的服务营销,可以有效地帮助快餐企业提高服务质量并获取竞争优势。 麦当劳是世界上最大的快餐连锁企业,它在发展过程中有许多宝贵的经验和教训值得我们借鉴。尤其是在服务营销方面,麦当劳的产品品质策略、特许经营策略、以及灵活有效的促销策略等等都给中式快餐企业以很好的启示。 本文正是以服务营销和跨国营销为主要的理论依据,以麦当劳为主要的案例,通过对它的服务营销战略的具体分析,不仅可以从中探究麦当劳成功的原因,还可以进一步找到发展中式快餐的出路。 本文通过理论与实践相结合,运用大量的案例,对麦当劳等西式快餐企业以及中式快餐企业在服务营销方面存在的主要问题及解决途径进行了深入的分析,还对中式快餐企业进行跨国、跨地区经营做了初步的探讨。最后得出了要从产品、人员、服务设计与质量管理及服务的有形展示等方面入手来发展中式快餐的结论。In the nearly twenty years, with the rapid development of china"s economy, the service -industry has made the progress, this progress contributes to the fast- food industry of China. But as far as the level of the development, there is a gap between the Chinese fast- food industry and the western one, which lies in the marketing service. There are many theories about marketing, but the marketing service is new in China, specially the marketing service in fast-food industry. It can help enterprises get the competitive advantage.McDonald"s is one of the world"s most well-known and valuable brands. It can enlighten us in the fields of product strategy, franchise strategy, and promotion strategy and so on.This research is based on the marketing service theory. McDonald"s is the main case. From this, we can find not only the reasons of McDonald"s success, but also the way of developing the Chinese fast-food restaurants.This research combines theory with practice, and adopts many cases. Meanwhile, it analyzes the marketing strategy of McDonald"s, and the main problems and solutions of Chinese fast-food industry. Besides, it makes an elementary discussion about the transnational marketing. At last, we can draw the conclusion that we should start with the product, people, service design and quality management and physical evidence to develop Chinese fast food industry.
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肯德基能在中国快速发展和其网络化、标准化的连锁经营是密不可分的,肯德基在连锁经营模式上,实施 直营连锁 与 特许连锁 两条腿齐头并进的提速战略。下面是我为大家整