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由于英汉两民族长期生活在不同的文化背景中, 自然而然地对同一动物词产生不同的联想, 赋予动物词以更丰富的文化内涵。下面从传统文化差异、审美价值取向两方面分析英汉同一动物词的文化内涵差异。2.1 传统文化差异使一些动物带有鲜明的民族文化特征龙(dragon) 是中西方文化神话传说中的动物。中文里吉祥尊贵的“龙”与英文中邪恶凶残的dragon 形成了鲜明的对比。在中国文化中, 龙象征着吉祥、权威、高贵和繁荣。中华民族是“龙的传人”。在封建社会, 龙是帝王的象征, 历代皇帝都把自己称为“真龙天子”。时至今日, 龙在中国人民心中仍是至高无上的, 我们把自己的国家称作“东方巨龙”, 龙可以看作是中华民族的图腾。汉语中有大量的关于龙的成语, 诸如龙腾虎跃, 龙飞凤舞, 龙凤呈祥, 生龙活虎都展现了龙在汉文化中的文化内涵。然而在西方文化中, 人们却认为dragon 是邪恶的代表, 是一种狰狞的怪兽, 是恶魔的化身。“圣经”中撒旦被称为dragon。英语中还称凶暴的女人为dragon, 如She is a real dragon, you’d better keep aw ay from her.(她是凶狠的母夜叉, 最好离她远点)。中英文化的差异使同一动物词有不同的内涵, 给人带来的联想截然不同。人们若想用英语表达汉语中的“龙”这一概念, 最好将其译成the Chinese dragon。如“亚洲四小龙”可译成“Four tigers”, 而不是“Four dragon s”, 以免引起误解。类似的动物还有凤凰(phoenix)。在中国传统文化中凤凰是一种神异的动物, 是百鸟之王, 人们用凤凰比喻皇后。所以在汉语中凤凰象征“吉祥”。然而英语中phoenix 寓意“纯洁”, 还有“再生、复活”的涵义。如Religion, like a phoenix, has been resurrected from the ashes of the war (宗教就像凤凰一样,在战争的灰烬中又复活了)。2.2. 审美价值取向和社会心理的差异审美价值取向和社会心理的差异的不同造成同一动物词在中英两种文化中产生不同的褒贬义, 这与英汉两个民族对动物的好恶有关。对该动物喜欢、欣赏, 那相对应的动物词就会向褒义方向发展。反之, 就会向贬义方向发展。(1) 同一动物词在汉英两种语言中褒贬意义截然不同。同一动物词在英语中表示褒义, 在汉语中却表示贬义, 如狗(dog)、猫头鹰(owl)、熊(bear)。与人友善的dog 和令人厌恶的狗。在英汉语言中狗的基本意义是一致的, 都表示家养的, 有四条腿, 可帮人看家护院的一种动物。但其文化内涵意义却差异甚大。狗在英语中大多数场合是褒义词, 可用来形容值得同情信赖的人, 如help a dog over a still(助人度过难关) , a lucky dog (幸运儿) , an o ld dog (老手) , love m e, love m y dog (爱屋及乌)。很显然, 这些说法反映了英国人的文化心理, 他们视狗为可爱的同伴, 人类最好的朋友, 如as faithful as a dog 就是用来形容人的忠诚。可在汉文化中, 狗是屡遭谩骂的东西, 代表卑劣可恶的品性。带有狗字的词语明显具有贬义色彩, 如走狗、狼心狗肺、狐朋狗友、丧家狗、狗仗人势、狗咬狗等。智慧的owl 和不祥的猫头鹰。在英语中owl 是一种聪明、机智的鸟, 因而带有“精明、智慧”等文化内涵, 如as wise as an owl (象猫头鹰一样聪明)。但在中国人心目中由于它夜间叫声凄惨, 认为它是不祥之物。人们一听到猫头鹰叫就会想到厄运或不吉利的事即将来临, 所以才有“猫头鹰进宅, 好事不来”的说法。天才的bear 与窝囊熊。熊在中国人和英国人头脑中产生的联想意义更是大相径庭。在英语口语中bear 可形容有特殊才能的人, 如He is a bear at maths (他是个数学天才)。但中国人一谈到与熊有关的词汇就会想起“窝囊、没本事”等文化内涵,如“瞧他那个熊样儿”、“真熊”等贬义词。(2) 同一动物词在英语中具有贬义, 而在汉语中却含有褒义色彩的也比比皆是, 如, 孔雀(peacock)、蝙蝠(bat)、海燕(petrel)、喜鹊(magpie)、鱼(fish) 等等。骄傲狂妄的peacock 与吉祥美丽的孔雀。由于英汉民族的审美角度不同, 所以同一动物常常在他们的心目中产生不同的联想。英国人强调peacock与人媲美的高傲的一面, 如as proud as a peacock(孔雀般骄傲) , play the peacock (沾沾自喜)。而汉族人注重她开屏时的美丽, 孔雀在中国文化中是吉祥美丽的象征。邪恶的bat 与吉利的蝙蝠。西方人一提起bat就害怕。蝙蝠令人厌恶, 使人联想到丑陋与罪恶, 所以英语中凡带有bat 的习语都含有贬义, 如as blind as a bat (有眼无珠) , bat 成了睁眼瞎的典型形象。而在中国传统文化中, 蝙蝠因其中“蝠" 字与“福”字同音, 摇身一变成了吉祥物。兴风作浪的petrel 与英勇顽强的海燕。英国人把pet rel 喻为那些带来灾祸、纠纷的人,《朗文当代英汉双解词典》将pet rel 释义为“A stormy petrel is a person whose presence excites discontentment, quarrelling, etc. in a social group. ”, 由此可见其一斑。而在中国人眼里, 海燕是不屈不挠、不畏艰险、勇往直前的英雄, 是人们学习的榜样。前苏联著名作家高尔基的《海燕之歌》更是歌颂了海燕这种坚毅勇敢的精神。令人生厌的magpie 与报喜的喜鹊。英语中magpie 用来比喻爱唠叨、喋喋不休的人。而在中国喜鹊被视为“吉祥鸟”, 人们把它与喜事、吉利、运气联系在一起。人们常说:“喜鹊叫, 喜事到”, 喜鹊临门是令人高兴的事。可怜的fish 与给人带来富裕的鱼。fish与鱼的文化内涵在中英文化的喻义更是大相径庭。英语中fish 含有贬义色彩, 一般用来形容不好的人和事, 如a poor fish (可怜虫) , a loose fish (生活放荡的女人) , fish in the air (水中捞月)。汉语中鱼和“余”谐音, 中国人过春节时除夕夜的餐桌上不能没有鱼。据说, 即使在不出产鱼的山区, 人们也用木头刻成鱼的形状, 摆在餐桌上, 藉此表达年年有余(鱼) 的良好企盼。特有的社会习俗赋予了鱼以丰富的文化色彩。三、同一动物词在英汉两种语言中没有相关对应词3.1. 同一动物词在英语中有着丰富的文化内涵,而在汉语中却没有相关的文化内涵cat (猫) 在英语民族文化中是一种有着丰富喻义形象的动物, 如rain cat s and dogs (大雨倾盆)。中国人对此想象不到, 由于文化差异更难于理解。英语中还有很多与猫有关的习语, 如, bell the cat (为别人冒险) , let the cat out of the bag (泄露机密

206 评论


A Comparative Study of Animal Words between English and Chinese[Abstract] In the history of developing process of human beings, some animals always keep relation with human and deeply influence human survival and development to some extent. This close relation repose human’s abounding emotions, like love, joy, hatred, fear and jealousy in animals, so there are lots of animal words in different languages. Words can reflect differences of culture and words are influenced by history, customs, values, and religion. Animal words are given special cultural connotations in different languages. There are many words of animals, such as dogs, birds, sheep, dragons, etc, used in metaphors in the human languages. These animal metaphors have explained the origins of different cultures. Research on comparisons of animal metaphors between Chinese and foreign language provides an answer to the explanations of cultural generalities. Cognitive interpretations of cultural differences or coincidence in different animal metaphors have been reflected from different language levels. Therefore, a reasonable explanation can only be found from the point of view of cognitive science. There are a lot of animal words in both English and Chinese. Their modes of thinking and background are different and they result in the implied meanings of animal words are possibly different. As we known, language is a culture carrier. Culture loaded words play an important role in language.This paper focuses on the similarities and differences of animal words in both Chinese and English. Different cultural backgrounds and ways of thinking result in the different connotation of animal words. To be aware of the different cultures and ways of thinking in the two countries will help us understand the usage of the animal words better, thus understand the language itself much better.[Key Words] Animal words; cultural connotation; similarities and differences 英汉动物词的对比研究 【摘 要】在人类历史发展的漫长进程中, 有些动物一直与人类保持着密切联系并对人类的生存、发展有着深刻的影响。这种关系使得人类对动物产生喜爱、同情、厌恶、恐惧等错综复杂的情感, 人们也常常借动物来寄托和表达人的感情, 所以在英汉两种文化中都有许许多多与动物相关的词汇。同时语言中的词汇反映了文化发展的差异, 由于受历史、习俗、价值观念、宗教信仰等诸方面文化因素的影响, 中英两种语言赋予动物词汇以各自特定的文化内涵众所周知, 在不同语言和不同文化背景下, 每个词除了具有字面意义外, 还有丰富的文化内涵, 即该词所隐含的附带的联想义、比喻义、象征义及带有感情色彩的褒义和贬义等。许多同一动物在不同语言中其语词有着不同的文化内涵。从文化语言学和对比语言学的角度来分析对比中英两种语言中动物词的文化内涵之异同会有助于语言学习。动物词在英汉两种语言中的出现频率都很高。英汉民族思维方式和文化背景不同,同一动物所承载的意义也就会出现差异。通过对动物词文化意义的揭示和研究,不仅可以避免交际中的语用失误,而且对于不同文化的比较与导入有一定的理论和实践意义.语言是文化的载体, 不同民族的语言使世界上的文化呈现出千姿百态。文化差异赋予同一动物词语不同的内涵, 词汇反映了特定的社会文化, 不同的社会背景和文化差异造成了词汇在文化内涵上的差异。通过比较, 人们可以更清楚地感受到英汉文化在动物词语上留下的历史文化差异。本文从同一个动物词代表相同的意义;同一个动物词代表不同的意义; 不同的动物词代表相同的意义; 英汉特有的动物词涵义这四个方面来讨论英汉动物词汇涵义的相同点和不同点。【关键词】动物词;文化内涵; 异同 1. IntroductionIn the history of developing process, human beings keep close relation with animals. They live together on the same earth, and they have great impact on each other. This close relation reposes human’s abounding emotions, like love, joy, hatred, fear and jealousy in animals and results in the emergence and enrichment of animal words in different languages. However, different people from different countries have different ways of thinking and social backgrounds. Therefore, the implied meaning of the words that have the same denotations may be totally different. They are given special cultural connotations for the different social backgrounds and national conventions. And as it is well-known, both English and Chinese have a sea of animal words, which are endowed abundant cultural connotations. So, this paper tries to discuss the cultural connotations of animal words both in English and Chinese from the following aspects: the words refer to the same animal with the same connotations; the words refer to the same animal but with different connotations; the words refer to different animals with the same connotation; the words refer to the same animal but only has connotation in English or Chinese. With comparison, the English learners can better understand the usage of the animal words. 2. The worth for the comparison of animal words between English and Chinese“Cultural connotation refers to the general meaning including connotative meaning and cultural meaning carried in different cultural circumstance. It includes the meaning added and the amplified meaning under special social and cultural background, and also includes the emotions and attitudes of some particular cultural colony.”[1] As we have mentioned above, different social backgrounds render diverse cultural connotations to different languages. Therefore, even if animal words of different languages have the same conceptual meanings, their connotative meanings are not totally the same. As we all know, English has become one of the most open languages around the world. Since it was born, it has never stopped its self-development and meanwhile assimilated other’s cultural essence from different countries. As the result, it can be sure that the animal words in English language have rich cultural implications. And Chinese, as one of the oldest languages in the world, has evolved over 5000 years. The animal words in Chinese have their own specific cultural connotations as well. Fore these reasons, it is worthwhile to make a good comparison of animal words between English and Chinese both for the English language learners and Chinese language learners. It can help them get a better comprehension of the intercultural communication as well. 3. The similarities and differences of animal words between English and Chinese3.1. Similar words or similar meaning3.1.1. The words refer to the same animal with the same connotation It is sure that people around the world live in similar surroundings, so they will have similar thinking on some aspects. When they learn some animal words from their basic cognition to the world, these animal words are endowed with the same cultural connotation. For example, regardless of English or Chinese culture, the animal, fox is the symbol of crafty. Phrases: old fox; play the foxSentences: (1) She is as cunning as a fox, you’ve got to watch her. [2] (2) I could not help reflecting on the strange by which the old fox had saved himself. (3) Are you sure you can trust that man------he is such a sly old fox. [3] Fox also means sly crafty and doubtful in Chinese, for example: (1) 狐假虎威: the ass in the lion’s skin;(fig) bully people by flaunting one'spowerful connections.(2) 狐狸尾巴: fox's tail-cloven hoof; something that gives away the evil intention of somebody like a fox tail(3) 狐朋狗友: a pack of rogues; a gang of scoundrels(4) 狐狸精: fox spirit symbolizing a seductive woman(5) 狐疑: doubt; suspicion [4]In Chinese, “old fox” means someone who is very crafty. For example:(1) 他是一只老狐狸,不要轻易相信他说的话。(He is an old fox, whose words cannot be believed.)(

148 评论


Name is translation often occurred in ingredients. It seemingly small component, but it is bad to can cause many misunderstandings and then. Translation even difficult difficult in its profound cultural connotations, and the source language and target language different expression and accept culture way. To appropriate and scientifically translation gaudentia, must comprehend the profound cultural connotation and to follow certain translation principles, make even in both languages can be correctly understood, and do not break the source language characteristic. This paper tries to Chinese name cultural differences, naming conventions comparison, Chinese and western literature works named after people cultural connotation and so on several aspects to explore even translation principles. A Chinese and western even cultural differences Name and name from 1.1 arranged sequencing see Chinese and western names cultural differences Have surnamed famous common features of the eastern and western people, but in the name of the permutation order is inverted: Chinese (li si) name permutation order is: the name is prior, name behind, While the westerners (George Bush) name permutation order by contrast, name prior, surname last. This surname and name different permutation order is east of traditional culture in different names. Name embodied on the code, and embody family name is individual code of Chinese and western names. In this name and name permutation order is orientals in "universality and individuality" relationship held by different idea reflected. In general supreme, "three cardinal guides emphasizes so-called p-five" of Chinese traditional culture, which is inevitable represents the fathers, family's "surname" prior, who represent the individual, human symbols -- "name" last. By contrast, westerners are stress individual character, respect personal independent personality and subject consciousness, therefore represent personality conception of "name" were put in front, and represents the common surname "concept" rear. The Chinese to "surname" hotly-contested three-week dash across, inspect if "sacred", While the westerners to "surname" is watching very light, very casually. Second, the Chinese and western naming conventions comparison 2.1 named principle Chinese name of total principle is: the form significance is beautiful, choose lucky words: such as "happiness", "wealth", "ting" etc, Or choose refined characters, such as "jia", "ag.bone" etc. We compare the Anglo-American name: Nancy (Nancy, meaning "elegant", Helen (Helen, meaning "sunshine", Frances (Frances, meaning "freedom", it can be seen in principle differences. Naming names from the west principle can be reflected in this sentence, that is "take a good name is better than riches", But Chinese naming principles might as well as "auspicious life, summarize grave life". 2.2 naming convention Chinese naming rich and colorful, reflects the nation in different social, different era of ideas, meanwhile reflected people's aspirations, ideal, etc. (1) the birth horoscope name. This is the Chinese a named custom, birth horoscope and gold, wood, water, fire and earth "five elements" to calculate, see lack a printing line is used the word name, like "f", "water", "sawasaki sichuan, etc; RunTu" Westerners natural don't believe this sets. (2) to be born time fame. Such as "chunsheng", "dawn", "song", Western naming, no this method. (3) ranking order name. Such as: "zhang SAN", "li si", "the king", The Anglo-American children ranked according to metal, such as: "ranking arrangement for the Gold (long children Gold) : Gold and Silver (Silver for children times) : ShiEr eph. (4) parents surname name. Such as: father's song, mother's name Korea, daughter named SongHan (harmonics). (5) to parents look forward to name. Such as: LiFuQin, Ruth (rose), meaning "beauty". (6) birthplace name. Such as: WangHuSheng, Scott (Scott), etc. . (7) on animals and plants for life. Such as: dragon, wild goose, tiger, chicken, rumei, Ephraim; etc. British and American names: started (Rose), Lily (lilies), etc. In addition, there are many Chinese to fame, use fixed degress word mean generation degress, make a cycle, from generation to generation. Three, sino-foreign literature works named after people cultural connotation of perspective Works of literature creation, character name selection is very important. Because in the characters, according to the purpose of writing, in order to deeply reveal characters' personalities, indicating that the fate of the characters, and end always carefully and cautiously for character select name. And, as in the names and nico panov society in his book "the more famous said, master, the more for his work carefully choose name hero." this means its connotation more rich, translation should be more ZiZhenGouZhuo, certain translation guiding principle is necessary. To sum up, the Chinese and western names reflect the differences between Chinese and western culture differences. Names is the carrier of culture and the mirror image, names and cultural change together. In symbiosis named after people more reflects different customs. Literary works named after people usually have clew character and the connotation of destiny. In translation names to follow "name from master", "conventional", "brief" principle of literary works middleman. The name of the translation and processing according to different circumstances, follow the coexistence and free translation, "" principle and" translate "refer to the significance of names principle.

161 评论


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