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《与国际接轨的全过程工程造价控制》The entire process of international integration of project cost control 《浅谈建筑施工企业项目成本管理》 On the construction enterprise project cost management"

93 评论



248 评论


1、Town land managementWith the development of urbanization construction in China, a large amount of land use management problem also will rise, and this will hinder the further development of urbanization. Make development plan, is well the premise condition of urban construction and basic work2、Town construction engineering quality managementConstruction engineering quality is engineering construction investment of the three major goals, quality fit and unfit quality, in relation to the lives and property of the people safe. Building engineering is a special kind of products, it can not like other industrial products that removed maintenance. Therefore, the construction engineering quality process control is very important.3、Regional development strategy researchStrategic management theory with the time continuous development and development. This article from the strategic management history evolution new trend, strategic management tools to the new development of the two aspects of the strategic management development new trend, hope for strategic management theory and practice plays a promoting role4、Regional economic characteristic analysisOur country is a vast, the development of a large population and areas around the great powers in the physical, economic, and social conditions, regional development no significant difference in China is to balance the basic national conditions.

195 评论



91 评论


一二楼的翻译句子,很中文试。翻译英文不一定要一个字字的按顺序翻译下去。要翻译到老外一看就懂才是关键。《与国际接轨的全过程工程造价控制》“Entire Process of Project Cost Control in Construction” - In International Standard《浅谈建筑施工企业项目成本管理》A Brief Introduction to Project Cost Management in Construction.

261 评论


The Entire Process Project Cost Control with International StandardDiscussion on the Project Cost Management in Building Construction Enterprises说明:1)根据题意,全过程和工程造价控制不宜分开,即使要分也只能是全过程控制与项目造价分开,即The Entire Process Control of the Project Cost with International Standard;2)与国际接轨用with international standard比较好

285 评论



265 评论


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