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Maurice Horn.100 Years of Newspaper Comics.Gramercy Books,1996.Maurice Horn.The World Encyclopedia of Comics.Chelsea House Publishers,1976.Maurice Horn.Comics of the American West.Winchester Press,1977.Maurice Horn,and Pierre Couperie.A History of the Comic Strip.Crown Publishers,1968.Coulton Waugh.The Comics.Macmillan,1947.Russell Robert Winterbotham.How Comic Strips Are Made.Haldemann-Julius,1946.Stephen Becker.Comic Art in America.Simon and Schuster,1959.Arthur Asa Berger.The Comic-Stripped American.Walker and Company,1974.Bill Blackbeard.A Century of Comics (two volumes).Kitchen Sink Press,1995.Thomas Craven.Cartoon Cavalcade.Simon and Schuster,1943.Sol Davidson.Culture and the Comic Strip.New York University Press,1959.A.Fern.Comics as Serial Fiction.University of Chicago Press,1968.Herb Galewitz.Great Comics Syndicated by the Daily News-Chicago Tribune Syndicate.Crown Publishers,1972.Denis Gifford.The International Book of Comics.Deans International Publishing,1984.Ron Goulart.The Adventurous Decade:Comic Strips in the Thirties.Arlington House,1975.R.C.Harvey.The Art of the Funnies:An Aesthetic History of the Comic Strip.University Press of Mississippi,1951.Walter Herdeg.The Art of the Comic Strip.Graphis Press,1972.Lancelot Hogben.From Cave Painting to Comic Strip.Chanticleer Press,1949.M.Thomas Inge.Comics as Culture.University Press of Mississippi,1990.Wolfgang Kempkes.International Bibliography of Comics Literature.R.R.Bowker,1974.Harvey Kurtzman.History of Comic Art from Argh to Zap.Nostalgia Press,1973.Edward Kutlowski.Cavalcade of Old Time Comic Strips.Tower Press,1967.John A.Lent,Comic Books and Comic Strips in the United States.Greenwood Press,1994.Richard Marschall.America’s Great Comic Strip Artists.Abbeville Press,1989.Judith O’Sullivan.The Great American Comic Strip.Little,Brown,and Company,1990.Trina Robbins.A Century of Women Cartoonists.Kitchen Sink Press,1994.Jerry Robinson.Comic Books and Strips.Oryx Press,1988.Martin Sheridan.Comics and Their Creators.Hale,Cushman,and Flint,1942.Joan C. Siegfried.The Spirit of the Comics.University of Pennsylvania Press,1969.John Stanley,and Mal Whyte.The Great Comics Game.Price Stern Sloan,1966.Mort Walker.Backstage at the Strips.A & W Visual Library,1975.Art Wood.Great Cartoonists and Their Art.Pelican Publishing,1987.Ariz Prescott.Mickey Mouse in Color.Pantheon Books,1988.Dave Schreiner.Kitchen Sink Press:The First 25 Years.Kitchen Sink Press,1994.Les Daniels.Superman:the Complete History.Chronicle Books,1998.Les Daniels.Batman:The Complete History.Chronicle Books,1998.Les Daniels.Wonder Woman:The Complete History.Chronicle Books,1998.

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随便上网down一篇,都这么做的= =

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[1] 陈奇佳.日本动漫艺术概论[M].上海交通大学出版社,2006:35.[2] 陈仲伟.日本动漫化的全球化与迷的文化[M].台北唐山出版社,2004:159.[3] 曹田泉.动漫概论[M].上海人民美术出版社,2007:78.[4] 白晓煌.日本动漫[M].中国旅游出版社,2006:145.[5] 刘建.映画传奇:当代日本卡通纵览[M].上海百花文艺出版社,2003:110. 李霄,仪建红.日本动漫对青少年价值观的影响[J].人民论坛,2011,17:138.津坚信之.日本动画的力量[M].秦刚,赵峻,译.(日)社会科学文献出版社,2011:57.

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