文献1:This project aimed to develop a wireless system to detect and allow only the authorized persons. The system was based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and consists of a passive RFID tag. The passive micro transponder tag collects power from the 125 KHz magnetic field generated by the base station, gathers information about the Tag ID and sends this information to the base station. The base station receives, decodes and checks the information available in its Database and Manchester code was used to send those information. The system performed as desired with a 10cm diameter antenna attached to the transponder. The Base Station is built by using the Popular 8051 family Microcontroller. It gets the tag ID and if the tag ID is stored in its memory then the microcontroller will allow the person inside. RFID Reader Module, are also called as interrogators. They convert radio waves returned from the RFID tag into a form that can be passed on to Controllers, which can make use of it. RFID tags and readers have to be tuned to the same frequency in order to communicate. RFID systems use many different frequencies, but the most common and widely used Reader frequency is 125 KHz.全部内容及下载地址:文献2: Choose controller according to your requirements of program memory(flash), RAM, ADC, EEPROM. 16kB of flash is sufficient to implement floodfill algorithm. If you are thinking of implementing floodfill algorithm then 256 bytes are required to store Map of the maze and 512 bytes are required for processing so you need atleast 1kBRAM to implement floodfill. ATmega16,32 and PIC18f452 are some controllerspopularly used in micromouse. If you are thinking of building just a wall follower then simple 8051 based controller likeAT89s52 can also be used. Stepper driving:Please read a step by step stepper motor guidefirst. There are two types of motors a) unipolar b) bipolar. Unipolar stepper motors can be used as bipolar steppers so prefer unipolar whilepurchasing stepper. You can use simple ULN2803 IC the circuit can be found in 8051 microcontroller by Mazidi. ULN2803 has eight darlington pair in a single package. It hascurrent carrying capacity of 500mA. so it will get heated up frequently will get damaged.So two ULN2803 can be connected in parallel to fix the problem but this is a chalta haiway of driving stepper. 全部见: 文献3:Stepper Motor Advantagesand DisadvantagesAdvantages1. The rotation angle of the motor isproportional to the input pulse.2. The motor has full torque at stand-still (if the windings are energized)3. Precise positioning and repeat-ability of movement since goodstepper motors have an accuracy of3 – 5% of a step and this error isnon cumulative from one step tothe next.4. Excellent response to starting/stopping/reversing.5. Very reliable since there are no con-tact brushes in the motor.Therefore the life of the motor issimply dependant on the life of thebearing.6. The motors response to digitalinput pulses provides open-loopcontrol, making the motor simplerand less costly to control.7. It is possible to achieve very lowspeed synchronous rotation with aload that is directly coupled to theshaft.8. A wide range of rotational speedscan be realized as the speed isproportional to the frequency全文见:
基于PLC的三相步进电动机控制系统字数:8923,页数:29 论文编号:ZD096 [摘要] 本文阐述了三菱公司生产的具有高性能价格比的微型可编程控制器三菱FX2N系列PLC,设计实现三相步进电动机正反转、加速、减速以及步数的控制系统。该系统充分利用了培训中讲述的可编程控制器(PLC)的多方面设计知识和方法,使得该系统可靠稳定,使其应用范围得到扩展。[关键词] 可编程控制器 PLC 三相步进电机系统[abstract] This article elaborated the Mitsubishi Corporation produces has the high performance price compared to miniature programmable controller Mitsubishi FX2N series PLC, the design realizes three-phase step-by-steps the electric motor to reverse, the acceleration, the deceleration as well as the step control system. This system has used the programmable controller which fully in training narrated (PLC) various design knowledge and the method, cause this system reliably stable, enables its application scope to obtain the expansion. [key word] programmable controller PLC three-phase step-by-steps the electrical machinery system 目 录摘要 1第一章 PLC 简介 31.1 PLC的发展历程 5第二章 三相步进电动机的基础知识 92.1 选题背景 92.2 三相步进电机简介 102.2.1 三相异步电动机的机械特性 142.2.2 三相异步电动机的正反转控制 162.2.3 三相异步电机的调速 18第三章 三相步进电机的控制 193.1 控制要求 193.2 怎样实现控制要求 193.3 PLC硬件的实现 193.3.1 I/O的分配 193.3.2 I/O的外部接线 20 3.4 PLC软件的实现 20第四章 系统整体调试 274.1 硬件安装 274.2 软件调试 27第五章 结束语 28第六章 参考文献 29以上回答来自:
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