1、任务:航空客运定票的业务活动包括:查询航线、客票预定和办理退票等。试设计一个航空客运定票系统,以使上述业务可以借助计算机来完成。 2、功能要求: 1) 录入:可以录入航班情况(数据可以存储在一个数据文件中,数据结构、具 体数据自定) 2) 查询:可以查询某个航线的情况(如,输入航班号,查询起降时间,起飞抵 达城市,航班票价,票价折扣,确定航班是否满仓);可以输入起飞抵达城市, 查询飞机航班情况; 3) 订票:(订票情况可以存在一个数据文件中,结构自己设定)可以订票,如果 该航班已经无票,可以提供相关可选择航班; 4) 退票: 可退票,退票后修改相关数据文件; 5) 客户资料:有姓名,证件号,订票数量及航班情况,订单要有编号; 6) 修改航班信息:当航班信息改变可以修改航班数据文件。 3、要有一个好的界面~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4、需求分析 系统需求(系统要求实现的功能的具体情况)5、 概要设计 系统分析(分析系统的功能和具体模块的划分) 系统流程(系统的流程图) 程序详细代码:
Summary With computer development, popularization that computer apply in business administration at full speed of technology. If you want to raise labour productivity, lower costs, improve the service quality and management level, promote the economic benefits, must carry on the modernized information management through the computer, this is likewise important in management to airline's ticketing service. This system combines the course of booking tickets of airline, through real demand analysis, adopt powerful JSP and Microsoft Access as the developing instrument, the system that develop the aircarrier aircraft to book tickets. This system proceeds from easy and simple to handle requirement with friendly, flexible, practical, safe boundary plane, finish the whole course of management, including functions such as course information management, customer's information management, ticketing service information management,etc. of booking tickets in the necessary airline. This text has explained especially the development of this system realizes the course, demand analysis, the scheme is proved, module design, design of storehouse of the data, designing links to all carry on exhaustive analysis and description in detail to the system at the same time.
基于NLP,ASR及TTS技术的智能语音分析工具-负责语义分析部分(论文替代) ?基于SpringBoot的用户音乐平台 ?家装设计公司客户关系系统 ?基于机器
火车站售票管理系统的建议1.计算机毕业设计可不能马虎,最好还是自己动动脑筋,好好的写一写。 2.网上那种免费的毕业设计千万不能采用,要么是论文不完整,要么是程序