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英语论文提纲 格式


Acknowledgements 4-5

Abstract 5

摘要 6-9

Chapter One Introduction 9-16

1.1 Introduction 9

1.2 Background of the Study 9-12

1.3 Purpose of the Study 12-13

1.4 Significance of the Research 13-14

1.5 Thesis Structure 14-16

Chapter Two Literature Review 16-25

2.1 Introduction 16

2.2 Theoretical Background of Communicative Language Teaching 16-19

2.2.1 Concept of Communicative Competence 16-17

2.2.2 Hymes'Idea on Communicative Competence 17-18

2.2.3 Canale and Swain's Theory 18-19

2.3 Overview of Communicative Language Teaching 19-22

2.3.1 Development of Communicative Language Teaching in China 19-20

2.3.2 Features of Communicative Language Teaching 20-22

2.4 Relationship between Language Testing and Language Teaching 22

2.5 Summary 22-25

Chapter Three Analysis of IELTS Speaking Test and Questionnaire 25-36

3.1 Introduction 25

3.2 Analysis of IELTS Speaking Test 25-28

3.2.1 Structure of IELTS Speaking Test 25-27

3.2.2 Communicative Approach Embodied in IELTS Speaking Test 27-28

3.3 The Questionnaire 28-34

3.3.1 Design 28-29

3.3.2 Participants 29-32

3.3.3 Methods 32

3.3.4 General Results 32-34

3.4 Summary 34-36

Chapter Four Findings and Discussion 36-54

4.1 Introduction 36

4.2 Chinese Candidates'Performance in IELTS Speaking Test 36-38

4.3 IELTS Candidates'Attitude towards Oral English Teaching 38-43

4.4 Explanations for the Situation 43-45

4.5 Implications for College Oral English Teaching 45-52

4.5.1 Teaching Goal 46-47

4.5.2 Teaching Content 47-48

4.5.3 Teaching Methods 48-51

4.5.4 Make Use of Modern Teaching Equipment 51

4.5.5 Establish an Extracurricular Supervision System 51-52

4.5.6 Improve Oral English Testing and Evaluation 52

4.6 Summary 52-54

Chapter Five Conclusion 54-57

5.1 Summary of the Findings 54-55

5.2 Limitations and Suggestion for Further Study 55-57

Appendix Questionnaire 57-58

Bibliography 58-62






153 评论


我有一个是英语文学方面的.不知道是不是你想要的.这可是我的得意之作.我就是靠这个论文拿了优秀毕业论文的.如果你满意,一定要把我选为最佳哦,谢谢!题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's BelovedThesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.I. Introduction A.The introduction of the author a.A brief review of symbolid b.The appraisal B.The brief of the paperII.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic ImagesA.The production of the workB.Comparing with other works in symbolic imagesIII.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in BelovedA.symbolic figuresB.SettingC. Body marksD. Linguistic applicationE.EventIV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic ImagesA. Memory of the pastB.Seeking self-recognitionC.Recuperating Afro-American traditional cultureD. Maternal loveV.ConclusionA.The contribution to Afro-American literature.B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.

303 评论


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