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Opportunities for content:Digital Library (Digital Library) is a set-oriented schools, enterprises, network information center, library books and other departments management and distribution system, various departments to provide a complete knowledge management and publishing.Digital Library is a Web-based B / S system, all the operations to be completed through the browser. Digital library in the installation of products, on the one hand, pre-installed on the server to the corresponding figures for the book, on the other hand, it allows administrators from any computer can log on to the system, using the administrator login account, and then on the server management books.Digital Library is the collection of three sets of products, one of which is the management of e-books and browsing system; second book is a paper advance and loan system; 3 is a paper of its book online pre-sale system.First, the management of electronic books and reading system1.1 administrator functionsAdministrators do not have to come to the server, he may at any one computer can access the system through the administrator account and password system, and then manage the system.Administrator has the following specific management capabilities:1. The management of the server e-books, including books to add, delete books, change and modify the classification of books and other book information operations.2. Management for book discussions, book reviews, such as summary and excerpt.3. The management of user account and password. Administrators can view and modify the current system all the user account and password, and can be set whether the user account to lock and unlock. The account is locked will not be able to log on to the system until they are unlocked.4. To specify the user logged on.5. Set user rights. Administrators can set user permissions to access the system, set the permissions should be a combination of multiple functions. Several of which should include the following:n set functional group, for the combination of certain specific functions. For example, can "read the language of books" and "read the history books" This combination of the two powers, known as the "arts of reading books."n set up a user group to multiple users into a group. Can be referred to as user groups or user-level users.n Set whether to allow a user or type of user queries e-book.n Set whether to allow a user or class of users to read electronic books.n Set whether to allow a user or a particular type of user read electronic books in this particular.n Set whether to allow a user to read certain types of users or certain types of electronic books.n Set whether to allow a user or a particular type of user to read the e-book publishing house.n Set whether to allow a user or users of the book to fill certain types of book reviews or discussion.n Set whether any administrative privileges (including the management of user account and password, user ID and password for the lock and unlock, set functional group, set up user groups to limit user behavior, etc.) or a particular type of decentralized users, if necessary They can also recover the administrative privileges.n set up a new default permissions to registered users.6. The other with the same rights as normal user, such as query and read e-books and so on.1.2 User functions1. Users can help administrators to create accounts, when the account has a normal default permissions, you can browse most of the books read. Normal default permissions of a specific meaning can be specified by the administrator. For example, an administrator can designate a new registered users have been locked until an administrator can unlock access to books.2. Users can modify their own login password. However, the user name can not be amended.3. Permissions allow users in the next, but on the condition of the books in a variety of inquiries, for example, query for the title, author information, classification information, such as publishing house inquiries and we can see a list of query results. Click the link in the list of books to read.4. Users can read books, write book reviews or discussions, you can view the previous review or discussion, or for the previous review or discuss the contents of the reply.5. Read the book when the user can add bookmarks, so that in the future to continue reading.6. Users can list their favorite books to preserve their own favorites, so next time you log system 11 do not have to query directly from the Favorites list to select books to read. Users need to have a favorites list of full-featured administrative privileges, for example, can add to the books, which can also be deleted from the books.Second, the management of paper-based books and advance systemThe management of paper-based books and advance the system, including library management and two books advance.2.1 administrator functionsAdministrators do not have to come to the server, he may at any one computer can access the system through the administrator account and password system, and then manage the system.Administrator has the following specific management capabilities:1. The management of paper-based books on the server, including books to add, delete books, change and modify the classification of books and other book information operations.2. The management of paper-based books for discussion, book reviews, such as summary and excerpt.3. The management of user account and password. Administrators can view and modify the current system all the user account and password, and can be set whether the user account to lock and unlock. The account is locked will not be able to log on to the system until they are unlocked.4. To specify the user logged on.

325 评论


毕业论文时如何查找外文文献:1. 根据课堂上老师给的reading list准备。这部分相对比较容易。老师已经给了相关材料。我们只要认真阅读这些材料,然后做好对应笔记分析就可以。2. 学校数据库中查找。需要同学们自己查找相关关键词下载后阅读。这部分也是权威性比较高,是我们常用的查找文献的方法。3. 咨询tutor,可以有一些查找方向。很多时候,如果确实没有太多查找思路的话,可以问下这节课的助教,让助教给一些意见和方向。4. 网络搜索。网络查询可能是最方便的,同学们可以尝试以下几个平台。Google Scholar首先就是万能谷歌,这个不用过多解释了。CPSRICPSR全名为Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research,中文翻译过来是政治和社会研究大学间联合体。最早成立于1962年,由美国密歇根大学社会研究中心建立,是国际上重要的学术研究资料库之一。包含教育、社会、经济、人口、历史等研究资料,一共有包括社会科学及行为科学基础及应用的资料呢让约9000个研究主题和50万个档案资料。涉及16个领域,如教育、老龄化、刑事司法、恐怖主义等。非常适合学人文科学的同学们使用。BASEBASE是世界级海量内容的搜索引擎之一,专注于学术开放获取网络资源。比菲尔德大学图书馆负责BASE营运。提供对全球异构学术资源的集成检索服务。它整合了德国比勒费尔德大学图书馆的图书馆目录和大约160 个开放资源(超过200 万个文档)的数据。BASE提供超过来自4000个信息源的文献。我们能获取60%经过索引后的文件全文。ScirusScirus是目前互联网上最全面、综合性最强的科技文献搜索引擎之一,由Elsevier科学出版社开发,用于搜索期刊和专利,效果很不错!Research Gate是一个被戏称为facebook for research的社交网络服务网站,性质上跟我们熟悉的人人网,Facebook类似。不同的是,这个网站是专门针对科学家和学者的,是一个专业严肃的网站.在知道了有哪些渠道可以查找文献后,真正搜索中也有一些需要注意的事项:1. 注意多用关键词的同义词,近义词搜索,多种方式搜索可以扩大搜索的范围。2. 注意年限,避免太古老的文献。3. 注意文献的权威性,可信度。最后,当我们下载好了文献之后,就要开始阅读啦,这部分其实是最最重要的。有一些小tips可以分享给大家。1. 注意看introduction,conclusion,以及一些图表,可以帮助读者快速了解作者研究的目标,结论,以及使用的方法。2. 注意在阅读过程中做好笔记,标注好有用观点的出处。3. 注意批判性阅读,带着问题阅读相关文献,文献之间也可以做对比。注意做好文章内引用,文章后引用的引用规范。

341 评论


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