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Souvenirs as a high value-added industries of tourism, more and more countries have been paying attention. As the central city of Wuhan, a national transportation hub and national historical and cultural city, the rapid development of tourism, tourist souvenir market potential. Wuhan existing tourist souvenirs though varied, but the general lack of personality, there is a similar phenomenon seriously, product aging, modernity is not strong, the lack of geographical features and other issues. Lack of features and innovative tourist souvenirs, it is difficult to mobilize consumers to buy. Therefore, the Wuhan region's tourism souvenirs need for innovative design. By the author of Wuhan tourism resources and research of traditional Chinese culture, the need of the Chinese traditional culture applied to the design of tourist souvenirs in Wuhan, in order to develop and design both practical and creative cultural gifts and souvenirs. This article is mainly based on tourism souvenir market in Wuhan characteristics and problems, from the perspective of traditional Chinese culture Wuhan souvenirs for innovative design, to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of consumers, expanding tourist souvenir market in Wuhan.

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旅游纪念品市场开发论文参考文献 参考文献:[1]魏新生。开封旅游纪念品开发对策探讨[J].商场现代化,2007(3). [2]詹雪梅。论河南旅游文化的发展[J]. 科技情报开发与经济,2008.(15). [3]郭桂玲。浅析河南旅游商品目前存在的问题及对策[J].科技信息,2007.(23). [4]余沛。焦作旅游纪念品开发战略研究[J].安阳师范学院学报,2008.(2). [5]秦方方。 河南地域文化在艺术设计教学中的价值研究[J]. 美与时代,2008.(11). [6]钟蕾,罗斌。 天津民俗文化旅游纪念品开发与对策研究探析。包装工程,2010(8). [7]郑丽娟。 黑龙江省旅游特色纪念品的'开发及营销策略研究[D]2006.请继续阅读相关推荐: 毕业论文 应届生求职 毕业论文范文查看下载 查看的论文开题报告 查阅参考论文提纲 查阅更多的毕业论文致谢 相关毕业论文格式 查阅更多论文答辩 了解相关论文写作 查阅更多毕业论文参考文献 ;

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