“热钱”是只为追求最高报酬以最低风险而在国际金融市场上迅速流动的短期投机性资金。 "Hot money" is only for the pursuit of the highest reward with minimum risk in the international financial market speculative capital flows rapidly the short-term. 近年来,随着我国经济持续向好,国内投资机会增多,资产价格不断上扬,我国自然是“热钱”流入流出的热土,并且规模还呈现出不断扩大趋势。 In recent years, with China's economy continued to better off, domestic investment increased opportunities, asset prices continue to rise, China's nature is "hot money" hometown of inflow and outflow, and expanding the scale also presents trend. 这对我国宏观经济的稳定性产生了巨大影响,加大了宏观流动性金融风险,并且对资产价格和人民币汇率造成了冲击。 This macroeconomic stability of our country has made an enormous impact, increase the macro liquidity to financial risk, and asset prices and the RMB exchange rate caused a shock. 例如我国股市、楼市均出现过不正常的较大幅波动。 For example our stock and property are seen more unusual fluctuations. “热钱”日益成为社会各界关注的话题。 "Hot money" social from all walks of life has increasingly become an issue of concern. 我国在相关法律法规及制度方面还并不是十分完善,难以应对“热钱”的流入流出逐渐的多样化、隐蔽性的方式。 Our country in the relevant laws, regulations and systems also is not very perfect, difficult to deal with "hot money" inflow and outflow gradually diversification, covert way. 本文分析了“热钱”流入流出途径和对经济我国带来的影响。 This paper analyzes the "hot money" inflows in ways and on the economy out the impact of. 为地让“热钱”合理健康的为我国经济服务,在监管对策上建立金融稳定监控和预警系统提供理论参考。 For to let "hot money" for our country economy the reasonable health service, in the regulatory measures established on the financial stability monitoring and warning system to provide theoretical reference. [关键词] 短期投机性 金融风险 宏观经济稳定性 人民币汇率 [key words] short-term speculative financial risk macroeconomic stability of RMB exchange rate
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