《The Lightning Thief》(Rick Riordan)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读
书名:The Lightning Thief
作者:Rick Riordan
出版社:Miramax Books
Book Description
Percy Jackson is a good kid, but he cant seem to focus on his schoolwork or control his temper. And lately, being away at boarding school is only getting worsePercy could have sworn his pre-algebra teacher turned into a monster and tried to kill him. Percys mom decides its time that he knew the truth about where he came from. She sends Percy to Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp for demigods (on Long Island), where he learns that the father he never knew is Poseidon, God of the Sea. Soon a mystery unfolds and together with his friendsone a satyr and the other the demigod daughter of AthenaPercy sets out on a quest across the United States to reach the gates of the Underworld (located in a recording studio in Hollywood) and prevent a catastrophic war between the gods. But to succeed on his quest, Percy will have to unravel a treachery more powerful than the gods themselves.
From School Library Journal
Grade 5-9–An adventure-quest with a hip edge. At first glance, Perseus Jackson seems like a loser (readers meet him at a boarding school for troubled youth), but he's really the son of Poseidon and a mortal woman. As he discovers his heritage, he also loses that mother and falls into mortal danger. The gods (still very active in the 21st-century world) are about to go to war over a lost thunderbolt, so Percy and sidekicks Grover (a young satyr) and Annabeth (daughter of Athena) set out to retrieve it. Many close calls and monster-attacks later, they enter Hades's realm (via L.A.). A virtuoso description of the Underworld is matched by a later account of Olympus (hovering 600 floors above Manhattan). There's lots of zippy review of Greek myth and legend, and characters like Medusa, Procrustes, Charon, and the Eumenides get updates. Some of the Labors of Heracles or Odysseus's adventures are recycled, but nothing seems stale, and the breakneck pace keeps the action from being too predictable. Percy is an ADHD, wise-cracking, first-person narrator. Naturally, his real quest is for his own identity. Along the way, such topics as family, trust, war, the environment, dreams, and perceptions are raised. There is subtle social critique for sophisticated readers who can see it. Although the novel ends with a satisfying conclusion (and at least one surprise), it is clear that the story isn't over. The 12-year-old has matured and is ready for another quest, and the villain is at large. Readers will be eager to follow the young protagonist's next move.
–Patricia D. Lothrop, St. George's School, Newport, RI
From Booklist
Gr. 6-9. The escapades of the Greek gods and heroes get a fresh spin in the first book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, about a contemporary 12-year-old New Yorker who learns he's a demigod. Perseus, aka Percy Jackson, thinks he has big problems. His father left before he was born, he's been kicked out of six schools in six years, he's dyslexic, and he has ADHD. What a surprise when he finds out that that's only the tip of the iceberg: he vaporizes his pre-algebra teacher, learns his best friend is a satyr, and is almost killed by a minotaur before his mother manages to get him to the safety of Camp Half-Blood--where he discovers that Poseidon is his father. But that's a problem, too. Poseidon has been accused of stealing Zeus' lightning bolt, and unless Percy can return the bolt, humankind is doomed. Riordan's fast-paced adventure is fresh, dangerous, and funny. Percy is an appealing, but reluctant hero, the modernized gods are hilarious, and the parallels to Harry Potter are frequent and obvious. Because Riordan is faithful to the original myths, librarians should be prepared for a rush of readers wanting the classic stories.
Chris Sherman
Book Dimension
length: (cm)21.3 width:(cm)14.5
会的!但是要逐渐摸索到适合自己的风格,杂志里风格多变,纯模仿常常会搭出不伦不类的赶脚,比如杂志上为了拍摄效果,不乏有一些不算实用的搭配,我亲眼看到大学校园里见过一姑娘,将这一“穿衣经”照搬到生活中,那可是炎炎夏日37°的天儿啊!香奶奶说过一句,穿不上街的时尚不是真正的时尚。一直都记得 青年时期视为变美法典的几本时尚杂志(现在是中年少女一枚)——《昕薇》,《瑞丽》,《米娜》,《vivi》,靓丽的封面女孩一个个,精致的彩印一张张,连翻页时带起的风闻着都觉高级,哈哈还记得《昕薇》双痣甜笑麻豆 藤井莉娜 ,《瑞丽》麻豆洛瑶,张子萱,and那时候皮肤黝黑的张予曦吗这些杂志对于当时24k土肥圆小只的我,地位是相当崇高的,就好似对于旅行者而言圣经一般的 《LONELY PLANET 》,每一页都怂恿着我蜕变,搭配中的每一件单品都牵动着我的心,每一件又都觉得好贵,哈哈如今上班工龄快5年,那时我们追过的杂志里常见的护肤品牌也已纳为日常所用,衣服的搭配也越来越合一,所以那时候的时尚杂志也好,还是当时看的时尚电影,无不根植于心,潜移默化的影响着自己!想一想,多久没有翻开过一本纸质的杂志了
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