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Meizhou City, secondary vocational education to accelerate the development of countermeasures With economic development and the advancement of technology, vocational education as the cultivation of social productive forces, advanced culture, communication and the creation of an important position, should play in the modernization drive more and more important role. In this paper, Meizhou City, secondary vocational education as the research object, the use of standardized research and empirical studies of combining research methods, through the presentation of the status of vocational education in Meizhou, analyze problems and the reasons put forward to speed up Meizhou vocational secondary vocational education to develop a positive reality measures and recommendations on the future of secondary vocational education in Meizhou City, there is a direct guiding significance. This paper is divided into six parts: Part I, Introduction. Account's research background, significance, an overview of relevant research, research ideas and methods. The second part, an overview of relevant concepts and theories. Of vocational education and secondary vocational education as a scientific definition, introducing the market economy theory and the theory and the relationship between vocational education, human resource development theory and related theories of vocational education and their interaction. Part III, Meizhou City, the existence of secondary vocational education, and cause analysis. Of Meizhou City, the status of secondary vocational education, the achievements in recent years, there are problems described. Emphasis on the Meizhou City, the development of secondary vocational education in the cause of problems in-depth analysis. The fourth part, to speed up the development of Meizhou City, the need for secondary vocational education and opportunities. By analyzing the external environment and internal needs, instructions to speed up the development of secondary vocational education in Meizhou practical feasibility. Part V, to accelerate the development of secondary vocational education Meizhou response. Secondary vocational education for the Meizhou City, the current situation and existing problems, to speed up the development of secondary vocational education in Meizhou City, viable policy recommendations. Part VI Conclusions and prospects. This paper describes research findings and research remaining problems.

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