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没找到:找到点相关内容9 洗瓶机推瓶机构设计9.1 设计题目洗瓶机主要由推瓶机构、导辊机构、转刷机构组成。如图11.1所示,待洗的瓶子放在两个同向转动的导辊上,导辊带动瓶子旋转。当推头M把瓶子向前推进时,转动着的刷子就把瓶子外面洗净。当前一个瓶子将洗刷完毕时,后一个待洗的瓶子已送入导辊待推。图9.1 洗瓶机工作示意图洗瓶机的技术要求见表9.2。表9.2 洗瓶机的技术要求9.2 设计任务(1)洗瓶机应包括齿轮、平面连杆机构等常用机构或组合机构。学生应提出两种以上的设计方案并经分析比较后选定一种进行设计。(2)设计传动系统并确定其传动比分配。(3)绘制机器的机构运动方案简图和运动循环圈。(4)设计组合机构实现运动要求,并对从动杆进行运动分析。也可以设计平面连杆机构以实现运动轨迹,并对平面连杆机构进行运动分析,绘出运动线图。若采用凸轮机构,要求用解析法设计凸轮。(5)其他机构的设计计算。(6)编写设计计算说明书。(7)学生可进一步完成:洗瓶机推瓶机构的计算机动态演示等。9.3 设计提示分析设计要求可知:设计的推瓶机构应使推头M以接近均匀的速度推瓶,平稳地接触和脱离瓶子,然后推头快速返回原位,准备第二个工作循环。根据设计要求,推头M可走图11.3所示轨迹,而且推头M在工作行程中应作匀速直线运动,在工作段前后可有变速运动,回程时有急回特性。9.3 推头M运动轨迹对这种运动要求,若用单一的常用机构是不容易实现的,通常要把若干个基本机构组合起来,设计组合机构。在设计组合机构时,一般可首先考虑选择满足轨迹要求的机构(基础机构),而沿轨迹运动时的速度要求,则通过改变基础机构主动件的运动速度来满足,也就是让它与一个输出变速度的附加机构组合。实现本题要求的机构方案有很多,可用多种机构组合来实现。1.凸轮—铰链四杆机构方案如图9.4所示,图9.4凸轮—铰链四杆机构方案铰链四杆机构的连杆2上点M走近似于所要求的轨迹,点M的速度由等速转动的凸轮驱动构件3的变速转动来控制。由于此方案的曲柄1是从动件,所以要注意采取度过死点的措施。2.五杆组合机构方案确定一条平面曲线需要两个独立变量。因此具有两自由度的连杆机构都具有精确再现给定平面轨迹的特征。点M的速度和机构的急回特征,可通过控制该机构的两个输入构件间的运动关系来得到,如用凸轮机构、齿轮或四连杆机构来控制等等。图9.5所示为两个自由度的五杆低副机构,l、4为它们的两个输人构件,这两构件之间的运动关系用凸轮、齿轮或四连杆机构来实现,从而将原来两自由度机构系统封闭成单自由度系统。图9.5 五杆组合机构方案3 凸轮—全移动副四杆机构图9.6所示为全移动副四杆机构是两自由度机构,构件2上的点M可精确再现给定的轨迹,构件2的运动速度和急回特征由凸轮控制;这个机构方案的缺点是因水平方向轨迹太长,造成凸轮机构从动件的行程过大,而使相应凸轮尺寸过大。图9.6凸轮—全移动副四杆机构的方案4 用优化方法设计铰链四杆机构可用数值方法或优化方法设计铰链四杆机构,以实现预期的运动轨迹(如图9.3所示)。运动轨迹的具体数值由设计者画图确定,一般不要超过9个点的给定坐标值。

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我有洗瓶机图纸。目标如下:洗瓶机增加洗瓶机的生产产量及整条包装线的生产效率控制并降低在生产中水和碱液的消耗量控制并降低洗瓶机洗出的脏瓶量1洗瓶机洗瓶机的用途是从玻璃瓶中去处:1 、 所有的脏物及啤酒残留液2.3.细菌、霉斑及酵母标纸及标浆最终在洗瓶机出口处排出的玻璃瓶应该是凉的、无菌的及明亮的玻璃瓶装酒机灌装, 且可适用于2BOTTLE WASHING洗瓶机To effectively wash bottles four main issues must be satisfied and controlled:为有效地进行洗瓶,满足并控制下列四点问题:1. Temperature. The temperature control of the NaOH solutions and warm water tanks温度2. Time.时间. 碱液和温水槽的温度控制The speed of the washer and therefore the time the bottles are exposed to the cleaning process. 洗瓶机的运转速度和玻璃瓶和各清洗工艺的接触时间3. NaOH. The % strength of both NaOH and the necessary additives碱液. 碱液和所需的添加剂的浓度4. Scrubbing action. The physical action of the various internal and external bottle sprays擦洗动作. 瓶内和瓶外的各种喷洗的物理动作31211121049385761. Bottle Pre-rinse tank瓶预浸槽2. # 1 NaOH soak tank1 号碱液浸泡槽3. # 2 NaOH soak tank2 号碱液浸泡槽4. # 3 NaOH soak tank3 号碱液浸泡槽5. Label removal sprays除标喷淋6. Label extractor商标提取器7. Internal NaOH sprays碱液内喷淋8. Heat exchangers热交换器9. Internal hot water sprays热水内喷淋10. Internal warm water sprays温水内喷淋11. External cold water sprays清水外喷淋12. Internal city water sprays清水内喷淋4To effectively wash a bottle four main issues must be satisfied:为有效地进行洗瓶,必须满足下列四点问题:1. Temperature . Heat, together with the time and NaOH, is necessary to achieve the germicidal cleaning of the bottle温度.热量、时间与碱液是产生无菌净瓶的基本因素•••Temperatures must be controlled during heating and cooling of the bottles. Thermal shock will damage the bottles必须控制温度上升与下降时所产生的热击现象否则会损坏玻璃瓶Temperatures > 82 0 C will bake on any mould that is present in the bottle温度在 >82 0 C 时 ,高温会加热玻璃瓶内的霉斑使霉斑滞留在瓶壁内Temperatures < 76 0 C together with NaOH < 1% will not clean dirty bottles温度在<760 C 及碱液浓度< 1% 时 ,会洗不净玻璃瓶•Discharged bottles are cool to touch洗瓶机排出口处的玻璃瓶手感应该是凉的5To effectively wash a bottle four main issues must be satisfied:为有效地进行洗瓶,必须满足下列四点问题:2. Time.时间The time required for the bottles to be exposed to temperature, NaOH and pressure sprays. 与瓶体接触所需的温度、碱液和压力喷淋的时间• The bottles require time to heat up to the specified temperatures and cool down ready for filling with beer玻璃瓶需要时间来加热及降温到特定的温度以满足到装酒机处的灌装要求• Time for the NaOH to penetrate and remove the label and glue from the bottle碱液需要时间来浸透标纸和溶解标浆• Time for the sprays inside the bottle to remove the dirt and mould喷淋水需要时间来去除玻璃瓶内的脏物和霉斑• Time for the bottles and bottle carriers to drain off the NaOH solution before the next treatment sectionand time to fully drain the final rinse water before discharging from the washer在进入到下一个浸泡区以及玻璃瓶排出洗瓶机前玻璃瓶排出后清水喷淋水所需的总的排水时间,玻璃瓶和载瓶架所需的排碱液时间63. NaOH.To effectively wash a bottle four main issues must be satisfied:为有效地进行洗瓶,必须满足下列四点问题:Together with temperature and time NaOH is required to sterilise the bottles碱液. 包括温度和时间,玻璃瓶需要碱液对玻璃瓶进行无菌处理• Benefits of NaOH. 碱液的益处- NaOH is an aggressive alkali that reacts with soils to form soluble salts碱液是一种能与脏物发生反应的侵蚀性碱从而分解出溶解盐• Ddisadvantages of NaOH碱液的缺陷- NaOH has no soil suspending power. The insoluble compounds will redeposit on the bottle and in the washer碱液对脏物无悬浮力洗瓶机内.溶解成分将会重新沉淀在玻璃瓶内及- NaOH is difficult to rinse from the bottle without additives未添加添加剂的碱液不容易从玻璃瓶内清洗掉- NaOH does not prevent the formation of scale碱液不会预防垢的生成73.To effectively wash a bottle four main issues must be satisfied:为有效地进行洗瓶,必须满足下列四点问题NaOH plus additives 往碱液内添加添加剂Benefits of additives: - Controls the foam in the NaOH tanks添加剂的益处: 控制碱槽的起沫现象- Ccontrols the scale formation on the bottle carriers and warm water sections控制载瓶架和温水区的结垢现象- Suspends solids in the solution溶液内的悬浮脏物- Reduces the time required to clean the bottle降低所需的清洁玻璃瓶的时间- Improves the final rinsing of the bottle改善后清水喷淋处玻璃瓶的清洁度- Prevents the scale formed by label paper containing aluminum预防由于含有铝的标纸而形成的结垢现象8To effectively wash a bottle four main issues must be satisfied:为有效地进行洗瓶,必须满足下列四点问题:4. Scrubbing action. The jetting inside and outside the bottle giving the rubbing action to remove soil擦洗动作. 玻璃瓶内、外的喷淋水的喷淋会产生擦洗动作 ,从而去除脏物• Alignment of the sprays with the mouth of the bottle is essential to effectively removedirt and mould from the inside the bottle非常有必要校正喷嘴的位置从而有效地去除玻璃瓶内的脏物和霉斑,使其对准玻璃瓶瓶口• The sprays entering the inside the bottle gives an equal heating and cooling to the bottleand will reduce the thermal shock to the bottles进入到玻璃瓶内的喷淋水会给予瓶体同样能量来加热和降温瓶体,从而降低热击现象发生的频次9To effectively wash a bottle four main issues must be satisfied:为有效地进行洗瓶,必须满足下列四点问题:4. Scrubbing action.擦洗动作.••It is essential to ensure that the pump filter screens are always clean非常有必要将泵过滤网始终保持清洁状态Spray nozzles must be checked on a regular frequency to ensure that they are not blocked or missing必须以一定的频次检查喷嘴状态以确保喷嘴未被堵塞或者丢失101211121049385761. Bottle Pre-rinse tank瓶预浸槽2. # 1 NaOH soak tank1 号碱液浸泡槽3. # 2 NaOH soak tank2 号碱液浸泡槽4. # 3 NaOH soak tank3 号碱液浸泡槽5. Label removal sprays除标喷淋6. Label extractor商标提取器7. Internal NaOH sprays碱液内喷淋8. Heat exchangers热交换器9. Internal hot water sprays热水内喷淋10. Internal warm water sprays温水内喷淋11. External cold water sprays外清水喷淋12. Internal city water sprays内清水喷淋11BOTTLE WASHING - FOAM (1) 洗瓶机Foam is the # 1 enemy of effective bottle washing泡沫是洗瓶机有效进行洗瓶的头号敌人- 泡沫•The pumps pump air with the NaOH solution and the bottles will not be internally cleaned.Fluctuating pressure gauges indicate air is present.如果泵出的碱液内混有空气 ,将使瓶子内部得不到彻底的清洗压力表压力指针的波动表明出现了这种情况• Excessive foam from the label extractors will carry out NaOH with the foamcontributing to high NaOH usage and pollution商标提取器排出的泡沫越多这会导致碱液消耗量的增加和污染的环境,带出碱液也就越多• Foam will increase the liquid carry over on the bottles and carriers into the next compartments andcontaminate the final rinse sections with NaOH .泡沫会增加瓶体上所携带的液体量最终造成后清洗喷淋水被碱液污染现象的发生,并随瓶子进入下一个槽区12BOTTLE WASHING - FOAM (2) 洗瓶机Foam is the # 1 enemy of effective bottle washing泡沫是洗瓶机有效进行洗瓶的头号敌人- 泡沫• Foaming will contribute to the break up of label paper because of the delay in removing the labels from the washer.The pulped labels will block the filter screens and spray nozzles in the washer商标滞留在洗瓶机内部的时间过长时泡沫会使标纸破碎,标浆会堵塞洗瓶机的滤网和喷嘴• The labels will settle on top of the foam in the compartments and not sink to allow the label extractorsto remove the labels from the washer.商标会滞留在各槽区泡沫层上部而不是沉在底部被洗瓶机的商标提取器除掉13BOTTLE WASHING - FOAM (3) 洗瓶机Foam is the # 1 enemy of effective bottle washing泡沫是洗瓶机有效进行洗瓶的头号敌人Possible causes of foam formation:产生泡沫的可能性原因• Blocked pump filters and/ or blocked spray nozzles (high pump pressure) will make foam.泵过滤器滤网堵塞和 / 或喷嘴堵塞(泵压力过高)将产生泡沫• Leaking heat exchangers or steam condensate piped into the main soak compartment.热交换器渗漏或蒸汽冷凝水进入到主槽区• When the NaOH solution is < 50 0 C, during the warm up period, foaming will occur.当碱液温度低于 50度时在加热过程中会产生出泡沫- 泡沫• The addition of good quality NaOH additives is essential for consistently clean bright bottles,the reduction of foam and scale inside the bottle washer.对总是能够洗出的明亮玻璃瓶和减少洗瓶机内存在的泡沫和垢来说,添加质量优良的碱液添加剂是非常有必要的14BOTTLE WASHING - SCALEThe problems with scale formation:结垢的问题:洗瓶机- 结垢• Scale increases NaOH usage due to NaOH solution sticking to the bottle carriers and pockets andcarrying over to the next tank.由于碱液会滞留在载瓶斗与载瓶架上到下一个槽区 ,这样载瓶斗与载瓶架上结垢现象会增加碱的耗用量,而其会循环进入• Scale promotes bacteria growth in the warm water sections with the possibility of contributingto the sour taste in the bottled beer.结垢现象会促进细菌在温水区滋生现象的发生且有可能造成品酒的酸味• Scale blocks pumps and spray nozzles结垢现象会将泵和喷嘴堵塞• De-scaling of the warm water sections and pumps is expensive, time consuming, a safety hazardand damages the equipment.对温水区和泵进行除垢的费用高昂安全和容易对设备造成损害等隐患,且存在耗时、15BOTTLE WASHER - CAUSTIC USAGE(1)洗瓶机- 碱消耗量•Most single end bottle washers are able to wash 140 000 bottles for every Min the soak tanks before the NaOH solution has to be disposed of.在排放掉碱液之前,大多数单端出口洗瓶机浸泡槽内的每立方米碱液能够清洗 140 000个瓶子Excessive NaOH usage is caused by:碱液消耗量过高是由下列原因引起的:Disposing of the NaOH solution before it is necessary wastes water and NaOH.在有必要排放废水与废碱之前 ,提前排放碱液3 of NaOH solution• Running the machine above design speed.洗瓶机的运行速度高于设计速度• Foaming within the washer.洗瓶机内有泡沫16BOTTLE WASHER - CAUSTIC USAGEExcessive NaOH usage is caused by:碱液消耗量过高是由下列原因引起的(2)洗瓶机- 碱消耗量• Running the NaOH concentration greater than specification洗瓶机内碱液浓度大于标准要求的碱液浓度• Scaled bottle carriers and pockets.载瓶架、载瓶斗结垢• Labels containing aluminium. Aluminium will neutralise NaOH标纸中含有铝,铝会中和碱液17BOTTLE WASHER - WATER USAGE洗瓶机- 耗水量To rinse with each bottle 0.35 to 0. 65 liters of city water is required.For a washer running at 22 000 BPH this is 8 to 14 tons of water / hour清洗每一个玻璃瓶的耗水量为22 000瓶 / 每小时包装线的耗水量为Excessive water usage is caused by:耗水量过高是由下列原因引起的:• Leaking water valves that fill the various tanks.各槽区供水阀门泄漏0.35- 0.65升8- 14吨• Final internal spray nozzles larger than manufacturers specification. (2 mm).后清水喷淋喷嘴内径比厂家标准大 (2毫米• Final rinse water pressure reducing valve set too high ( 0.08 - 0.12 Mpa))后清水喷淋压力调节阀设置过高• When the machine stops, the final rinse sprays must also stop洗瓶机停机时 ,后清水喷淋也必须停止喷淋动作(0.08 - 0.12 Mpa)18Hand Valve手动阀Fresh Water净水Pump filter screen inserted here泵的滤板在此插入25 mm pipe with water spray holes drilled in to flush off the dirtyfilter screen.直径为 25mm 的喷水管喷水孔朝向滤板冲洗上面的脏物Hand Rails走台护栏Stainless Steel box bigger than the filter screens tobe cleaned不锈钢冲洗箱,宽度大于滤板宽度Dirt and waterout排污口Bottle washer pump filter screen cleaning box洗瓶机泵滤板清洗箱19ISSUES EFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF BOTTLE WASHING MACHINES影响洗瓶机性能的泡沫问题Issues effecting performance影响性能的问题Contributing causes:由下列因素造成:1.1 Poorly formulated NaOHandadditives.Reasons and comments原因及意见The pumps pump air with the NaOH solution and thebottles will not be internally cleaned. Fluctuating pressuregauges indicate air is present.泵打出的带有碱液的空气及瓶内得不到清洗,不稳定的压力表表明有空气存在。剂。配比不合格的NaOH 及添加The labels will settle on top of the foam in thecompartments and not sink to allow the label extractors to1.2 Leaking pump glands.泵密封处渗漏。1.3 Leaking heat exchangers.热交换器渗漏。1.4 Temperatures <500 C.温度小于 50 ℃remove them from the machine.商标会停留在泡沫上而不是沉在底部被除掉。Foaming will contribute to the break up of label paperbecause of the delay in removing them from the machine.由于除商标耽阁,泡沫会使标纸破碎。During the warm up period and the NaOH solution is<500C foaming will occur.在加热过程中, NaOH 溶液小于 50 度,会形成泡沫。Presence of foam increases the carbonate level much fasterby absorbing CO2.泡沫使钙含量增加,比吸收的 CO2 使钙含量增加快得多。20ISSUES EFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF BOTTLE WASHING MACHINES影响洗瓶机性能的泡沫问题Issues effecting performance影响性能的问题1.5 Steam condensate pipedinto the main soakReasons and comments原因及意见Excessive foam from the label extractors will carry outNaOH with it contributing to waste and pollutioncompartment.来自除标系统的过量泡沫带出NaOH ,因而导致浪费和污染蒸汽冷凝水回到主碱槽内。1.6 High pump pressures.泵压力过高。1.7 Blocked pump filters andspraynozzles.泵过滤器及喷嘴阻塞。Foam will increase the liquid carry over on the bottles andcarriers into the next compartments and so contaminate thefinal rinse sections with NaOH.泡沫会使液体残留在瓶上,随载瓶架进入下一个槽内,进而NaOH 污染清水喷淋。Condensate discharged into the solution will flash into steamand aerate the solution. Better to send the condensate towaste or better still to return to the boiler house if it is notcontaminated with NaOH.排入碱液中的冷凝水会形成蒸汽而使溶液中形成泡沫。如果冷凝水没被 NaOH 污染的话,最好回收到锅炉房。The label extractors are not as effective when foam ispresent.有泡沫时,除标系统不能有效地工作。21我有原始的PDF文件,你要的话我可以发与你

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XP42型单端洗瓶机功能改进及分析 陈亮 装备制造技术 2011/12 洗瓶机同步往复式喷淋装置的改进 蒋茂春; 郑志为 设备管理与维修 2011/08 洗瓶机传动系统的设计分析 赵林林 机械传动 2011/08 洗瓶机洗瓶质量对粉针制剂质量的影响 韩丽; 李秀荣; 律兰凤 黑龙江医药 2004/04 洗瓶机的现状及发展趋势 秦保振 机电信息 2007/29 洗瓶机控制系统分析与设计 陈立定; 王军会 食品工业 2010/01 cnki搜索吧

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    毕业论文 (设计)文档规范格式毕业论文(设计)的整理、装订要求统一采用A4纸打印、左面竖装;毕业论文(设计)的书写格式规范1.毕业论文正文由毕业论文(设计)题目

    miss.w\^O^/ 3人参与回答 2023-12-06
  • 洗衣机控制器设计毕业论文

    全自动揉搓式洗衣机的设计 机电一体化设计包括,任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述,说明书,所有设计图,论文字数:22225,页数:57 论文编号:JX086

    七碗爱玉味 3人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 六足机器人的设计毕业论文下载


    自由自在的GUCCI 2人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 绞肉机的设计毕业论文下载

    机械毕业设计论文 题目如下 详情请查看 andy1014831557.blog.163.com+工艺-“填料箱盖”零件的工艺规程及钻孔夹具设计+工艺-

    猪头小队长1982 5人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 计算机毕业论文及设计免费下载


    sunbaby8893 5人参与回答 2023-12-06