When I opened the beginning of the article, clearly remembered in the classroom, teacher readed the first paragraph to us. At the beginning of listening after teachers read, I did not understand a bit, why should teacher selected just one paragraph to read for us to listen. But then the teacher's a few questions aroused me great interesting. And i've readed it again with taken the teacher's questions. Now, to see the whole book, come back to thinking about the beginning of the doubt, all glance at the heart. The author use the way directness describe, with short、concise setences, just a few of the features described as "across the plains of the rivers and mountains vaguely visible," "pebbles and great circle of stone in the river bed , show its cirdle and white." , "Clear water, fast river", just as a display screen in front readers. The work at the beginning seted the base, such as "tree trunks are full of dust," "leaves as early as drop-in in that year" and "only the leaves on the road,emptily", all those may showed this should be a sad story. The first part of the story has a lot of description on the war, the author through the officers's eyes and mouth to saying the the battle situation, describing the dining hall officers and clerics in the war…… attitudes and views from those described, we understand the social background and the characters's survival state of the story. Hemingway's integration scenarios about the environment, with action and image to performance emotion purely. The dialogue in telephone, short and real inner monologue, we can see that daily-language base on heavy hardwork. I think that love story can't be lacked in all atory, no love story no complete works. In "A Farewell to Arms", we clearly see the male hero's love to the female hero changed and developmented step-by-step , and eventually difficult as people would like to. It should be said that this love is broken by the war. Story begain, for this war, the hero in this book is dutifully to the war. To the soldiers suffering from intestinal hernia he help them without any complainer, in the first attack he ignor the danger beside him to took back the drivers foods, after injured he still had heroic spirit of humility, and all of those performance this point. Shows a soldier should had the courage and kind. And at this time, he also started contact with Miss Barlaick, beginning with the purpose of not pure. Longer and longer the war time. In the dining hall, all kinds of people were in the discussion of the war. The cleric whom Henry concerned made Henry understand a lot.At the same time, Henry begain to had a doubt on the war. In his convalescence, he has successfully developed his love, healed his hurt. However, the reality can not be what a person was willing to. He had to return to the war. Personally experienced all kinds of war,particular saw the Italian military be defeated with helter-skelter, saw his comrades die in his own eyes, and military police arbitrarily executed the officers who separated from his troop……The war bring people a series of pain and sadness.All these made Henry determined to leave the war, been far away from the war, took off the military uniform, to found his lovey determined……From the story of what happened these days, Henry's attitude toward the war have taken place in major changes. He was no longer believe in war, no longer willing to participate in the war. He has arrived in Milan, did not read newspapers, did not care about the battle situation.At this time Henry has been fully made himself out of the war. And just wanted been together with his loved girl. Risked their lives to leave the Milan, arrived in Switzerland, you can say that this was the beginning of a new life. Henry and lovey lived a simple but pleasure rural life. Although at this time they left the war, but it always gave people a false sense of that life.Always fearing that it would be a dream.Life was worrying still.Aafraid that dream would broke up, afraid that the well-being would no longer someday…… The outcome still made us sad, Carsarlin finally left Henry. In times of chaos, the love flower withered at last. Made us bemoan…… From the whole story, Hemingway wrote the process that peaple doubt the war,hate the war,till play it cool and numbly to the war that destructed love and humanity.Reflecting the mental of cynical ,the crisis of faith "confused Generation " after the First World War.In the book the hero Henry fulfilled to the war till censured it.This change shows in Italian all sectors of the community's attitude to war.And Hemingway just wanted to make people "to understand of the thoughts and feelings in the war from this book" . Now to reading, this is a novel has many attraction and something to learn from it. Hemingway's language does have its merits, worth to taste……
商务英语专业毕业论文 论文选题 论文选题是毕业论文写作的开端。能否选择恰当的题目,对于整篇毕业论文写作是否顺利,关系极大。好比走路,这开始的第十步是具有决定意义的,第一步迈向何方,需要慎重考虑。否则,就可能走许多弯路,费许多周折,甚至南辕北辙,难以到达目的地。毕业生选题,要遵循这样两条基本原则:第一条是价值原则,即论文的选题要有价值。论文价值有理论价值和应用价值之分,选题时,要把应用价值摆在首位。学生写的毕业论文不是毫无实际意义的“空对空”的文字游戏,而是来源于现实,并为现实服务的。第二条是可行原则选题时要充分考虑主客观条件。客观条件主要是写作的时间、地点、环境;主观条件包括作者的才能、学识和所掌握的材料等。学毕业生在选择毕业论文题目时,必须考虑自己的主、客观条件,量力而行。即要选择那些客观上需要,主观上又有能力完成的题目。 选题的具体方法 1、尽快确定毕业论文的选题方向 在毕业论文工作布置后,每个人都应遵循选题的基本原则,在较短的时间内把选题的方向确定下来。从毕业论文题目的性质来看,基本上可以分为两大类:一类是社会主义现代化建设实践中提出的理论和实际问题;另一类是专业学科本身发展中存在的基本范畴和基本理论问题。大学生应根据自己的志趣和爱好,尽快从上述两大类中确定一个方向。 2、在初步调查研究的基础上选定毕业论文的具体题目 在选题的方向确定以后,还要经过一定的调查和研究,来进一步确定选题的范围,以至最后选定具体题目。下面介绍两种常见的选题方法。 1)浏览捕捉法 这种方法就是通过对占有的文献资料快速地、大量地阅读,在比较中来确定题目的方法。浏览,一般是在资料占有达到一定数量时集中一段时间进行,这样便于对资料作集中的比较和鉴别。浏览的目的是在咀嚼消化已有资料的过程中,提出问题,寻找自己的研究课题。这就需要对收集到的材料作全面的阅读研究,主要的、次要的、不同角度的、不同观点的都应了解,不能看了一些资料,有了一点看法,就到此为止,急于动笔。也不能“先入为主”,以自己头脑中原有的观点或看了第一篇资料后得到的看法去决定取舍。而应冷静地、客观地对所有资料作认真的分析思考。在浩如烟海,内容丰富的资料中吸取营养,反复思考琢磨许多时候之后,必然会有所发现。 浏览捕捉法一般可按以下步骤进行: 第一步,广泛地浏览资料。在浏览中要注意勤作笔录,随时记下资料的纲目,记下资料中对自己影响最深刻的观点、论据、论证方法等,记下脑海中涌现的点滴体会。当然,手抄笔录并不等于有言必录,有文必录,而是要做细心的选择,有目的、有重点地摘录,当详则详,当略则略,一些相同的或类似的观点和材料则不必重复摘录,只需记下资料来源及页码就行,以避免浪费时间和精力。 第二步,是将阅读所得到的方方面面的内容,进行分类、排列、组合,从中寻找问题、发现问题,材料可按纲目分类,如分成: 系统介绍有关问题研究发展概况的资料; 对某一个问题研究情况的资料; 对同一问题几种不同观点的资料; 对某一问题研究最新的资料和成果等等。 第三步,将自己在研究中的体会与资料分别加以比较,找出哪些体会在资料中没有或部分没有;哪些体会虽然资料已有,但自己对此有不同看法;哪些体会和资料是基本一致的;哪些体会是在资料基础上的深化和发挥等等。经过几番深思熟虑的思考过程,就容易萌生自己的想法。把这种想法及时捕捉住,再作进一步的思考,选题的目标也就会渐渐明确起来。 2)追溯验证法 这是一种先有拟想,然后再通过阅读资料加以验证来确定选题的方法。这种选题方法必须先有一定的想法,即根据自己平素的积累,初步确定准备研究的方向、题目或选题范围。但这种想法是否真正可行,心中没有太大的把握,故还需按着拟想的研究方向,跟踪追溯。追溯可从以下几方面考虑: ①看自己的“拟想”是否对别人的观点有补充作用,自己的“拟想”别人没有论及或者论及得较少。如果得到肯定的答复,再具体分析一下主客观条件,只要通过努力,能够对这一题目作出比较圆满的回答,则可以把“拟想”确定下来,作为毕业论文的题目。 ②如果自己的“拟想”虽然别人还没有谈到,但自己尚缺乏足够的理由来加以论证,考虑到写作时间的限制,那就应该中止,再作重新构思。 ②看“拟想”是否与别人重复。如果自己的想法与别人完全一样,就应马上改变“拟想”,再作考虑;如果自己的想法只是部分的与别人的研究成果重复,就应再缩小范围,在非重复方面深入研究。 ④要善于捕捉一闪之念,抓住不放,深入研究。在阅读文献资料或调查研究中,有时会突然产生一些思想火花,尽管这种想法很简单、很朦胧,也未成型,但干万不可轻易放弃。因为这种思想火花往往是在对某一问题作了大量研究之后的理性升华,如果能及时捕捉,并顺势追溯下去,最终形成自己的观点,这是很有价值的。 追溯验证的选题方法,是以主观的“拟想”为出发点,沿着一定方向对已有研究成果步步紧跟,一追到底,从中获得“一己之见”的方法。但这种主观的“拟想”绝不是“凭空想象”,必须以客观事实、客观需要等作为依据。 论文参考题目: 1/商务英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势... 2/中英文在生活习语中的差异 3/论英汉翻译中的外来词译法 4/幼儿英语的愉快教学 5/中英文化的背景
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Hemingway’s View on War in A Farewell to Arms 这个还可以