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首页 > 期刊论文 > 水质中总磷的测定的毕业论文

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Abstract: total phosphorus in water, nitrogen and COD (chemical oxygen demand) is reflected in the importance of water quality indicators, in general, because of self-purification capacity of water, natural water of nitrogen and phosphorus content and COD value is not high and the trend On the stability. But with the accelerated process of urbanization, urban industrial building high-speed development in recent years, urban sewage and industrial wastewater emissions were rising trend year by year, fertilizer, metallurgy, printing and dyeing, synthetic detergent industries such as wastewater, sewage life Water and water for agricultural use, with a large number of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, the COD value is high. Through various channels such sewage into the water, all kinds of phosphate in water, organic and inorganic nitrogen content of nitrogen compounds will continue to improve, a direct impact on water quality. Material increase in nitrogen and phosphorus in water, algae and micro-organisms will lead to excessive breeding, large consumption of dissolved oxygen in water. When more than the load of water, will result in decreased water transparency, eutrophication, and other adverse effects, so that the water quality deterioration.On the other hand, China's annual COD only in the liquid waste generated in the form of environmental emissions of mercury and silver of sulfuric acid on a few tonnes, the environmental pollution caused by the secondary has been not to be ignored. Determination of potassium dichromate and used water samples COD not only time-consuming energy, water back, reagent consumption also great. It can be said that we have been adopted by the COD of the water quality is not consistent with the way the concept of environmental protection.To sum up, with the water quality of the increasing deterioration of the situation, water quality monitoring in the determination of nitrogen and phosphorus to the improvement of water quality monitoring and protection is of great significance, and improve the existing COD or on the determination of low energy consumption, Reagents used and less time-precise determination of the new, equally positive and important significance.This article from the multi-pronged approach to study high temperature and high pressure digestion, microwave confined digestion, digestion and a series of heated water bath TP digestion of the total nitrogen, as well as the standard return, microwave digestion and a series of COD determination of the digestion. Through the TP TN COD content of the results of different methods of comparison, and various microwave digestion time and return to standard time that the effect of digestion sample comparison of research, improvement of the original determination, or find a new technology Means to achieve rapid and effective sample decomposition, shorten the time for the purpose of digestion, and can greatly reduce the digestion of the samples in the loss and pollution, improve the determination of precision and accuracy, expanding the scope of application methods, while exploring a new approach And the classic method of comparability, and its practical application in the superiority of developed a variety of water suitable for TP TN COD of the rapid digestion of accurate, the new method is simple system, to improve the water and wastewater monitoring Analysis at the same time, to a certain social benefits.Key words: total phosphorus (TP); Total Nitrogen (TN); chemical oxygen demand (COD); microwave digestion; optimum conditions

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