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Purchase the merchandise building to have become the residents' inevitable consumption of city along with the booming development of the our country real estate market, the real estate development market needs a great deal of funds urgently into in the meantime, pushing personal housing of the commercial bank loan business to ascend history satge thus.Although personal housing loan of the Chinese type is an immaturity still, while compete the vigorous market push, already early scale, it believes the comparison in the loan business to increase quickly in the bank. At the same time, personal housing loan risk that the business produce causes the concern of the society more and more.This text the commercial bank starts from the our country of personal housing loan the characteristic of the business commence, in details analysis issue that type of loan existent various risk ying to suffer from, point out housing a loan risk of because of with result, and pass the actual case example resolution, discussed personal housing a loan the problem face in the reality. Face personal housing lend money of various risk, this text enumerates a control and dissolves risk to guard against measure in detail, and according to our country the state of the nation put forward the policy suggestion of the maneuverability. Keyword:The housing loan, the risk, guard against

100 评论


Urban economics and real estate markets estate finance law Regression Method for Real Estate Price Index Construction(Martin J. Bailey, Richard F. Muth and Hugh O. Nourse)http://www.jstor.org/stable/2283324Experts, amateurs, and real estate: An anchoring-and-adjustment perspective on property pricing decisions Strategic Exercise of Options: Development Cascades and Overbuilding in Real Estate Markets (Steven R. Grenadier) computer system to match buyers and sellers of real estate, businesses and other property using the internet real estate investment trusts and real estate returns(MS Giliberto - Journal of Real Estate Research, 1990 - ARES) and Return on Real Estate: Evidence from Equity REITs(K. C. Chan, Patric H. Hendershott, Anthony B. Sanders) Dynamic HomeFinder: Evaluating dynamic queries in a real-estate information exploration system Proactive Personality Scale and objective job performance among real estate agents.(JM Crant - Journal of Applied Psychology, 1995) Does the Stock Market Tell Us About Real Estate Returns?(Joseph Gyourko, Donald B. Keim) and conveyances of real property(M Friedman - Business Lawyer, 1977) dynamics of real estate prices Appraisal of Real Estate(American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers - 1987 - American Institute of Real Estate)Economic risk factors and commercial real estate returns(DC Ling, A Naranjo - Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1997) estate development: principles and process (Mike Mile) categories in investment real estate(David Hartzell, John Hekman, Mike Miles) estate development as an option(Williams - The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1991 - Springer)其实都是网上搜来的,供你参考

275 评论


CS方向sci三区的一个小刊,之前也是major revision,大四毕业了才中了。。所以在我心目中MV几乎约等于AC,虽然这辈子只投过一篇文章。北京译顶科技做的不错,可以联系他们一下 统一查下。

175 评论


Since on the century 90's, our country real estate industrydevelopment has been rapid, becomes the national economy new growthspot. Is filling in the Chinese real estate industry developmentcourse about the real estate froth argument, in recent years, thiskind of argument continued to elevate temperature. The real estatefroth once occurs, will give a national the economy and the sociallife brings the serious consequence. Our country real estate alreadyenters the fast development time, the guard vigilant real estate frothoccurrence has the vital significance. This article in the analysis real estate market development presentsituation foundation, has analyzed the real estate froth origin, aswell as each kind of harm which initiates by it. And to the Americanreal estate finance froth, the East Asian finance crisis and the realestate froth, the Chinese Beihai real estate froth has carried on thebrief introduction, had the problem in view of the current real estatemarket in to propose further governed policy suggestion. The articlefinally has carried on the forecast to our country real estate marketdevelopment future, so long as we can fully know in developing processlatent crisis, promptly governs the undesirable tendency, andconsummates the related legal laws and regulations and the tax systempolicy as soon as possible, our country real estate industry mayrealize the health steady development.

106 评论


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190 评论


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