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The this graduation design topic is garden residence building in long grass City building structure to design, the residence's building of total building the area be about 1356 square meters, total 5 F, building height is 15.6 meters.The all of this building adoption reinforced concrete sprinkles frame structure system now and the foundation adoption pillar descends independent foundation. This design contents includes to calculate with COBOL two part.Calculates a part calculation the main contents of the book for the design among them of total elucidation, Gou piece the initial assurance of the size, cut a noodles design, lotus to carry calculation, calculation stairs and foundation.Stairs design for plank type two run a parallel stairs, the foundation is next for pillar to sprinkle a rank type to expand foundation now.Diagram paper 9:The 1 F floor plank goes together with Jin diagram, the 5 F floor plank to go together with Jin diagram, the 1 F beam flat surface to go together with Jin diagram, the 5 F beam flat surface to go together with Jin diagram, 1 F pillar to go together with Jin plane chart, foundation flat surface to arrange diagram, foundation flat surface to set out big kind diagram, 3 stalk frames to go together with Jin diagram, stairs flat surface to arrange diagram and stairs plank to go together with Jin to arrange diagram. The machine-readable part mainly includes the following, carry on a structure flat surface decoration with the PMCAD software first, the lotus carries an importation, select by examinations design parameter, formation PK document, then use PK to carry on a frame calculation, finally use the space structure that the TAT-8 carries on frame structure analysis, get dint diagram inside the Gou piece with go together with a Jin sketch plan, structure period, structure to move, the earthquake lotus carry an information etc..The pillar goes together with Jin diagram and inside dint calculation result.Use the JCCAD carries on a foundation design and output foundation flat surface to arrange diagram and the foundation big kind diagram.Use CAD to draw a stairs flat surface to arrange diagram and stairs plank to go together with Jin diagram after carrying on a stairs hand to calculate a designIn the process of design in adopted to calculate two kinds of method with COBOL, because of can carry on a calculating school pit, analytical reason, discover the mistake in the design in time.

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