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摘要 心育作为德育的中心,应该是小学生学习德育知识的核心环节。从心育入手,从小学生的日常生活中去培养他们的关怀别人、和谐相处、宽容他人的美德,使得他们建立起正确的价值观和良好的德行习惯,从而成为未来正直正派的劳动者、正义正直的公民。 关键词:心育;小学;德育 Introduction Moral education, as a major part of the primary school curriculum,should continuously focus on the cultivation of children’s virtue and moral behavior in order to develop responsible future citizens and responsible workers. Among all aspects of moral education, heart education has always occupied an important position. The concept of heart education emphasizes the moral development of students and the idea that good moral values should be cultivated from an early age. The aim of this paper is to outline why it is important to start heart education early in the life of a primary school student. The Meaning of Heart Education Heart education refers to an integrated curriculum designed to cultivate the moral integrity of elementary school students. It focuses on cultivating children's good qualities, such as understanding, caring for others, harmonious living and tolerance. It also emphasizes the moral responsibilities of children to their parents, teachers, classmates, society and nation. Through heart education, students are encouraged to develop self-regulation so that they can form positive ethical behaviors and habits, and make the right choices when faced with moral dilemmas. The Importance of Heart Education In modern times, we are facing many issues related to morality, such as child abuse, bullying, juvenile delinquency and illegal activities. It is essential that students develop moral virtues and integrity to deal with these issues. Heart education plays a crucial role in developing students' moral values and characters. It enables them to learn how to be responsible citizens, to understand the importance of respecting others and to appreciate different cultures and values. It also helps them to develop self-discipline and to make decisions that are ethically sound. In addition, heart education can help students to build strong relationships with their peers, to develop emotional intelligence, and to foster a sense of respect and harmony within the school environment. Conclusion Heart education is an important component of moral education. It is essential that students start learning its principles at a young age. It should be a part of everyday life, where students can learn to appreciate the values of respect, understanding and tolerance. Heart education should be incorporated into all aspects of school life, including the classroom, sports activities and extracurricular activities. By doing so, students will be able to develop the skills and qualities that will enable them to be morally upright citizens and to make ethical decisions in their future lives.

192 评论


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181 评论


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