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5. Cost Estimation 5.1 Costs Associated with Constructed Facilities The costs of a constructed facility to the owner include both the initial capital cost and the subsequent operation and maintenance costs. Each of these major cost categories consists of a number of cost components. The capital cost for a construction project includes the expenses related to the inital establishment of the facility: Land acquisition, including assembly, holding and improvement Planning and feasibility studies Architectural and engineering design Construction, including materials, equipment and labor Field supervision of construction Construction financing Insurance and taxes during construction Owner's general office overhead Equipment and furnishings not included in construction Inspection and testing The operation and maintenance cost in subsequent years over the project life cycle includes the following expenses: Land rent, if applicable Operating staff Labor and material for maintenance and repairs Periodic renovations Insurance and taxes Financing costs Utilities Owner's other expenses 输入限制,不能全部发给你,参考以下网址 或交流,还有很多,不能全部收录。Project Management and CostJim SlomanChief Executive and DirectorMI AssociatesFormer Chief Operating OfficerSydney Organising Committee for the Olympic GamesAustralia这篇的长度合适PDF8页

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