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Motorvehicle suspension on the vehicle suspension system is a very important system.Not only does it affect the comfort of the car (ride), but also to otherproperties such as the adoption, as well as the stability of the attachmenthave a significant impact on performance, each of the suspension by the elasticcomponents (buffers), body-oriented (from Chuan And stabilizing role), as wellas shock absorbers (from the role of shock absorption). However, not all of thesuspension must have three components. As long as we can play to the role ofthe three. Vehiclemaintenance for the conservation network 1, flying the classification 1.Non-independent suspension: on both sides of the wheel mounted on atotal-vehicle-bridge, the train-bridge to fly through the frame and connected.This suspension structure is simple and reliable power-but by two rounds ofshock and vibration affecting each other. But also because of the quality offlying non-serious suspension of the poor performance of the buffer, the vibrationof a moving car, the greater the impact. The suspension generally used fortrucks, buses and a number of other ordinary vehicles. (2) independentsuspension: each individual through a set of wheels mounted on the body orsuspension of vehicular bridge, the use of off-Axle, in the middle of a fixedframe or body; such wheel on both sides of the suspension by the shockHubuyingxiang, but due to non-flying than by the quality; buffer with a strongshock absorption capacity, ride comfort. The indicators are better thannon-independent suspension, but the complex structure of the suspension, but italso drive axle, steering system has become complicated. The use of suchsuspension of the following two categories of vehicles. Cars, buses andpassenger vehicles. Can be improved ride comfort, and high speed when drivingthe car to improve stability. Off-road vehicles, military vehicles andmining vehicles. In a bad way and have no say under the circumstances, we canmake sure all the wheels on the ground and contacts to enhance stability anddriving the car attached, to play a speed of the car. 2.Flexibleyuan for the type of (1) of the leaf spring: the long-range multi-chip andcurvature ranging from the composite plate. After installed at both ends of thenatural upward curve. In addition to the leaf spring with a buffer, there is acertain degree of shock absorption, vertical layout also has a force-oriented,non-independent suspension using most of the leaf spring so flexiblecomponents, save-oriented devices and shock absorbers, simple structure . (2)of the coil spring: only a cushion for the multi-car independent suspension. Inthe absence of damping force and mass functions must also be equipped withspecial shock absorbers and device-oriented. (3) oil and gas spring: a flexiblemedium as a gas, liquid as a medium-power, which not only has a good buffercapacity, also has a role in shock absorption and at the same time frame of ahigh degree of regulation may also be applicable to the use of heavy vehicles andbuses. (4), torsion bar springs; will be made under the torsion bar springsfixed at one end of the frame, on the other side through the arm and connectedto the wheels, and beat at wheel torsion bar the use of reverse deformationplayed the role of buffer, is suitable for independent The use of suspension. 3.the use of shock absorber tube shock absorbers, the use of oil in the smallrole to cut energy consumption vibration. Shock absorber and the upper bodyframe or connected with the lower end of the train-bridge connected. Most ofthe trip can be done and the compression of the dual role of the role of shockabsorber.4.device-oriented:the flexibility in the independent suspension components, most of them can onlytransfer the vertical loads and can not transmit vertical and horizontal, mustbe a separate device-oriented. As noted, under the arm and vertical, horizontalstabilizer, and so on. 5.non-independent suspension: before and after the truckswere non-independentsuspension bridge, some vehicles such as buses and cars and so on, after thebridge is also a non-independent suspension. Each car of the sedan chair byhoisting two independent non-vertical arrangement of the composition of theleaf spring. Leaf spring fixed in the middle of the train-bridge, with thefront end hinged frame or body, the back-end with the frame or body through theear hanging hinged or connected to use of skateboards. Top of the frame with ashock absorber then, with the lower end of the next school Axle. The truck rearaxle and more without shock absorbers.6.many types of independent suspension, coil spring as the use of flexiblecomponents. Torsion bar springs for the independent suspension is also dividedinto vertical and horizontal torsion torque Cup two-under. Although many of theadvantages of an independent suspension, but the car would turn the system, theDepartment of driving and driving more complicated structure of the bridge.Keywords:structure of the engine engine performance merits of a direct impact on theperformance of motor vehicles. First, the use of fuel by the differentcategories according to engine fuel, gasoline engine and the engine is dividedinto two major categories of diesel engines.1.network Motor conservation maintenance, gasoline engine small size, lightweight, low prices; good start, when the maximum power of high-speed;work in asmall vibration and noise; suitable for small and medium-sized car inparticular, the use of high-speed car.Gasoline deflagration due to the restrictionscan not be too high compression ratio, thermal efficiency and economy are not,such as diesel. Gasoline is a mixture of the main gas pipeline in the form overinto the cylinder, compressed by the end of close to the spark plugs fire. Thedriver to speed up the adoption of the control pedal into the cylinder of thegas mixture to control the load on the engine, known as the volume ofregulation. Gasoline engine’s fuel supply system and ignition system is a gasoline enginefailure on the part of a higher proportion. Gasoline engine emissions ofharmful material composition of carbon monoxide, carbon compounds and nitrogenoxides than diesel, and so on, but with the current electronically controlledfuel injection system and other exhaust gas purification devices, which havegreatly improved. In addition, the gasoline engine’storque characteristics are very suitable for automotive use, can significantlyreduce the labor intensity of the driver.2.diesel and gasoline engine, diesel engine size, weight, high prices, poor start(especially when the low temperature); work more vibration and noise; easy tooverload when the black smoke. Diesel is characterized by: 1)the absence of the deflagration, as well as restrictions on the needs of thespontaneous combustion of diesel, diesel engine compression ratio high. Thermalefficiency and economy must be better than the gasoline engine. 2)the same power, the diesel engine’s torque, maximum power at the time of low speed, suitable for theuse of the truck. 3)is a mixture of diesel engine cylinder internal form, no inlet throttle, theintake of small resistance. The driver to speed up the adoption of fuelinjection control board, to change the engine load, known as the regulation ofquality, as there is no problem of hypoxia, emissions of hydrocarbons andcarbon monoxide content of less than gasoline.4)In the absence of the ignition system, as well as fuel supply device failurerate low. Therefore, failure to less than diesel gasoline engine. 5)diesel engine torque characteristics are not suitable for car driving cycleneeds, moving the stalls to use frequently, an increase of pilot laborintensity. The main diesel engine for use in medium and heavy vehicles. Second, the number of engine cylinder andarrangement of the engine cylinder displacement equal to the volume of workand. Increasein the number of cylinder engine will not only increase capacity, improve theengine output power, but also to enable the smooth operation of the engine toreduce noise and vibration. Hyundai Motor have adopted multi-cylinder engine.Mini-car for more than 3-cylinder engine, small trucks, passenger cars andmedium-sized following for more than 4-cylinder engine; medium-sized trucks,large cars and buses for more than 6-cylinder engine; Heavy-Duty Truck Generalof 6-8 cylinder. 6-cylinder engine under a single row multi-cylinder in-linemode; 8-cylinder V-type engines for alignment; some of the cars in order toreduce engine height, length shortened, using V6, V8-type arrangement. Mini-caruse of 3-cylinder engine, most oblique way. In-line engine structure is simpleand cheap. The disadvantage is that a high degree of the engine higher longerlength.Is more a way. V-type engines with low height, short length, but thestructure of the complex, more expensive price, suitable for large-scaleengine. Water-cooled engine block using the whole cast. Small engines usedaluminum alloy materials, large-scale multi-engine for the cast iron. Cylinderhead bolts used in a fixed block on the plane, in addition to constitute aclosed cylinder combustion room, into the exhaust, valves are installed, andspark plug valve, and so on. Third,the gasoline engine’sfuel supply 1, the fuel-supply system carburetor gasoline engine fuel supplyline into carburetor and fuel-injection two major categories of carburetor mainoil installations operating principle is: the work of the engine when the outside air Inthe cylinder under the suction air filter to filter through into the cylinder.When the air flow through the pipe section due to the smaller increase in thevelocity and pressure led to the decline in a certain vacuum. Float on theinterior of gasoline in the vacuum from the role of the main inlet into thespray nozzle, the gas emitted by high-speed air currents disperse into mist,known as fogging. And then to oil and oil-film evaporation space in the form ofevaporation, and the airway had mixed into the air mixture into the cylinder.In order to achieve the economy, the main oil loading also uses the air brake.The main nozzle at the indoor air, and along with a few scheduled to openaround the through-hole and air the same room. When the throttle openinggradually increases, the air hole gradually connected with the air. Not onlyreduces the vacuum so that the mixture-thinning, the main air nozzle is alsobeneficial to the atomization of gasoline. 2. electronically controlled fuelinjection fuel-supply system carburetor fuel-supply device structure is simple,reliable, cheap, easy maintenance. But the biggest drawback is that it can notbe precisely controlled mixture of concentration, resulting in incompletecombustion, emissions of harmful ingredients, do not meet the stringentrequirements of environmental protection today. In addition, due to theexistence of the pipe so that the air resistance increases. There is also thecylinder uneven distribution of gasoline and easy to produce and Qizu ice andso on. In order to solve these problems, 80 electronically controlled fuelinjection system in the car engine on a wide range of applications more andmore.electronicallycontrolled fuel injection system advantages: electronically controlled fuelinjection system (referred to as English EFI) has the following advantages:1.no matter under what conditions and in what conditions the engine canaccurately control the mixture of concentration, To make gasoline burncompletely full. This greatly reduces the emission of harmful components ofcontent, also has an excellent combustion engine of the economy. 2.can supply, ignition temperature, such as centralized control, so that the workof the engine performance, increased engine power output, lower fuelconsumption. 3.the engine can always operate in a stable condition in a variety of conditionsso that all car drivers in accordance with the requirements of normal traffic. 4. In the absence of pipes, a small airresistance. At the same time, difficult to produce Qizu, to the distribution ofgas cylinder uniform, and so on. The shortcomings of the fuel injection systemis the high cost structure of the complex and difficult to repair, and so on. electronicallycontrolled fuel injection system of classification: 1) by way of testing the air quality into theway traffic density and speed of the way the two categories. 2) by way of fuel injection, the following twocategories. According to the location of the jet, into intake manifold junction(SPI) and the jet intake manifold Department (MPI) are two jet, respectively,also known as single-point and multi-point injection jet. MPI iscurrently widely used in the way.MPI is currently widely used in theway. Department of gasoline ignition gasoline engine ignition system aregenerally three categories: contact-type ignition system, electronic ignitionsystem, computer-controlled ignition system.车辆悬架系统中的机动车辆悬架系统是一种非常重要的系统。它不仅对乘坐汽车的舒适度有影响,而且对附件的稳定性等其他性能有着显著的影响。每个悬挂的弹性元件(弹簧),是车架(起稳定作用), 以及减振器的角色(减震)组成然而,并非所有的悬架必须有三个组成部分。只要我们能发挥三个作用。汽车的维护,悬架分类:一 非独立悬架:两侧车轮安装在一根整体式车桥上,车轮连同车桥一起通过框架与车身相连。但这种悬架结构简单,可靠,制造方便,而是由两个轮冲击和振动轮互相影响。在载重汽车上被广泛应用。 但减震器的表现不佳,汽车行进中的震动越大,影响越严重,所以这种悬挂通常被用在卡车、客车和其他的普通车辆。 独立悬架:每个元件通过两侧车轮安装或悬挂在车架上,并且采用断开式车桥。安装了这种减震系统的车轮不易失重飞起,具有强大减震能力的缓冲器更是提供了舒适的乘驾感受。若一侧车轮相对于车架(或车身)的位置发生变化时,另一侧车轮不受影响。这种悬架结构复杂,且车身的平稳性和高速行驶的稳定性较好,因此在轿车和小客车上得到普遍采用。以上指标均优于非独立悬架,但是悬架的结构越复杂,驱动桥和转向系统也就越复杂。使用这种悬架的交通工有以下两种:1汽车和客车等客运车辆:可以提高乘驾舒适度,并且当高速驾驶时能提高稳定性。mining vehicles.越野车,军用车和采矿车。在路况不佳时,可以确保所有的车轮接触地面并提高稳定性,避免汽车起伏,发挥出汽车的速度。二.弹性元件类型:1 钢板弹簧:它是由若干片长方形的钢板组合成的复合板,呈弯曲形。安装在自然向上的曲线两端。此外,钢板弹簧通过减震器起到某种程度的减震、传递垂直载荷的作用。在非独立悬架和导向机构中,也使用钢板弹簧这种弹性元件和减震器这样简单的结构。2螺旋弹簧;只为多汽车独立悬架缓冲,在缺少阻尼力和质量职能的情况下,还必须具备特殊的减震器和导向装置。 3油气弹簧: 使用油液和高压气体作为弹性材料,不仅有很好的减震能力,可以吸收冲击。在同样情况下能够提供更好的调节作用,适用于重型车辆和客车。4扭杆弹簧:汽车车架与车轮用扭杆弹簧,其一端固定在车架上而另一端与车轮连接,车轮上下跳动时扭杆产生扭转变形,靠扭转弹力来吸收振动能量适合独立悬架系统。三.减震器减震筒的使用,油的使用可以切断震动造成的能里损耗。减震器上端与车底架相连,下端与车桥相连。减震器在大部分的行程可以起到压缩的双重作用四.导向机构:独立悬架的弹性元件,大多数只能传递垂直载荷,并不能传递水平载荷,必须是分离的导向机构。如上所述,在力臂和垂直和水平稳定器等。五.非独立悬架:非独立悬架位于卡车的前部和后部,像客车,汽车等一些车辆的后桥也是非独立悬架。每个轿车均由两个独立的非垂直的钢板弹簧构成。钢板弹簧固定在车桥中间,其前后端车架或车身通过耳朵悬铰链或使用滑板连接的。上面的框架用减振器的下端连接轴。车后桥一般无减震器。六 .螺旋弹簧作为弹性元件被用在多种类型的独立悬架。 扭杆弹簧torque Cup two-under.为独立悬架分成纵向和横向扭力矩杯两杆。 虽然独立悬架具有许多优点,但汽车将会通过更复杂的桥结构改进系统,驱动和驾驶。 关键词:发动机的结构发动机的性能对机动车辆的性能有着直接的影响。首先,燃料使用不同类别根据发动机的燃料,分为汽油发动机和柴油发动机。1网络汽车养护维修,汽油发动机体积小,重量轻,价格低;当最大速度运行是,启动好;运行时震动小,噪音小,适合小型和中型汽车,尤其是高速车。由于爆燃的限制,汽油机不可以有过高的压缩比,热效率,而且不如柴油经济。汽油是一种进入气缸中的主要气体管道的混合物,在压缩到接近底部的火花塞时点火。驾驶者加速踩油门时混合气体进入气缸来控制发动机的负载,这是常规。汽油发动机的燃料供给系统和点火系统是发生汽油发动机故障的比例较高的一部分。虽然汽油发动机比柴油排放更多的一氧化碳,碳化合物和氮氧化物等有害物质成分,但是,现在的电控燃油喷射系统和其他废气净化装置却有了很大的改善。但与目前的电控燃油喷射系统和其他尾气净化装置,极大地改善。此外,汽油发动机的扭矩特性非常适用于汽车,可以大大降低司机的劳动强度。2柴油发动机和汽油发动机,柴油发动机的大小,重量,价格高,启动差(尤其是低温时),运行时震动和噪音大; 有黑烟,容易超负荷。柴油发动机机的特点是:1)没有爆燃的限制,但柴油需要自燃,所以柴油发动机压缩比很高。 .热效率和经济性比汽油发动机更好。2)柴油发动机适用于卡车,因为同样的功率,扭矩大,最大功率也大。3)柴油发动机汽缸内的内部是的混合物,没有进油门,小阻力的进气管。 司机.司机加快采用燃油喷射控制板,通过改变发动机负荷,作为规管的质量,因为不存在缺氧问题,碳氢化合物和一氧化碳的排放量低于汽油。4)由于没有点火系统,燃料供应设备故障率低。 因此,不低于汽油发动机。5)柴油发动机扭矩特性并不适用于汽车驾驶循环的需求,移动的摊位,经常使用,是适合飞行员劳动强度的增加。主要适用于中型和重型车辆。第二,发动机缸体及发动机缸体位移量相等的工作。因此,增加汽缸发动机的数量,不仅能增加容量,提高发动机输出功率,而且能够使发动机顺利运作,以减少噪音和振动。现代汽车公司已采用多缸发动机。微型车超过3缸发动机,小卡车,客车和中型以下超过4缸发动机;中型卡车,大型轿车和客车超过6缸发动机;重型卡车一般6-8缸。6缸下单列多缸模式下,8缸V型直列发动机,有些的汽车,为减少发动机的高度,将长度缩短,安装使用V6发动机,V8发动机类型。微型汽车使用3缸发动机,大多是倾斜的。 .在直列发动机结构简单,便宜。 .缺点是,发动机的高度更高,长度更长。更是一个方式。.V型发动机高度低,长度短,但其结构复杂,价格更昂贵,适用于大型发动机。.水冷式发动机缸体采用整体铸造。小型发动机采用铝合金材料,而大型发动机多采用铸铁材料。 and so on.气缸盖螺栓是用在飞机上的固定块,除了构成一个封闭的汽缸燃烧室,进入排气管,阀门和火花塞等。第三,汽油发动机的燃料供应1,燃料供应系统汽化器汽油发动机燃料进入汽化器和燃油喷射器两种主要设备工作原理:发动机工作时,外界空气被吸入空气过滤器,通过过滤器进入气缸。当空气流过管道部分由于较小的增长速度及压力的减少导致了真空。

216 评论





关键词:机械 驾驶室 减振设计
























引言:20世纪40年代的时候出现了可靠性设计思想,这种思想主要是将安全度作为主题所研究的可靠性理论,这项技术出现后在理论学术界以及实际工程界都有了很大的关注度,相关的理论以及方式也是不断的出现。比如:M onte C arlo 模拟法 、矩方法和以矩方法为基础的可靠性理论、响应面法、支持向量机法 、最大熵方法、随机有限元法和非概率分析方法等这些理论设计到了静强设计、疲劳强度设计、有限寿命设计的各个方面,对于结构系统、机构系统、震动系统等有这可靠性的研究。















产品质量是企业赢得用户的关键因素 。任何一种产品,它的总体质量一般可分为用户质量if't-部质量)和技术质量(内部质量)。前者是指用户所能感受到、见到、触到或听到的体现产品优劣的一些质量特性 ;后者是指产品在优良的设计和制造质量下达到理想功能 的稳健性。稳健设计作为一种低成本和高质量的设计思想和方法,对产 品性能、质量和成本综合考虑,选择出最佳设计,不仅可以提高产品的质量,而且可以降低成本。在机械产 品设计中,正确地应用稳健设计的理论与方法可以使产品在制造和使用中,或是在规定的寿命期 问内当设计因素发生微小变化时都能保证产品质量的稳定 。



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