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本建筑是一栋32层,建筑高度98.15m的框架剪力墙高层住宅。整个设计过程大体可以分为三个阶段:结构设计阶段、施工图设计阶段和整理总结阶段。This building is a 32 story, building height 98.15m frame shear wall high-rise residential. The whole design process can be divided into three stages: structure design stage, construction drawing design stage and finishing stage.首先,进行结构设计。根据建筑的重要性,建筑所在地的抗震设防烈度,建筑场地的类别,建筑的高度和层数等条件选用了框架剪力墙的建筑结构形式。采用盈建科设计软件建模,并进行荷载计算与输入。根据计算的超限信息进行模型的调整,直到所有参数满足《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》、《建筑抗震设计规范》等最新规范的要求,同时进行结构的优化处理,尽量做到经济合理。First, structural design. According to the importance of the building, the location of the seismic fortification intensity, the type of building site, the height of the building and the number of conditions, such as the use of frame shear wall structure of the building. The modeling of the design software of the model of surplus construction is adopted, and the load calculation and input. Model according to the calculation of the overrun information adjustment, until all the parameters meet the requirements of the specification of the concrete structures of tall building "technical specification," code for seismic design of buildings ", at the same time to optimize the structure of processing, as far as possible economic and reasonable.然后,进行施工图设计。根据盈建科设计软件所计算的结果进行梁、板、柱和楼梯的施工图的优化处理,做到图面清晰整洁,钢筋布置合理。Then, the construction drawing design. According to the results calculated by the software of surplus construction design, the optimization of the construction drawings of beams, plates, columns and stairs, so that the surface is clean and tidy, and the layout of the steel bars is reasonable.最后,进行整理总结。把整个设计的资料进行汇总整理,选用一段楼梯进行手算。思考总结在设计的不足以及在设计过程所学习到的内容。Finally, finishing summary. Collect the information of the whole design, choose a flight of stairs to calculate. Thinking summarizes the problems in design and the content of the design process.

143 评论


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