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Abstract:In summing up the previous research papers on the basis of information through data collection, data analysis, a formation backstripping law (Backstrippingmethod) of the study area seven representative profile for the basin restoration of buried history, on the basis of this structure in the area Evolution for analysis. By analyzing a number of seismic profiles, described Tg7-Tg of the earthquake sequence and the reflection characteristics of geological significance, on various floors of the formation of the distribution. Layered described Cambrian - the Triassic formation, with the period of tectonic events on the sedimentary layers and structural features several important period of formation is not integrated interface, and Tajikistan low uplift tectonic evolution into paleouplift a period ( As early as the late Ordovician), paleouplift stereotypes period (late Ordovician late), the uplift of ancient period (Silurian Period to the Devonian), partial adjustment period (late Hercynian) in four phases. At the same time period the main structural style was analyzed. Papers further study of the work area and tectonic evolution of the relationship between oil and gas accumulation, Ordovician oil and gas exploration in the Tarim Basin is the main purpose of layers. Research shows that: the main source Depression, the Tarim Basin in the Cambrian an Ordovician, the first distribution of the reservoir basin structural framework and system control oil and gas, followed by the source-portfolio, integrated fault and not control. Ⅰ fracture in the tower of the study area of oil and gas accumulation effect Obviously, the fault is the major oil and gas migration channels.

257 评论


Since ChinaUniversityEnrollment began inthe latenineteen ninties,college students employment difficult problemarose,in recent years,decreasedinitial employmentrate of university graduates,supply and demand ratiois increased,the employment situation is not optimistic,receivedwidespread attention from all sectors of society,college studentsemploymentproblem has become one ofthe most prominentsocialproblems.The last outbreak of the financialcrisis sweeping the globe,so that morecollege students employmentdifficult,this paper analyzesthe employment situation of university studentsfrom many aspects,in order tolet the studentsunderstand the currentsocial situation,the employment problemand thus a better solution补充:The characteristics ofthe largestemployment of college students isthe totalincrease ingraduates,high,andemployment situation ofwhole andnot improved the status quois contradictory,the difficult employment of college studentshasbecome an indisputable fact,investigate its reason,mainly is thedislocation oftalent supply andmarket demand,and thegraduates'Comprehensive qualitydifference.How toimprove the quality of personnel training,is the key tosolvethe difficult problem ofemployment of university students.

270 评论


是:Pick to: the electrochemical method synthesized nano palladium in the surface of glassy carbon electrode, using citric acid as a stabilizer for nano palladium interface clear; Using scanning electron microscopy (sem) and electrochemical methods to characterize the nano palladium to; With the preparation of nano palladium electrochemical sensor electric catalytic activity of glucose with good success for the determination of glucose.

310 评论


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