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首页 > 期刊论文 > 行政文化建设研究论文

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文化和制度是一对双生子,两者相互影响,相互制约。改革开放以来,我国的行政文化建设虽然取得了一定成就,但仍然存在着许多弊端,并且严重影响了我国的现代化进程。因此,要加强建设行政文化,首先需要在理论上对其价值原则进行反思,以此为基础重新确立符合中国国情及现代化发展的价值形态。然而重要的是如何把这种价值形态转化为行政行为的模式,并通过制度确立下来,进而推动行政文化的发展和整个国家的现代化。笔者认为中国的行政文化建设应当以服务型行政文化为导向,确立公平、效率、民主、法治的价值取向,通过在权力约束机制、内部管理机制、中介互动机制、文化保障机制等具体制度上的创新,建设以社会主义民主政治为核心的国家制度,从而推动我国行政文化的建设。研究从制度创新的角度来建设符合中国国情的服务型行政文化,可以促使我们全面了解制度与文化的相互关系,更为深入地思考行政文化的内涵。目录: 摘要3-4Abstract4导言7-131. 行政文化与国家制度13-20 1.1 行政文化的内涵13-15 1.2 文化与制度的关联性15-16 1.3 国家制度对行政文化建设的影响16-202. 我国行政文化建设的现状及目标定位20-29 2.1 我国行政文化的现状20-22 2.1.1 改革开放以来我国行政文化存在的问题20-21 2.1.2 我国行政文化存在问题的主要原因21-22 2.2 我国行政文化建设的目标定位22-29 2.2.1 新公共管理模式:从全能到有限23-24 2.2.2 服务型行政文化:公平与效率民主与法治24-293. 以国家制度创新推动我国行政文化建设29-47 3.1 行政文化建设对我国国家制度创新的目标和原则要求29-34 3.1.1 新时期我国国家制度创新的成就及挑战29-31 3.1.2 国家制度创新的总目标——社会主义民主政治31-33 3.1.3 社会主义民主政治制度建设的原则33-34 3.2 推动行政文化建设的根本路径是创新国家的具体制度34-47 3.2.1 权力约束机制35-40 3.2.2 内部管理机制40-44 3.2.3 中介互动机制44-45 3.2.4 文化保障机制45-47注释47-49参考书目49-51后记51-52

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The culture has become China's contemporary study of the important areas of public administration. However, because the people on the concept of a culture, areas of study, research methods, did not form a unified understanding, therefore, at present, China's administrative culture of innovation research is still in the exploration stage of development, showing obvious limitations. I do not know from when, "the culture" has become very fashionable term management, but it's for people to understand there is often misunderstanding. Some people say that the culture is sing and dance, others say the culture is manual workers. These are one-sided understanding or even wrong. The culture is in the process of enterprise development through the production, operation, management practice and gradually formed, and agree to abide by all the staff of the common values and codes of conduct. It is spiritual, material, more than the system level, its core business values, the external form of enterprise management, and corporate image. Administrative staff and corporate culture is a spiritual contract between its guiding function, pool features, features that encourage them to participate in staff development to enterprises in the building, then this culture will be "virtual" credit into real productivity . The advanced culture of the enterprise's core competitiveness is an important part. Faced with an increasingly competitive market at home and abroad to the new situation, how will the corporate culture of building and marketing aspects of organically integrate and promote each other, is placed in front of the enterprises an important topic.

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