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302 评论


It is a really hot topic now as many city had opened high-speed railway. Many people said that high-speed railway is much better than the other transportation .  and as also some people believe that it is no future .to my point of view ,high-speed railway bring us real convenient .

My reasons are as follows:  First ,the stations of the high-speed railway are much closer to our living area ,like buses . and it is much more convenient to transport goods . for example ,a businessman in Shanghai want go to Sichuan with 1000kg goods,if he go to Sichuan by plane ,he need go to suburbs because the airports always in the suburbs, and it cost much money to checked the goods. if he go by train ,he need to go to the railway station far away from home ,and the train take much more time .and if he take bus,though it is convenient, it not only cost much money ,but also waste much time.

Secondly,the most important disadvantage of high-speed railway  is that it need a great number of passengers .As the second most populous countries of the world, Chinese has no pressure.

What's more ,China is developing in a "high speed",even though high-speed railway cost much money , I believe China can hold it .   As all above ,I firmly believe that the future of high-speed railway is shinning!


我的理由如下: 首先,高速铁路站是更接近我们的生活区,像公交车一样。和运输要方便得多。例如,一个在上海的商人要去四川与 1000 公斤的物品,如果他去四川乘飞机,他需要去郊区因为总是在郊区,和它机场需要花多少钱来检查货物。如果他乘火车去,他要从家里,很远的地方去火车站和火车带更多的时间而且如果他乘公共汽车,虽然很方便,它不仅需要花多少钱,而且还浪费太多时间。


更重要的是,中国正在"高速"发展中,即使高速铁路花很多钱,我相信中国可以承受得起。综上所述,我坚信未来的高速铁路未来一片光明 !

180 评论


一种新的运输方式投入使用,有其长处,也必有其弱点。第一,高速铁路投资巨大,投资收益的压力自然也大。A new mode of transport in use, has its strengths, there is also its weakness. First, high-speed rail investment in huge pressure on investment income are naturally large. 第二,高铁虽然相对航空具有显然的优势,但350公里时速的动车组8节车厢也就是400-600人左右的运量,只相当于波音757飞机2-3个班次的运量。Second, although the relatively high iron aviation has obvious advantages, but speed of 350 km EMU eight compartments 400-600 is about the traffic, only Boeing 757 aircraft equivalent to 2-3 flights of traffic.

207 评论


Undoubtedly,railway is the first public transport means invented by human beings,and it appeared in Britain in the early nieenth century for the first time as well.After that,the high-speed railway came out.

According to the definition,the high-speed railway refers to a new type of the railway system,owning the rate over 200 kilometers per hour.In the early 21st century,almost none of the railway systems had a rate more than 200 kilometers per hour.Up to the year 1964,the Japanese shinkansen appeared with a rate of 300 kilometers per hour.In addition,except achieving a certain rate,the train itself and the rail must be improved at the same time.Of course,the broad high-speed railway still include the magically levitated train,which will be widely used in the near future.

I believe,with the development of the science and technology,our railway system will bee more and more advanced,bring convenience to our life.


In the eyes of most ordinary people, only those who have tickets to the station, the train attendants and the major stations are those who anize our daily travel by train. As everyone knows, there are those who anize the new railway, the daily maintenance of railway lines disease, inspection line safety, to train the Sheung Shui power, access to the neork, the maintenance of vehicles。。 They are also a large family of railway system, because of the different division of labor, they quietly dedication in their jobs, they should be regarded as a hero behind the railway.

Railway is divided into vehicles, aircraft, engineering, electricity, car five systems and their different types, different nature of work, working time and content are not the same, but their goals consistent are railway line safety and *** oothness of the guardian, is to ensure that the people's daily travel safety in silently dedication.

The railway workers often daytime, night and day silently, with their industrious hands and broad shoulders, always protect the safety and *** oothness of the thousands of miles of railway lines, guardian of the tens of thousands of travelers safety of life and property. They don't have to praise, not applause, even not be everyone is well known and understood, but they always stick to their posts, dedication, as "sentinel", with their own practical action stick responsibilities, security guard posts to ensure the safety and *** oothness of the railway traffic artery




Dear Tom,

It is a pleasure to receive and read your letter in which you are intended to visit China in July this year. Since you are expecting to learn what means of transportation is suitable while you are travelling in China, I'd like to tell you the answer here.

It is nothing but CRH, China Raiway High-speed, that suits you perfectly. To strat with, as is known to all, not only does CRH bring a passenger high speed, but also it makes his or her journey both fortable and convenient. In addition, it is quite safe to take a CRH that always arrives on time. In the end, CRH tickets, whose prices are resonable, are accessible easily either at railway stations or on the Inter. Self-service ticket machines can be of much help, on which you can buy CRH tickets anytime as you like.

Any further questions,please? Just inform me of them. I'm looking forward to seeing you in China.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

ailway; railroad 铁路

track 轨道

train 火车


railway system, railway neork 铁路系统

express train 特别快车

fast train 快车

through train 直达快车

stopping train, slow train 慢车

excursion train 游览列车

muter train, suburban train 市郊火车

railcar 轨道车

coach, carriage 车厢

sleeping car, sleeper 卧车

dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车

double-decker train双层火车

sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车

berth, bunk 铺位

up train 上行车

down train 下行车

luggage van, baggage car 行李车

mail car 邮政车

station, railway station 车站

station hall 车站大厅

booking office, ticket office 售票处

ticket-collector, gateman 收票员

ticket inspector 验票员

platform 月台, 站台

platform ticket 站台票


railway policeman乘警

buffet 小卖部

waiting room 候车室

mother-and-child room母子候车室

VIP room贵宾候车室

platform bridge 天桥

It is a really hot topic now as many city had opened high-speed railway. Many people said that high-speed railway is much better than the other transportation . and as also some people believe that it is no future .to my point of view ,high-speed railway bring us real convenient . My reasons are as follows: First ,the stations of the high-speed railway are much closer to our living area ,like buses . and it is much more convenient to transport goods . for example ,a busines *** an in Shanghai want go to Sichuan with 1000kg goods,if he go to Sichuan by plane ,he need go to suburbs because the airports always in the suburbs, and it cost much money to checked the goods. if he go by train ,he need to go to the railway station far away from home ,and the train take much more time .and if he take bus,though it is convenient, it not only cost much money ,but also waste much time. Secondly,the most important disadvantage of high-speed railway is that it need a great number of passengers .As the second most populous countries of the world, Chinese has no pressure.

What's more ,China is developing in a "high speed",even though high-speed railway cost much money , I believe China can hold it . As all above ,I firmly believe that the future of high-speed railway is shinning!

这是一个很热的话题现在很多城市已经开通高速铁路。很多人说,这条高速铁路是比其他交通工具要好很多。也有些人相信它是没有什么未来。我认为,高速铁路给我们带来真正的方便。我的理由如下: 首先,高速铁路站是更接近我们的生活区,像公交车一样。和运输要方便得多。例如,一个在上海的商人要去四川与 1000 公斤的物品,如果他去四川乘飞机,他需要去郊区因为总是在郊区,和它机场需要花多少钱来检查货物。如果他乘火车去,他要从家里,很远的地方去火车站和火车带更多的时间而且如果他乘公共汽车,虽然很方便,它不仅需要花多少钱,而且还浪费太多时间。其次,高速铁路的最重要的缺点是它需要有大量的乘客。中国作为世界人口第二多的国家,没有压力。

更重要的是,中国正在"高速"发展中,即使高速铁路花很多钱,我相信中国可以承受得起。综上所述,我坚信未来的高速铁路未来一片光明 !

Yichang to take place very big change. Yichang has many new roads, such as Chengdong Roda has started really use. Yiling Yangtze River Bridge and "Dianjun" beeen the more and more short. Transport more convenient. , And even more gratifying is the Yichang-Wanzhou Railway construction and the construction of some highways will transport more convenient Yichang. Now the roads are wide. In short, Yichang has undergone great changes。

First built in 2005,the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation on December,26th,2009.Overall length of its main line are 1068 kilometers,and it goes through the following three provinces:Hubei,Hunan and Guangdong.

The speed of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway is 350km/h,the fastest speed in the world now,which makes it only three hours needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou,seven hours less than before.Besides,there are all kinds of faclities inthe train,which make your trip safe and fortable so it is more humanoriented.

However,the only fly in the ointment is that the train fare is too high and the station is quite far away from the downtown area.











High-speed rail is a type of rail transport that operates significantly faster than traditional[clarification needed] rail traffic, using an integrated system of specialized rolling stock and dedicated tracks. While there is no single standard that applies worldwide, new lines in excess of 250 km/h and existing lines in excess of 200 km/h are widely considered to be high-speed, with some extending the definition to include much lower speeds in areas for which these speeds still represent significant improvements.The first such system began operations in Japan in 1964 and was widely known as the bullet train. High-speed trains normally operate on standard gauge tracks of continuously welded rail on grade-separated right-of-way that incorporates a large turning radius in its design.

Many countries have developed high-speed rail to connect major cities, including Austria, Belgium, China, France, Germany,Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and Uzbekistan. Only in Europe does HSR cross international borders. China has 19,000 km of HSR as of December 2015, accounting for o thirds of the world's total.

300 评论


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