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Abstract:This article in to village settlement landscape correlation concept discrimination, in limits foundation,Take the Yibin area village settlement landscape as the research entity,Studies the Yibin area village settlement landscape emphatically the basic characteristic, forecasts its development evolution tendency,And the mechanism which evolves to its development carries on the thorough analysis, Discusses in this local village settlement landscape development successional variation process to manifest the question and the solution measure

293 评论


封面写作顺序是:标题、作者班级、作者姓名、指导教师姓名、第二页上写中文摘要及关下面的正文高中的论文写成这样就可以了~我们以前高中就这样,文章老师不怎么看的,三千字老师没那个功夫的,看看字数差不多就好,主要是想让你们寒假不要玩掉了书给我们带来了遐想和乐趣,书给我们带来了智慧的源泉和精神的力量。读书能增长知识,开阔眼界;读书能明白事理,增强能力;读书能陶冶性情,德润人心沿着书籍构成的阶梯,学做人,学做事,攀上一个又一个科学的高峰。争取不断超越,走向卓越。 “开卷有益,读书好处多”这是自古以来人们的共识.每一个人要想在知识的山峰上,登得越高,眼前展现的景色越壮阔,就要拥有渊博的知识.知识是人类通向进步\文明和发展的唯一途径.书是前人劳动与智慧的结晶.它是我们获取知识的源泉.我们要让自己变得聪明起来,必须多读书,读好书. 读书不仅可以使我们开阔视野,增长知识,培养良好的自学能力和阅读能力,还可以进一步巩固课内学到的各种知识,提高我们的认读水平和作文能力,乃至对于各科学习,都有极大的帮助。 我们的知识体系是通过课内外的自主学习而逐渐建立起来的。读书是搜集和汲取知识的一条重要途径。我们从课堂上掌握的知识不是很具体和容易理解的,需要再消化才会吸收。大量的阅读,可以将自己从课内学到的知识,融汇到从课外书籍中所获取的知识中去,相得益彰,形成“立体”的,牢固的知识体系,直至形成能力。 读书不仅对我们的学习有着重要作用,对道德素质和思想意识也有重大影响。“一本好书,可以影响人的一生。”这句话是有道理的。我们都有自己心中的英雄或学习的榜样,如军人、科学家、老师、英雄人物等。这些令我们崇拜或学习和模仿的楷模,也可以通过阅读各类书籍所认识。我们在进行阅读时,会潜意识地将自己的思想和行为与书中所描述的人物形象进行比较,无形中就提高了自身的思想意识和道德素质。 苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说得好:“如果学生的智力生活仅局限于教科书,如果他做完了功课就觉得任务已经完成,那么他是不可能有自己特别爱好的。”每一个学生要在书籍的世界里,有自己的生活。把读书,应视为自己的乐趣。 有的同学可能会说:功课那么多,作业要完成,那有时间看书?其实只要你肯挤时间来读书,就不愁没有时间。就像大文学家鲁迅先生说的: “时间就像海绵里的水,只要你愿意挤,总是有的。”他自己就是把大家喝咖啡、谈天的时间,用在了学习上。最终鲁迅写出了许多好文章,取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。我们可以用午休、放学做完功课以后、节假日等点滴时间来读书。每天一小时,积少成多,积沙成塔。 多读书,读好书 读书,似乎是一件苦差事,不然,为什么有人头悬梁,锥刺股呢?读书似乎又是一件快乐的事,否则,为什么有人可以不吃饭,不睡觉,却不可以不读书呢? 有人说,读书好,书中有黄金屋,有颜如玉,有千钟粟,有车如簇。看,有权有势又有钱,更有一位“颜如玉”来“红袖添香夜读书”。你说,读书好不好?诚然,名利声色确实吸引了不少沽名钓誉之徒。但除此之外,读书一定还有别的什么魔力,吸引着那些虽然清贫却孜孜不倦地追求真理的莘莘学子吧? 我爱读书,既不是为了“黄金屋”,也不希望有“颜如玉”,只是从实践中体会到读书的无穷乐趣。 首先,读书的一大乐趣在于随心所欲。主人是你,是你去读书,而是书来管你。试想,一个大书架,塞满了书,古今中外,天文地理、侦探、言情、武侠……看哪一种都可以,不着急。而它们对你,是招之即来,挥之即去的。那么多古圣先贤,在静默地等着你,为你述说他们的思想。你可以向孙子请教兵法,跟海明威谈斗牛,还可以跟司马迁谈天下大事——总之,当家的是你。慢慢的,你会觉得,世界如此之大,生活如此之多彩,大自然如此奥妙无穷,仿佛所有的知识画卷在你的脑海中一一展现。而你也已超然物外地掌握着历史。久而久之,这种“前无古人,后无来者”的感觉愈演愈烈。不变为“书痴”者鲜矣。 书趣之二,在于可以大发议论。凡著书立说者,必为一时之俊才。虽是俊才,有时也会有疏漏,而这疏漏偏偏被你看出来了,你高兴不高兴?杜甫《饮中八仙歌》中有句“天子呼来不上船,自称臣是酒中仙。”这句是写李白的。但你想,如果把“臣”字写成“爷”字,不是更好地表达他的酩酊大醉之态么?一时间意得志满,好像杜甫都要来拜你为“一字师”。大发议论,使你与作者有并驾之感,精神上快乐无比。 书趣之三,当你为一个问题绞尽脑汁百思而不得其解的时候,又或是当你对某一个问题小有心得时,打开一本书,发现已有人对这个问题做出了充分的论述。正好搔到你的痒处,正中下怀,喜乐不禁。于是一切都已明了,一切付出的辛劳都有了回报。这种柳暗花明又一村的感觉是什么也换不去的。 书趣之四,当你看了一本好书,被它的内容所征服,在你与朋友交流时侃侃而谈,书中的妙语一句句往外跳。朋友们瞪着钦羡的目光:“士别三日,可得刮目相看啊!”只有你知道,这是看了书的缘故。小小的虚荣心再次被满足。读书好不好? 书趣之五。在于藏书,鉴于大家都是中学生,没什么钱。这点,不谈也罢。 历数了这么多书的好处,那么你是不是觉得手痒痒,想翻开一本瞧瞧呢?书有很多种,有的要正襟危坐地钻研,有的只是一种消遣,还有一些会把人诱进死胡同里,再也出不来的。既然我们读书不是为了把书当作敲门砖去扣开那名利之门,那么,我们就应该去读好书,读那些不光是为了消遣,更能提高我们的书。比如说《唐诗三百首》,这是我国传统文化的精华,又再比如《三国演义》,日本人从中学到了企业管理,用人之道,我们能学到什么?再比如《沙翁戏剧集》从中又能领会多少道理呢?不光只看纯文学作品,还应看看人物传记之类的,看看别人是怎样为了理想不屈不挠地奋斗至成功的。 培根说,“读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,演算使人精密,哲理使人深刻,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑修辞使人善辨。”总之,读书能造就一个人,也能毁掉一个人,但不读书,肯定是百害而无一利——让我们都来读书,读好书吧! 读书好,好读书,读好书。 读书是一种乐趣,是一种享受,更是一种心灵的沐浴。 有人说,读书好,书中有黄金屋,有颜如玉,有千钟粟,有车如簇。看,有权有势又有钱,更有一位“颜如玉”来“红袖添香夜读书”。你说,读书好不好?诚然,名利声色确实吸引了不少沽名钓誉之徒。但除此之外,读书一定还有别的什么魔力,吸引着那些虽然清贫却孜孜不倦地追求真理的莘莘学子吧? 首先,读书的一大乐趣在于随心所欲。主人是你,是你去读书,而是书来管你。试想,一个大书架,塞满了书,古今中外,天文地理、侦探、言情、武侠……看哪一种都可以,不着急。而它们对你,是招之即来,挥之即去的。那么多古圣先贤,在静默地等着你,为你述说他们的思想。你可以向孙子请教兵法,跟海明威谈斗牛,还可以跟司马迁谈天下大事——总之,当家的是你。慢慢的,你会觉得,世界如此之大,生活如此之多彩,大自然如此奥妙无穷,仿佛所有的知识画卷在你的脑海中一一展现。而你也已超然物外地掌握着历史。久而久之,这种“前无古人,后无来者”的感觉愈演愈烈。不变为“书痴”者鲜矣。 培根说,“读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,演算使人精密,哲理使人深刻,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑修辞使人善辨。”总之,读书能造就一个人,也能毁掉一个人,但不读书,肯定是百害而无一利——让我们都来读书,读好书吧!

130 评论






1) 摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应用在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。

2) 不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。

3) 结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。摘要慎用长句,句型应力求简单。每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,但摘要毕竟是一篇完整的短文,电报式的写法亦不足取。摘要不分段。

4) 用第三人称。建议采用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……现状”、“进行了……调查”等记述方法标明一次文献的性质和文献主题,不必使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语。

5) 要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。


134 评论


The horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) belong to the 兰 surname germ for cent of the Cs streptococci, include the horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi),the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury,surgical operation,or cure etc. the path infect various animals, causing diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis,meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..Its particular gene expression outcome is pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a way.The information of make use of the living creature's learn(Bioinformatics) can adjust to control to carry on the estimate and analysis to the function and expression of the gene, the province goes to a trivial experiment to investigate, providing the instruction direction for the experiment verification.The function and sequence of the gene are closely-related, when the likeness that is a sequence exceeds certain scope, they carry out same function probably, pass will don't know the function sequence with have already known the contrast of the function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a sequence to correspond function. The purpose of this topic research is to be learn with the living creature information Be the theories foundation usage tool software with according to WEB on-line service to some a do not know the horse streptococci gene carry on a series of analysis, the result integrate, predicting the function of this gene expression outcome thus. The horse streptococci P50 gene sequence length is a 100 BPs, the whole gene has a to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs, coding 100 amino acids 残基s. The horse streptococci P50 the gene sequence entered the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, handle stuffs with the form and list of the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over to the data server to go forward to act like the source index(the homology Search).Many living creature information centers all have the BLAST server of the specialized movement.Here applied http:www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov?b last?(Circulate BLASTR2.0, the United States, the maintenance GenBank) Then the result detection of the basis BLAST index(Search) and the protein of the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence expression together the source is the tallest of 3 kinds of protein one by one in order is 123 The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence into the amino acids sequence, the result manifestation P50 gene sequence translates 20 amino acidses totally. Will and the horse streptococci P50 amino acids sequence together source the high sequence inputs to the tool software respectively, carrying on evolving a tree(the Phylogenetic Tree) to draw. Hand over the horse streptococci P50 amino acidses(the Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) to the professional website in, can immediately predict the second class structure of that amino acids sequence.Then make use of a software analysis P50 gene protein physics and chemistry property. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(the Evolutionary theory) gave comparison the gene set to learn to provide the theories basis.The relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence is a source(homology) together more high.Two sequences together the source is more high, may express the function of the outcome(the Expression Product) very much so more alike.Through the sorting to the result.Analytical, according to discover the horse streptococci P50 genes express of may be the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a kind of bottom thing combine, participate the metals transport system(the Transport System) to constitute directly, the kind's transport system has in the germ from process acquire nourishment inside the host(HOST) body to close an important function.This kind of egg white is the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a conveyance,such as the bottom thing of the metals ions, such as iron,manganese and zinc...etc., combine, we can call it as the streptococci metals to combine the fat egg white.(the Metal binding lipoproteins, MBLS)This kind of egg white is a kind of poisonous dint factor(the virulent factor) of the horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) is a germ with the result that the foundation of the disease to the horse streptococci physiology bio-chemical characteristic and pathogenic have very important influence and the meaning. 回答者:6392541196 - 同进士出身 六级 3-9 20:52The horse streptococci(Streptococcus equi) belongs to an orchid surname the Cs of the germ a streptococci for cent and include the horse streptococci Ma3 Ya3 's kind(Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi), the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with the horse Lian4 Qiu2 Jun4 Lei4 Ma3 Ya3 's kind(S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury, surgical operation, or cure etc. the path infect various animals and cause diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis, meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..It particular gene expression the outcome be pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a way.The information of make use of the living creature learn(Bioinformatics) and can adjust to control to carry on an estimate and analyze to function and expression of gene, saved to go to a trivial experiment to investigate, for test a verification to provide an instruction direction.Function and sequence of gene are closely-related, the likeness which is a sequence exceed certain scope, they probably carry out same function and pass will don't know a function sequence and have already known the contrast of function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a correspond of sequence function. The purpose of this topic research be is learn with living creature information Be the usage tool of the theories foundation software with according to WEB of on-line service to some a have never known a horse streptococci the gene carries on a series of analysis and the result integrate and thus predict that this gene expresses the function of outcome. The gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 length is a 100 BPs and the whole gene has 1 to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs and code 100 amino acids remnants Ji. The gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 got into the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, once handle stuffs with the form and list on the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over a data server to go forward to act like a source an index(homology Search).The many living creature information center all has the BLAST server of specialized movement.Here applied http:www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov?b last?(Circulate BLASTR2.0, the United States, support GenBank) Then the protein of the search result detection of the basis BLAST and the gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 expression together the source be the tallest of 3 kinds of proteins one by one in order is 123 The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the gene sequence of the horse streptococci P50 into an amino acids sequence and the gene sequence of the result manifestation P50 totally translates 20 amino acidses. Will with the amino acids sequence of the horse streptococci P50 together source the sequence of the Gao inputs tool software respectively and carry on evolving a draw of tree(Phylogenetic Tree). Hand over the amino acidses(Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) of the horse streptococci P50 to the professional website in, then predict the second class structure of that amino acids sequence.Then make use of the physics and chemistry property of the gene protein of the software analysis P50. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(Evolutionary theory) give comparison gene the set learn to provide a theories basis.The relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence together source(homology) more high.Two sequences together the source be more high, so and very may express the function of outcome(Expression Product) more alike.The process i

245 评论


This text is on the basis of gathering and leaving the relevant concepts of the view to differentiate and analyse , define to the village , regard gathering the view of falling in the village of Yibin Prefecture as , study entity , study Yibin Prefecture village gather , fall essential feature of view , predict their development trend of developing emphatically, carry on in-depth analysis to mechanism that development develop its , probe into this area village gather , fall view embody the problem and solve the measure of the development.

156 评论


The horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) belong to the 兰 surname germ for cent of the Cs streptococci, include the horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (Streptococcus. equi subsp. Equi),the horse streptococci monster epidemic disease second kind(S. equi subsp. Zooepidemicus)with horse streptococci MA3 YA3 ZHONG3 (S. equi subsp. equisi milis).That germ can pass external injury,surgical operation,or cure etc. the path infect various animals, causing diseases, such as septicemia Sepsis,meningitis Encephalitis and mastitis(Mastitis)...etc..Its particular gene expression outcome is pathogenic(Pathogenicity) to germ to have special meaning. Study gene, be in order to understand its function and expression and adjust to control a way.The information of make use of the living creature's learn(Bioinformatics) can adjust to control to carry on the estimate and analysis to the function and expression of the gene, the province goes to a trivial experiment to investigate, providing the instruction direction for the experiment verification.The function and sequence of the gene are closely-related, when the likeness that is a sequence exceeds certain scope, they carry out same function probably, pass will don't know the function sequence with have already known the contrast of the function sequence, if their likeness is higher and then can predict a sequence to correspond function. The purpose of this topic research is to be learn with the living creature information Be the theories foundation usage tool software with according to WEB on-line service to some a do not know the horse streptococci gene carry on a series of analysis, the result integrate, predicting the function of this gene expression outcome thus. The horse streptococci P50 gene sequence length is a 100 BPs, the whole gene has a to open all of the reading frame(ORF)s to grow a 90 BPs, coding 100 amino acids 残基s. The horse streptococci P50 the gene sequence entered the BLAST service net industry that the NCBI provide first, handle stuffs with the form and list of the net industry up, the choice correspond of the parameter hand over to the data server to go forward to act like the source index(the homology Search).Many living creature information centers all have the BLAST server of the specialized movement.Here applied http:www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov?b last?(Circulate BLASTR2.0, the United States, the maintenance GenBank)Then the result detection of the basis BLAST index(Search) and the protein of the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence expression together the source is the tallest of 3 kinds of protein one by one in order is 123The secondly applied DNASTAR software translates the horse streptococci P50 gene sequence into the amino acids sequence, the result manifestation P50 gene sequence translates 20 amino acidses totally. Will and the horse streptococci P50 amino acids sequence together source the high sequence inputs to the tool software respectively, carrying on evolving a tree(the Phylogenetic Tree) to draw. Hand over the horse streptococci P50 amino acidses(the Amino Acids) sequence(Sequence) to the professional website in, can immediately predict the second class structure of that amino acids sequence.Then make use of a software analysis P50 gene protein physics and chemistry property. The Darwinian Theory of Evolution(the Evolutionary theory) gave comparison the gene set to learn to provide the theories basis.The relative relation(kinship) is more near, its gene sequence is a source(homology) together more high.Two sequences together the source is more high, may express the function of the outcome(the Expression Product) very much so more alike.Through the sorting to the result.Analytical, according to discover the horse streptococci P50 genes express of may be the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a kind of bottom thing combine, participate the metals transport system(the Transport System) to constitute directly, the kind's transport system has in the germ from process acquire nourishment inside the host(HOST) body to close an important function.This kind of egg white is the fat egg white(the Substrate binding Lipoprotein) that a conveyance,such as the bottom thing of the metals ions, such as iron,manganese and zinc...etc., combine, we can call it as the streptococci metals to combine the fat egg white.(the Metal binding lipoproteins, MBLS)This kind of egg white is a kind of poisonous dint factor(the virulent factor) of the horse streptococci(the Streptococcus equi) is a germ with the result that the foundation of the disease to the horse streptococci physiology bio-chemical characteristic and pathogenic have very important influence and the meaning.

213 评论


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    黑粉精灵 3人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 论文中的英文摘要

    论文摘要包括:目的、方法、结果和结论四部分。 1、目的 简明指出此项工作的目的,研究的范围。 2、方法 简要说明研究课题的基本做法,包括对象(分组及每组例数、对

    汐汐蘑菇 2人参与回答 2023-12-06