The Xuan carry:The demitoilet of Zhou Dynasty establishment is a Xuan color, wide Xiu(very big sleeves), more tedious, is offer sacrifices to wait the important time just wears Zhao.Song Ju:The top and bottom connects a body, around the body 1 turn or several, result in to tie up to round effect specially.Fight a country period is a daily clothing, the Han dynasty turns into into a demitoilet, didn't spread future generations.The some style lower hemses are more narrow and hour's ising long is mistaken for kimono.Deep dress:Fight the country period daily clothing, was what men and women all can wear Zhao at that time.The top and bottom connects a body(the different Wu spread at that time of the blouse descends clothes), clothes part use cloth 12, the elephant Zheng was 12 months for a year.Didn't spread down at that time, at Ming Dynasty is again test according to come out, become the man's demitoilet.Keep Ju:Top and bottom the daily clothing of the man who cut, fasten belt or waist to seal.Lan Shan:The circle get, round a cloth in the lower part and have another Be an officer to take.Keep a body:Call a tunic again, the Ming Dynasty is period of man daily clothing.BE also that the top and bottom cut, is dark to put, result in effect of beat the plait.Ru skirt:The daily clothing of woman, the Ru is a short dress and the skirt is a skirt.Half arm:1 kind of woman blouse, the short sleeve of the sleeves similar modern.Together chest Ru skirt:The clothing style of tang dynasty, similar to the general Ru skirt, but fasten in the chest above.Match the Yan can(read ke 1) son(a kind of underwear) with to the Jin blouse.Take of draw lessons from object.To the Jin blouse:The woman blouse of tang dynasty period, different Wu usually the Han take of hand over to get, but to the Jin style, after being a tang dynasty have no again popular.Ma3 Mian4 Qun2:A kind of skirt of Ming Dynasty period, there is effect of beat the plait, very gorgeous.Bei son:Then cape.The man's daily dress, the demitoilet of woman.Short dozen:Laboring the people's clothing is blouse and pants, can fasten belt and the blouse both sides open slit.The cuff of sleeve is small and then the Wu labor.Can be modern recreational clothing and house clothes.Medium dress:Man is medium dress and pants, lady is medium dress and clothes .The man still needs a list in in the dress the outside wear at the time of wearing a demitoilet, a tunic of white.If don't wear medium dress to wear Han to take like don't wear shirt to wear lounge suit, is a very ill-mannered behavior. 44
剪 纸 是 中 国 最 为 流 行 的 民 间 艺 术 之 一 , 根 据 考 古 其 历 史 可 追 朔 到 公 元 六 世 纪 , 但 人 们 认 为 它 的 实 际 开 始 时 间 比 这 还 要 早 几 百 年 。 剪 纸 常 用 于 宗 教 仪 式 , 装 饰 和 造 型 艺 术 等 方 面 。在 过 去 , 人 们 经 常 用 纸 做 成 形 态 各 异 的 物 像 和 人 像 , 与 死 者 一 起 下 葬 或 葬 礼 上 燃 烧 , 这 一 习 俗 在 中 国 境 外 有 时 仍 可 见 到 。 剪 纸 艺 术 一 般 都 有 象 征 意 义 , 也 是 这 种 仪 式 的 一 部 分 ; 此 外 剪 纸 还 被 用 作 祭 祀 祖 先 和 神 仙 所 用 供 品 的 装 饰 物 。现 在 , 剪 纸 更 多 地 是 用 于 装 饰 。 剪 纸 可 用 于 点 缀 墙 壁 、 门 窗 、 房 柱 、 镜 子 、 灯 和 灯 笼 等 , 也 可 为 礼 品 作 点 缀 之 用 , 甚 至 剪 纸 本 身 也 可 作 为 礼 物 赠 送 他 人 。人 们 以 前 还 常 把 剪 纸 作 绣 花 和 喷 漆 艺 术 的 模 型 。剪 纸 不 是 用 机 器 而 是 由 手 工 做 成 的 , 常 用 的 方 法 有 两 种 : 剪 刀 剪 和 刀 剪 。 顾 名 思 义 , 剪 刀 剪 是 借 助 于 剪 刀 , 剪 完 后 再 把 几 张 ( 一 般 不 超 过 8 张 ) 剪 纸 粘 贴 起 来 , 最 后 再 用 锋 利 的 剪 刀 对 图 案 进 行 加 工 。 刀 剪 则 是 先 把 纸 张 折 成 数 叠 , 放 在 由 灰 和 动 物 脂 肪 组 成 的 松 软 的 混 和 体 上 , 然 后 用 小 刀 慢 慢 刻 划 。 剪 纸 艺 人 一 般 是 竖 直 握 刀 , 根 据 一 定 的 模 型 将 纸 加 工 成 所 要 的 图 案 。 和 剪 刀 相 比 , 刀 剪 的 一 个 优 势 就 是 一 次 可 以 加 工 成 多 个 剪 纸 图 案 。在 农 村 , 剪 纸 通 常 是 由 妇 女 、 姑 娘 们 来 做 。 在 过 去 , 这 可 是 每 个 女 孩 所 必 须 掌 握 的 手 工 艺 术 , 并 且 还 被 人 们 来 品 评 新 娘 的 一 个 标 准 。 而 职 业 的 剪 纸 艺 人 则 常 常 是 男 人 , 因 为 只 有 男 人 才 能 在 作 坊 里 一 起 劳 作 并 挣 工 钱 。
The Mongolian national minority people live the yurt, has treats people the warm sincere traditional moral excellence, by rough bold, the mind broad and level, honest warm is famous. Diet: By grain, breast, meat, tea with milk primarily.Cheese, the tea with milk, the butter, the milk liquor most have the characteristic, the entire sheep, the hand digs up the meat entertains honored guest's banquet, alone national characteristic.(1) dairy product: Butter, cheese, yogurt, cream, milk liquor, cheese and so on, is foods which the Mongolian national minority people like, also entertains the distant place visitor's very good high quality goods, a bowl of mellow wadding throat kumiss, lets the distant place the visitor feels the prairie person's hospitable great kindness.On prairie milk food all uses the cow, the horse, the camel, the sheep's milk to make, is herdsman's throughout the year main food, Mongolian calls “to look up does Ede”.(2) fried rice, the tea with milk, the hand dig up the meat: The tea with milk is the Mongolian national minority people every day essential drink, morning gets up, drinks a bowl of frankincense permeated with the fried rice tea with milk, again adds on several cheese, several piece of hands digs up the meat, then started a day-long herdsman life.Is a guest to the prairie, the master can carry the tea with milk to you, nearby the tea with milk suspends fried rice, the hand is grasping the fried rice to put in the tea with milk, the sur- salt or the sugar are well distributed, again puts several cheese, drinks extremely deliciously.(3) meats: The meats are the Mongolian national minority herdsmen move about in search of pasture since the ancient times life main food, usually after boils, rinses, roasts eats food.In which “the hand digs up the meat” for the daily life in most common.Sojourns the visitor to the yurt in, usually can meet drinks, side eats “the hand to dig up the meat”, wharf tweedle melodious, prairie long accent bold scene.In the traditional meat compares is fastidious also has “roasts the mutton leg”, “roasts the entire sheep” and so on.(Roasts the entire sheep is the Mongolian national minority people most elegant cooking technique, its color, smell and tastes, the shape are renowned at home and abroad, the ujumuchin fat tail sheep is in particular lets the human hear happy talks about with interest, is full of praise.)译文:蒙古族人民居住蒙古包,有着待人热情诚恳的传统美德,以粗犷豪放、胸怀坦荡、诚实热情而著
no i seak kia xiba proper nouns in English are advised to make reservations and then a longer explanation is that since there are additional sub -no i seak kia xiba proper nouns in English are advised to make reservations and then a longer explanation is that since there are additional sub -Hyun-side: Zhou Dynasty established dress, for Xuanse, wide sleeves (a huge sleeves), more cumbersome, in the worship time before other major wear.Qu garment: the upper and lower piece, a circle or a few laps around the body, resulting in a special winding effects. Warring States period everyday clothing, the Han Dynasty evolve into dress, not yet to come. Narrow hem in some models, when mistaken for a long kimono.Deep clothing: the Warring States period, the daily clothing, both men and women at the time was wearing. Upper and lower piece (as opposed to the then popular T-shirt Xiashang), chang part 12 with a cloth, symbolizing the year of 12 months. Was not handed down, in the Ming Shi You are textual criticism out into men's dress.Direct garment: a man cut down pass everyday clothes, belt or Cummerbun department.À »T-shirt: round neck, a cloth in the lower Wai more as the official mandarin.Straight body: also known as robes of the Ming period, men's everyday clothing. Also cut down pass, there are dark swing, resulting in pleated effect.Ru Skirt: Women's daily clothing, jacket is a jacket, skirt is a skirt.Ban Bi: Women's T-shirt, a kind of similar to the modern short-sleeved sleeves.Chest-Confucian skirt: the Tang Dynasty clothing style, and the general Confucianism, like skirts, but the Department of the upper chest. With runs in may (read ke1) son (an underwear), and Duijin shirt. Hanbok reference objects.Duijin T-shirt: During the Tang dynasty woman T-shirt, Han clothing is different from the usual cross-collar, but Duijin style, no more popular after the Tang Dynasty.Horse face skirt: A skirt the Ming Dynasty, there are pleated effect, very beautiful.Bei child: the cloak. Men's daily dress, a woman's dress.Bunt: the working people's clothing, for the jacket and Hakama (pants), can the Department of belt, coat both sides of the slits. Cuff of small, easy to work. Can be used as casual wear and modern Ju Jiafu.Translation machines died while
The Mongolian national minority people live the yurt, has treats people the warm sincere traditional moral excellence, by rough bold, the mind broad and level, honest warm is famous. Diet: By grain, breast, meat, tea with milk primarily.Cheese, the tea with milk, the butter, the milk liquor most have the characteristic, the entire sheep, the hand digs up the meat entertains honored guest's banquet, alone national characteristic.(1) dairy product: Butter, cheese, yogurt, cream, milk liquor, cheese and so on, is foods which the Mongolian national minority people like, also entertains the distant place visitor's very good high quality goods, a bowl of mellow wadding throat kumiss, lets the distant place the visitor feels the prairie person's hospitable great kindness.On prairie milk food all uses the cow, the horse, the camel, the sheep's milk to make, is herdsman's throughout the year main food, Mongolian calls “to look up does Ede”.(2) fried rice, the tea with milk, the hand dig up the meat: The tea with milk is the Mongolian national minority people every day essential drink, morning gets up, drinks a bowl of frankincense permeated with the fried rice tea with milk, again adds on several cheese, several piece of hands digs up the meat, then started a day-long herdsman life.Is a guest to the prairie, the master can carry the tea with milk to you, nearby the tea with milk suspends fried rice, the hand is grasping the fried rice to put in the tea with milk, the sur- salt or the sugar are well distributed, again puts several cheese, drinks extremely deliciously.(3) meats: The meats are the Mongolian national minority herdsmen move about in search of pasture since the ancient times life main food, usually after boils, rinses, roasts eats food.In which “the hand digs up the meat” for the daily life in most common.Sojourns the visitor to the yurt in, usually can meet drinks, side eats “the hand to dig up the meat”, wharf tweedle melodious, prairie long accent bold scene.In the traditional meat compares is fastidious also has “roasts the mutton leg”, “roasts the entire sheep” and so on.(Roasts the entire sheep is the Mongolian national minority people most elegant cooking technique, its color, smell and tastes, the shape are renowned at home and abroad, the ujumuchin fat tail sheep is in particular lets the human hear happy talks about with interest, is full of praise.)译文:蒙古族人民居住蒙古包,有着待人热情诚恳的传统美德,以粗犷豪放、胸怀坦荡、诚实热情而著称。 饮食:以粮、乳、肉、奶茶为主。其中奶豆腐、奶茶、黄油、奶酒最具特色,全羊、手扒肉是招待贵客的宴席,独具民族特色。 (一)奶品:黄油、奶豆腐、酸奶、奶皮、奶酒、奶酪等等,是蒙古族人民喜爱的食品,也是招待远方客人的上好佳品,一碗醇正绵喉的马奶酒,让远方的客人感受到草原人好客的盛情。草原上的奶食品都用牛、马、驼、羊奶制成,是牧民一年四季的主要食品,蒙古语叫“查干伊德”。 (二)炒米、奶茶、手扒肉:奶茶是蒙古族人民每日必需的饮料,早晨起来,喝上一碗乳香飘溢的炒米奶茶,再加上几块奶豆腐、几片手扒肉,便开始了一天的牧人生活。到草原做客,主人会给你端上奶茶,奶茶旁摆着一盘炒米,手抓炒米放入奶茶,外加盐或糖调和,再放上几块奶豆腐,饮起来非常可口。 (三)肉类:肉类是蒙古族牧民自古以来游牧生活的主要食品,通常通过煮、涮、烤后进食。其中“手扒肉”为日常生活中最常见的。客人到蒙古包内作客,通常会遇到边喝酒、边吃“手扒肉”,马头琴声悠扬、草原长调奔放的场景。传统肉食中比较讲究的还有“烤羊腿”、“烤全羊”等。(烤全羊是蒙古族人民最考究的烹调技艺,其色、香、味、形驰名中外,尤其是乌珠穆沁肥尾羊更是让人喜闻乐道,赞不绝口。)
Chapter 1 Custom 习 俗 unit 1 The Culture of Chinese Clothing中国服饰文化 Unit 2 The Name Culture姓氏文化 Unit 3 Marriage Customs婚嫁习俗 Unit 4 Funeral Customs葬礼习俗Chapter 2 Chinese Calendar 中国年历 unit 1 Chinese Lunar Calendar中国阴历 Unit 2 Chinese Solar Terms中国节气 Unit 3 Chinese Digital Culture中国数字文化 Unit 4 Chinese Zodiac Culture中国牛肖文化Chapter 3 Chinese Traditional Festival 中国传统节日 Unit 1 The Spring Festival春节 Unit 2 The Lantern Festival元霄节 Unit 3 The Clear and Bright Festival清明节 Unit4 The Dragon Boat Festival端午节 Unit5 The Mid-Autumn Day中秋节 Unit 6 The Double Nint'h Day重阳节The Mongolian national minority people live the yurt, has treats people the warm sincere traditional moral excellence, by rough bold, the mind broad and level, honest warm is famous. Diet: By grain, breast, meat, tea with milk primarily.Cheese, the tea with milk, the butter, the milk liquor most have the characteristic, the entire sheep, the hand digs up the meat entertains honored guest's banquet, alone national characteristic.(1) dairy product: Butter, cheese, yogurt, cream, milk liquor, cheese and so on, is foods which the Mongolian national minority people like, also entertains the distant place visitor's very good high quality goods, a bowl of mellow wadding throat kumiss, lets the distant place the visitor feels the prairie person's hospitable great kindness.On prairie milk food all uses the cow, the horse, the camel, the sheep's milk to make, is herdsman's throughout the year main food, Mongolian calls “to look up does Ede”.(2) fried rice, the tea with milk, the hand dig up the meat: The tea with milk is the Mongolian national minority people every day essential drink, morning gets up, drinks a bowl of frankincense permeated with the fried rice tea with milk, again adds on several cheese, several piece of hands digs up the meat, then started a day-long herdsman life.Is a guest to the prairie, the master can carry the tea with milk to you, nearby the tea with milk suspends fried rice, the hand is grasping the fried rice to put in the tea with milk, the sur- salt or the sugar are well distributed, again puts several cheese, drinks extremely deliciously.(3) meats: The meats are the Mongolian national minority herdsmen move about in search of pasture since the ancient times life main food, usually after boils, rinses, roasts eats food.In which “the hand digs up the meat” for the daily life in most common.Sojourns the visitor to the yurt in, usually can meet drinks, side eats “the hand to dig up the meat”, wharf tweedle melodious, prairie long accent bold scene.In the traditional meat compares is fastidious also has “roasts the mutton leg”, “roasts the entire sheep” and so on.(Roasts the entire sheep is the Mongolian national minority people most elegant cooking technique, its color, smell and tastes, the shape are renowned at home and abroad, the ujumuchin fat tail sheep is in particular lets the human hear happy talks about with interest, is full of praise.)译文:蒙古族人民居住蒙古包,有着待人热情诚恳的传统美德,以粗犷豪放、胸怀坦荡、诚实热情而著称。 饮食:以粮、乳、肉、奶茶为主。其中奶豆腐、奶茶、黄油、奶酒最具特色,全羊、手扒肉是招待贵客的宴席,独具民族特色。 (一)奶品:黄油、奶豆腐、酸奶、奶皮、奶酒、奶酪等等,是蒙古族人民喜爱的食品,也是招待远方客人的上好佳品,一碗醇正绵喉的马奶酒,让远方的客人感受到草原人好客的盛情。草原上的奶食品都用牛、马、驼、羊奶制成,是牧民一年四季的主要食品,蒙古语叫“查干伊德”。 (二)炒米、奶茶、手扒肉:奶茶是蒙古族人民每日必需的饮料,早晨起来,喝上一碗乳香飘溢的炒米奶茶,再加上几块奶豆腐、几片手扒肉,便开始了一天的牧人生活。到草原做客,主人会给你端上奶茶,奶茶旁摆着一盘炒米,手抓炒米放入奶茶,外加盐或糖调和,再放上几块奶豆腐,饮起来非常可口。 (三)肉类:肉类是蒙古族牧民自古以来游牧生活的主要食品,通常通过煮、涮、烤后进食。其中“手扒肉”为日常生活中最常见的。客人到蒙古包内作客,通常会遇到边喝酒、边吃“手扒肉”,马头琴声悠扬、草原长调奔放的场景。传统肉食中比较讲究的还有“烤羊腿”、“烤全羊”等。(烤全羊是蒙古族人民最考究的烹调技艺,其色、香、味、形驰名中外,尤其是乌珠穆沁肥尾羊更是让人喜闻乐道,赞不绝口。)
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