"The place synthesizes sex university to rely on a place, contacting closely with place, synthesizing to turn level and some academicses to reside on the place in lead level, made huge contribution for economic social development in the place."
Local comprehensive universities rely on their own districts with which have close connection and their synthetical-rization level and some discipline is in the lead horizontal on the place , which has made gigantic contribution to the local economic and social development。运用从句,条理清晰,容易理解,适合毕业论文,可以让导师看出自己的英文功底,希望楼主喜欢。
好好看看,不满意我给你分Local comprehensive universities are dependent on the places they are located in, and have close association with the latter. The comprehensive level and some of disciplines are in leading role in their regions, making great contribution to the local economic and social development.
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议论文作文评语2篇 无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家肯定对论文都不陌生吧,论文是进行各个学术领域研究和描述学术研究成果的一种说理文章。那么,怎么去写论文呢?以下是