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20字连一句话都快不够写==这个怎么样?是我作文的第一段。The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government”, says by Thomas Jefferson. Thus a country is supposed to help those represent the will of its individuals.

160 评论



With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, online shopping has become a common phenomenon in our life.


Here, consumers can buy almost everything they need.


Online shopping has many advantages, perhaps the most important of which is its convenience.


People don't have to waste a lot of energy and valuable time to choose the goods they like from one store to another.


This is especially desirable for the elderly, patients and busy people who can't go to the store in person.


However, online shopping also has its disadvantages.


The first disadvantage is that consumers can't see the goods and can't try them on in person.


Sometimes, real goods may be different from what they see on the computer.


The second disadvantage is that some stores on the Internet are not registered.


After they get the money from you, they will never give you anything again.


Once you are deceived, you will find that you have nowhere to complain.


203 评论



Nowadays, English has been the international language. In China, the children have to learn English since their primary education. In some cities, the children even start their English study in kindergarten. Most parents even hire a tutor to help their children to learn English. There is no doubt that English as the international language plays the important role in communication. My uncle travels a lot around the world. He has been to many countries. Every time when he returns, I will listen to his stories. I have heard of many wonderful journeys. My uncle likes to communicate with people from other countries, so he can learn the different culture. I want to live as my uncle, but the first thing for me to do is to master English, so that I can communicate with most people and have fun.


In China, a lot of students are complaining about the difficulty to master English. They know how important English is, but they just feel hard to learn it. However for many foreingers, when they start to learn Chinese, some even speak it very well. To conquer Chinese has been the popular slogan for them. As Chinese economy develops so fast, the foreigners have realized the trend, so mastering Chinese is the best way to seek for cooperation. Even though it has been admitted that Chinese is the most difficulty language to learn, still a lot of foreigners make up their minds and learn it well. As the saying that there is will, there is a way. So when we are complaining about the difficulty to learn second language, just thinking about the foreigners how to learn Chinese.


Kate Middleton who is known to the world as the young and beautiful princess is the great idol for many girls. She speaks for the image of elegance. Every time when she appears in the public occasions, she dresses so well and catches the media’s attention all the time. Michelle Obama, the first lady in America, has the great influence on the women. She is also known for creating the fashion. Michelle has her own styles. She sets the good example for the women to dress in different occasions. The public is very interested in the first ladies’ dressing styles and these powerful women increase their charm by creating the fashion. Indeed, no matter what they wear will become the hot style and there comes many similar products. People are happy to see the fashion and they like to discuss about it, then follow it.

凯特·米德尔顿,一个闻名于世界的年轻美丽的王妃。她是很多女孩伟大的偶像。她代表着优雅的形象,每次她出现在公众场合都衣着得体,总是能够吸引媒体的注意力。美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马对女性有很大的影响。她也以创造时尚而出名。米歇尔拥有自己的风格,她给女性在不同的场合穿着树立了良好的例子。公众对第一夫人的穿着风格很感兴趣,她们也通过创建时尚来增加自己的魅力。事实上,不管她们穿什么都会成为热门风格,随后会涌现出许多类似的产品。人们乐于看到这样的时尚,也喜欢讨论, 然后跟随时尚。

I like to see movie so much. When I have time, the first thing I’d like to do is to find the hot movies and then buy some snacks, enjoying my movie hour. After appreciating so many movies, The Lord of the Rings impresses me the most. This movie has three series and I like them all. Though the moive was made in about 2000, its technology is still not out of date. In the movie, the scenery is such beautiful that I can’t move my eyes away. It was shot in New Zealand and I have made up my mind that I must go there someday and have a look at the beautiful scenery. The movie shows me a scientific world with all kinds of creatures. The wizards, the hobbies, the elves, the orcs and so on. It broadens my vision.


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There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowersand birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy theirweekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying akite with my sisiter there. 我家附近有一个公园。哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟。所以很多人都喜欢到那里去度周末。他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝。

290 评论



Now the winter holiday will pass soon, I suddenly remember that I haven’t finished my homework yet and answered my friend’s invitation. So in the last few days, the first thing I need to do is to spend some time with my friends, because she had asked me to barbecue with her families. I am so happy to say yes and look forward to spending the time with her families. Homework is always my nightmare. I am lazy and won’t face it until the last minute. My parents always remind me of my homework and I respond them with the good words. My mother will check my homework before I go back to school. So I must finish it in two days. It is a tough task but I have to burden it. I won’t break my words to my parents.


Nowadays, Chinese people are everywhere, on the one hand, they like to travel and on the other hand, the population is very large. But foreigners’ impression on Chinese is not always good. The media have reported the negative incidents that were brought by Chinese tourists, and many foreigners have given their opinion and criticized the tourists’ behavior. It is true that many Chinese people haven’t realized their bad behavior, such as talking loudly in the public occasion. As we have the large population, so not every people has the chance to receive good education. What’s more, the foreign media just reported the bad side while ignoring the good side, so the foreign people always think Chinese people are rude. We admit that we are not doing well enough and we need to behave ourselves. And I believe that a wise man will make his own judgment when he communicate with Chinese.


When talking about football, as Chinese, I want to say a lot things. But when words are about to come out, I become silent. Chinese football always presents the negative side to the fans, because the football team did not play well in the big games and the fans disappointed all the time. It is truth that the skill of foreign players is much better than us. They have the strong body, while is the gene advantage. But the more important factor is that football is not that popular in China, only few teenagers work on it. Look at the football kingdom Brazil, where almost every child can play football. Now the good news is that more football schools will be built in China, which helps to develop more talents to work on football.


Red packet is unavoidable in Chinese new year. The married couple need to send some gifts and red packets to the elder and the young. At the same time, the new techonology provides people a funny way to send red packet. It is the popular communicational tool Wechat. Now many foreigners are also crazy about Wechat, when they realize the function of red packet, they fall in love with it and share the money happily. Chinese new techonology are favored by the world, which makes us be proud. Recently, another new selfie technoloy surprises the world. With it, people can make themselves look attractive and it helps to adjust the pictures to look perfect. When the foreigners compare the pictures, they are shocked by this selfie technology. Chinese technology brings convenience to people’s life and makes them happy.


193 评论


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