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Abstract: In the modern construction of concrete plays an important role, but the concrete cracks are more common. This article analyzes the causes of concrete cracks is proposed measures to control and prevent the cracks, and curing of the concrete problems early. Key words: concrete crack; cracks; Cracks; conservation First, micro-cracks in concrete Cracks in reinforced concrete structures is to work with. Rather, the hardening process of concrete in the condensation, there exist micro-cracks, because the concrete in the cement and aggregate changes in temperature and humidity conditions to produce the volume of non-uniform deformation, and they bonded together and can not free-form deformation, so the formation of mutual restraint stress; Once the cement and aggregate constraint between the stress is greater than the bond strength and tensile strength of cement itself, will produce micro-cracks. Second, the causes of concrete cracks Concrete cracks are the result of the development of micro-cracks. Concrete cracks for many reasons, for its part, considered to be bound by the deformation of concrete due to tensile stress than the material's sake. 1. Optional inappropriate material defects and the formation of cracks. Expired cement, aggregate excess mud, with active SiO 2 , high alkali cement, limestone aggregate, cement hydration heat and so on. 2. Construction of mishandling the formation of defects and cracks. Plastic concrete sink, was the top bar of the resistance, the formation of cracks along the reinforcement; concrete vibration is not dense, there cellular, easy to form the starting point for a variety of stress fractures; concrete mixer, transit time is too long, so that water evaporation, causing low slump concrete pouring, making the concrete volume in the mesh irregular cracks; rapid drying of concrete made when the initial curing of concrete contact with the atmosphere in the irregular mesh surface cracks; early form removal, concrete not yet established sufficient strength to impose its own components in the actual gravity load, prone to all kinds of stress cracks. 3. Because of the force components, deformation and crack formation of defects. Center tension; center compression; bending; shear; by punching; beam concrete shrinkage and temperature deformation; plate of concrete shrinkage and temperature deformation; in reinforced concrete, the tensile stress is mainly borne by the reinforced concrete is exposed stress. In plain concrete or reinforced concrete on the edges if the tensile stress within the structure there shall be to rely on concrete to bear. General design requirements in both the tensile stress does not appear or appear only very small tensile stress. However, the maximum temperature of concrete in construction to the operation of the cooling period of steady temperature, often caused by a large concrete internal tensile stress. 4. Because of environmental factors affect the formation of defects and cracks. Mainly temperature and humidity changes, the brittleness of concrete and uneven, as well as unreasonable structure, failure of raw materials (such as alkali-aggregate reaction), template deformation, differential settlement of foundation. Concrete dissolution cycles many times by the freeze, the stress generated in the concrete, and promote the development of existing cracks, loose structure, surface cracks, surface spalling or overall collapse. Third, measures to control and prevent the cracks 1. Of cement, water, aggregate, admixtures, reinforcement materials, the improper selection of the formation of cracks on the entry of raw materials must be in accordance with national standards for strict inspection and acceptance of the approach to prevention, where the unqualified use of defective materials shall be , or reduce the level of test use; of these have occurred due to improper selection of materials defects or cracks in concrete produced must be observed in detail for the long term (due to some problems take a while to find), carefully identify its causes and Quality of the problem, study and formulate their treatment and reinforcement. This is because once occurred due to improper material selection, quality problems, often with the universal reason. 2. As long transport time of concrete mixing, pouring too fast, the vibration is not real, it is improper construction joint, move the template the formation of cracks and other reasons can follow the "concrete order" strict implementation of concrete mixing, transport, pouring, vibration pound set and the old concrete construction joint connection. Templates, and form removal, and conservation requirements to prevent, the occurrence of such cracks in the component have been, but also distinguish the type of component, component of the force characteristics of the site where the cracks and the extent of serious cracks were commonly used in concrete cracks reinforcement measures or by filling concrete, steel anchor reinforcement, and even stick steel reinforcement, prestressed reinforcement remedial measures. 3. Due to dry weather, the initial maintenance is not good, the early cold concrete and large changes in temperature and humidity of the cracks were used to enhance the natural hardening process of concrete Results conservation, conservation of heat storage, the use of air-entraining agent to uniform distribution of air bubbles inside the concrete, measures such as temperature expansion joint repair reserved. Severe cold components, some should be removed, some should be reinforced before being used. 4. Because the components have to withstand loads too wide cracks, reasonably designed to prevent the emergence of these cracks; cracks have been too broad component appears to be reinforced by strengthening measures. 5. The foundation of unequal settlement of large cracks too broad and reasonably in the design of the building when checking in the use phase of the settlement to prevent the emergence of these cracks, these cracks have occurred on the structure, to use ground-based control measures proper handling of the foundation, then building the structure reinforcement measures adopted to solve. 6. On the environmental conditions and changes in the use of the crack occurred, according to different properties to different control measures, such as: (1) the use of temperature and humidity changes during the formation of cracks, usually difficult to eradicate, to adopt the protection of reinforced concrete measures to reduce atmospheric humidity changes of the component is appropriate; (2) The cracks resulting from repeated freezing and thawing, in addition to defects and damage has been formed in part to be reinforced or reinforced, but should add insulation on the cold concrete measures; (3) The corrosive medium in the resulting defects and damage a large area, in addition to corrosion and damage should be removed by the site to be reinforced or reinforced, shall use the acid water glass slag cement concrete or concrete overlay to protect; (4) damage due to earthquake seismic structural measures should be adopted to prevent; have been generated by the earthquake damage is not severe earthquake damaged buildings may refer to repair and reinforcement of the solution to the problem. In addition, temperature control and improved from the constraints of the two aspects. Used to improve the aggregate gradation, with a dry hard concrete, mixed with mixture, add air-entraining agent or a plasticizing agent measures to reduce the amount of cement in concrete; water when mixing concrete or gravel with water cooling to reduce the concrete pouring temperature; hot days when the pouring of concrete pouring to reduce the thickness of heat by pouring level; in the concrete laying pipes, pass into the cold water temperature; set reasonable removal time, the surface heat when temperatures plunged to avoid dramatic concrete surface temperature gradient ; Construction of Concrete Blocks and long-term exposure to surface or thin-walled structure, insulation measures taken in the cold season. Measures to improve the constraints are: a reasonable parting block; to avoid excessive fluctuations basis; reasonable arrangements for the construction process, to avoid the excessive height and long-term exposure to the side. In addition, to improve the performance of concrete and improve the crack resistance, enhance conservation, to prevent surface shrinkage, in particular, to ensure the quality of concrete is very important to prevent fractures, special attention should be avoided through the cracks, appears to restore its structural integrity is difficulties, so the construction should be to prevent the occurrence of cracks in the main cross-cutting. Fourth, early curing of concrete Practice shows that cracks in concrete common, most of the surface cracks of different depth, mainly because of the temperature gradient caused by the sudden drop in temperature in cold areas are also easy to form cracks. Therefore, the concrete surface of the insulation to prevent early cracking is particularly important. From the viewpoint of thermal stress, thermal insulation should meet the following requirements: (1) prevent the concrete and the concrete surface temperature difference between inside and outside the gradient, to prevent surface cracks; (2) to prevent the concrete super cool, should try to try to make concrete the construction period of not less than the minimum temperature on the stability of the temperature of concrete used; (3) to prevent cold and old concrete to reduce the constraints between the new and old concrete. Early curing of concrete, the main purpose is to maintain proper temperature and humidity conditions in order to achieve the effect of two aspects, one of the concrete from adverse temperature and humidity deformation of the invasion, to prevent the harmful shrinkage and shrinkage. On the one hand to smooth the cement hydration in order to meet the design strength and crack resistance. V. Conclusion Cracks in concrete above the relationship between the various effects of the theory and practice discussed, although the academic cracks in the concrete and calculation methods are different theories, but for specific advice for prevention and improvement measures more unified, but in practice of effects are good, concrete construction depends on our seeing much comparison, more analysis after problems, and more sum up, with a variety of preventive treatment measures, concrete cracks are completely avoidable.

253 评论


18.巴斯奈特,苏珊。翻译研究 (修订本)。Methu 陈文有限公司,1998年。19.哈提姆,罗勒和梅森、 伊恩。话语和翻译。朗文 1990年,集团英国。20.纽,翻译体育体育方法。柏加马,牛津,1982年。21.纽,体育体育一本教科书的翻译。伦敦: 普伦蒂斯大厅,1988年。22.奈达、 尤金 · A.语言、 文化和翻译,上海外语教育出版社,1993。23.奈达,尤金 · A.科学的翻译。莱顿 E.J.布里尔,1964年。24.奈达、 E.A.C.泰伯,理论与实践的 Transla 解释。布里尔 Lyden,1974年。25.Rojer T.钟。翻译和 Translationg: 理论与实践-盖饭。朗文、 伦敦和纽约,1991年。26.沙夫、 基督教和海伦凯利-福尔摩斯。》 的翻译的文化功能。多语言事务有限公司,1995年。27.泰、 A.散文翻译的原则。伦敦: 凹痕。日 1791 年。28.Wilss,钨。科学翻译的过程中。京特 · Narr 出版社 1982

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82 评论


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279 评论


巴斯内特,苏珊。翻译研究(修订版)。 Methu -的UEN有限公司,1998。 19。哈廷姆,罗勒和梅森,伊恩。话语与译者。英国朗文集团有限公司,1990。 20。纽马克,体育体育翻译问题探讨。佩加蒙,牛津,1982年。 21。纽马克,页页的翻译教材。伦敦:Prentice Hall出版社,1988。 22。奈达,尤金答Languge,文化与翻译,上海外语教育出版社,1993。 23。奈达,尤金走向的翻译学答。 j的布里尔大肠杆菌莱顿,1964年。 24。奈达,环评与泰伯,C的理论与实践Transla - tion。布里尔莱登,1974。 25。 Rojer吨贝尔。翻译与Translationg:理论与区域动脉灌注-蒂斯。朗文出版社,伦敦和纽约,1991年。 26。沙夫纳,基督教和凯利,霍姆斯,海伦。埃德。翻译的文化功能。多种语言事项有限公司,1995。 27。泰特勒,对翻译的原则A.散文。伦敦:登特。 ,1791年。 28。 Wilss,钨。翻译的科学。冈特Narr出版社,1982。

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