是的。 Chemical Engineering Journal是化工领域的TOP期刊,其2021影响因子高达13 ,值得注意的Chem. Eng. J.是该领域的老牌杂志,认可度十分高
(1)JPCA虽比较低化物理、物理化领域特别涉及比较内核研究力等比较公认期刊reviewer特专业仅仅花架式批体完肤(2)JPCB相更偏软物质高等没JPCA内核属于更高层聚集态、超等偏机理、机制Macromolecules,Soft Matter竞争现高编辑想办投稿难度增加(3)JPCC家更熟悉吧 解释偏硬材料、纳米、功能材料属于Nano领域档期刊前两期刊属于公认档期刊作代表作丢现ACS力发展JPCL6吧若非要比较二三四我认排序:ABC期刊about the journal请参考A Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ranks #6 in total citations with 46,944 total cites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry also ranks #4 in citations out of 33 journals in the Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics category. The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of 2.899.*B:Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ranks #1 in total citations with 107,337 total cites. The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of 3.471.*C:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C increased in ISI Impact Factor to 4.224 (from 3.396 in the previous year). The journal received 25,129 total cites and published 3,045 articles
EI期刊论文为国际学术期刊论文,是国际核心期刊数据库之一。 EI是美国《工程索引》其英文全称为The Engineering Index,简称EI,由美工程情报
是的。。J+很多人都拍过 木村大神 樱井翔 香取慎吾 锦户亮
1.美国《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, 简称 SCI )于1957 年由美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Sci