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124 评论


题目翻译如下Time of experiment impacts of the effectiveness for a given period of time treatment studying content is solid dissolve over 2014 aluminium alloy frameworks of organization , Mechanics functions and friction functions.第一段翻译如下The sell the handicraft aluminium alloy sample at reduced prices and primitive sample of effectiveness for a given period of time has carried out the experiment a train of on to adopt a block of wood and strengthening to dissolve, function carrying out Mechanics pounding , coming ascertain the tensile test, the primitive sample on primitive sample first: Tensile strength sigmab, knuckles under intensity sigma0.2 , elongation rate dleta and pounds tenacity ak; Secondly, the sell the handicraft sample at reduced prices and primitive sample of effectiveness for a given period of time carries out the measurement wearing the function experiment and Brinell hardness away on to dissolving course not strengthening together , comes to analyse comparison from this solid dissolve effectiveness for a given period of time handles the effect to 2014 aluminium alloy sample Mechanics functions and friction functions. The metallographic observing a sample organizes change , contrast , observe under metallographic microscope, analyse the come to reach a conclusion studying.第二段翻译如下Experiment go into is indicated: Analysis but knowledges , 2014 aluminium alloys strengthens a course dissolving effectiveness for a given period of time handles the queen , existence compares complicated, the main alloy is each other: W looks at and appraises (Cu4Mg5Si4Al) , the theta looks at and appraises (CuAl2) , Mg2Si , CuMgAl2 , mixed sundries (FeMnSi) Al6 and Mg3SiAl2. 500 ~C strengthens classics dissolving , 165 ~C effectiveness for a given period of time handles the queen, polishing scratch is the most shallow , the amounts wearing away are minimal , abrasion resistance is best , the hardness is maximal when each other, 2014 aluminium alloys scatter trivial , homogeneous , wear away.第三段翻译如下Population is strengthened as a matter of fact , through dissolving that effectiveness for a given period of time handles 2014 aluminium alloy of the queen separates more second phases out , uses whose abrasion resistance and surface hardness rise. With solid dissolve temperature rise, the resolving the alloying element is diffused is more sufficient , the place wrong density making base experience and observe metal increases by , distortion happened in the crystal lattice, the alloying element is able to change the solid solution coefficient of elasticity at the same time , that the modulus , cohesive force and atom diffusing arrange a defect, makes the place wrong be changed into turn gleam , the material increasing , arousing place wrong motion resistance intensifies. 2014 aluminium alloys belong to precipitayion strengthen the type alloy , dissolving depending on strengthening mainly , come to intensify each other in effectiveness for a given period of time process from separating precipitayion out in oversaturation solid solution. Another is strengthened subsequently dissolving the temperature rises , the effectiveness for a given period of time queen is separated out each other increase by and homogeneous , peak value comes down , appears after the alloy intensity rises first.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、

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