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148 评论


近几年来,移动Ad-hoc网络作为新兴的无线通信网络,逐渐吸引了业界的注意力,成为研究的热点。Ad Hoc网络可以在没有基础设施支持的情况下灵活方便的通信,这种技术拓宽了移动通信的领域,具有光明的前景。Ad Hoc网络最初应用于军事领域,随着无线网络的发展,Ad Hoc网在民用领域也开始得到发展。移动Ad-hoc网络不需要任何无线基础设施的支持,节点开机就可以快速自动组网,节点可以任意移动,随时加入或离开网络。Ad Hoc网还具有组网速度快、抗毁自愈能力强等优点,在军事和民用领域得到越来越广泛的应用。 由于移动Ad hoc网络采用无线信道,节点的自由性,网络的结构等各方面的技术特点,使得Ad Hoc 网更容易被窃听,拒绝服务等攻击,使其在安全方面存在隐患。要建立安全的Ad-Hoc网络,研究其入侵检测及响应技术十分必要的,具有重要意义。 基于Ad Hoc网的特点建立一种一分组为基础的新型的网络结构。本文就分组的基本概念及分组的实现进行了阐述,并根据分组的特点,建立了基于分组的安全模型,并阐述了门限认证的基本概念,结合分组特点和门限认证技术来实现一个无线Ad hoc网络分组内进行门限认证的安全解决方案。 In recent years, mobile Ad hoc networks as emerging - wireless communication network, gradually attracting attention of industry, become the focus of research. Ad Hoc network infrastructure support in no circumstances is flexible and convenient communications, the technology of mobile communication area expanded, with bright prospects. Ad Hoc networks in the military field application initially, along with the development of wireless network, Ad Hoc network in civil field also began to get develop. Mobile Ad hoc networks - do not need any wireless infrastructure support, node can be on any mobile networking, node can add or leave, network. Ad Hoc network also has netted speed, invulnerability self-healing capability advantages in military and civilian areas, get more and more widely. Due to the mobile Ad hoc network using wireless channel, freedom, network structure, etc, the technical characteristics of Ad hoc network more easily to be tapped, denial of service attacks, which are hidden in the safe. To establish a secure network Ad Hoc - its intrusion detection and response technology necessary, has the vital significance. Based on the Ad Hoc network characteristics to establish a new one packet basis of network structure. Based on the basic concept and the group of grouping is discussed, and according to the characteristics of the group, established the security model based on group, and expounds the basic concept, threshold certification group characteristics and threshold combining authentication technology to realize a wireless Ad hoc network group within the threshold of authentication security solutions. Keywords: Ad Hoc networks, Network security strategy, Group, Threshold authentication

360 评论



309 评论


摘要 基于Web的漏洞占了很大一部分的安全漏洞的计算机网络。为了检测已知的基于网络的攻击,误用检测系统都配备了大量的签名。不幸地,很难跟上每日披露的网站相关的漏洞,此外,漏洞可介绍的安装特定的基于Web的应用。因此,误用检测系统应当 配合异常检测系统。 本文介绍了入侵检测系统,采用了一些不同的异常检测技术 侦测攻击网络服务器和基于Web的应用。该系统会分析客户查询,参考Serverside集团 计划和创建模式,范围广泛的不同特点,这些查询。例如,这些功能都 访问模式的服务器端程序或价值的个别参数的调用。特别是,利用 特定应用的表征援引参数允许系统进行重点分析和 生产数量减少的误报。 该系统会自动产生配置文件的参数与网络相关的应用程序(例如,长度和结构 参数)和查询之间的关系(例如,存取时间和顺序)从分析数据。因此, 可以部署在非常不同的应用环境,而不需要进行费时的调整和 配置。

309 评论



152 评论


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