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我问我们英语老师了看看行不行Culture is the process of human social history created the material wealth and the spiritual wealth, Culture is a social ideology and the organization and system. And enterprise culture is the enterprise in producing management practice, gradually formed by for staff, and abide by the organization, with the characteristics of the mission, vision, objectives, and spirit, values and business concept, and these ideas in production practice, management system, employee behavior and the external image of enterprise. It and education, scientific research, military organization such as cultural properties is different. Enterprise culture is the soul of an enterprise, is an inexhaustible motive force to promote the enterprise development. It contains a very rich content, its core is the spirit of enterprise, and values. Here the values of enterprise management is referring to various cultural phenomena, but the employees in the company or enterprise engaged in production and business in the commodity holdings of values. Enterprise culture is one of the core, intermediate and WaiWeiCeng constitute multilevel ecological system, which can be roughly divided into mainly based on content and system, behavior, and the physical layer, the enterprise culture is harmonious and unified aspects, mutual penetration.

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一、毕业论文选题:1、学生必须紧密联系本专业基本理论,结合毕业实践撰写毕业论文。运用专业知识,书写与所修专业相关的论文,包括理论探讨、临床观察、病案讨论。2、论文选题要新颖。选题正确、论点正确、论据可靠、书写规范。二、毕业论文书写要求1、文题 准确得体、简短精炼。符合语法和逻辑原则,准确表达论文的中心内容。2、摘要(或提要),介绍论文的“目的、方法、结果、结论”。字数300字左右。3、关键词 从论文标题、提要或正文中选取最能表达论文的关键内容或有某种特殊意义的词2-8个。4、正文 体现论文的论点、论据、论证,是论文的核心部分。要求①论点明确;②论据充分、可靠,具有科学性;③论证合理,数据准确、可靠,材料真实;④文字精炼,语言准确,条理清楚,书写工整。5、字数3000字以上,文字简洁,语句通顺,标点符号使用正确,使用规定的简化汉字。6、成教部将聘请专家对论文进行形式审查。凡不符合上述要求者,将予以退回重写或修改,直至形式审查合格,才可提交论文答辩,严禁抄袭与弄虚作假。否则不能按时毕业。三、装订顺序:1、封面:2、毕业设计(论文)任务书:3、开题报告:4、中文摘要和关键词:摘要的字数在200至300字之间,关键词在3至5个之间5、英文摘要和关键词:根据中文摘要和关键词翻译6、目录:应有小节对应的页码7、正文8、参考文献9、谢辞四、打印规范:1、论文以A4标准页面排版(21*29.7cm),1.5倍行距,字体、字号要求如下:标题用粗黑体:一级标题三号,二级标题小三号,三级标题四号;正文用宋体小四号。2、章节序号(标题序号):(1)按照正式出版物的惯例,标题编号顺序规定如下:1、1.1、1.1.1……(2)论文标题一律从“1、”开始。3、图表标号:图1.1 图1.2 图2.1 图2.2…… (与图名称一起标在图正下方,用5号宋体,如:图1.1 GDP按年度增长率)表1.1 表1.2 表2.1 表2.2…… (与表名称一起标在表正下方,用5号宋体,如:表1.1 职工情况一览表)4、中文摘要和关键词:摘要:※※※※ 关键词: ※※※※;※※※※;※※※※其中摘要和关键词这两个词用宋体加粗,小四号,摘要内容和关键词内容用楷体小四号。5、英文摘要和关键词:参照中文摘要和关键词;用Times New Roman体;6、论文正文:空二行后书写正文,正文和第一段为“引言”,但不加小标题。7、参考文献列示格式(5号宋体):书籍格式:(编号)作者,作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版时间期刊格式:(编号)作者,作者.文章题目[J].期刊名,年份(期数):起页码~止页码报纸格式:(编号)作者,作者. 文章题目[N].报纸名,年月日,第几版注意:网络文献一般不作为参考文献8、正文必须打上页码,页码格式为“第X页,共X页”;居中打印(5号宋体);9、所有论文请用WORD打印。

122 评论


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