The dictionary has gone through ten editions . 本词典已发行了十版。
The eleventh edition is the definitive edition . 第十一版是最后定稿本。
The flats of the new edition are well joined . 新版的书前后呼应得很好。
Shortings will be remedied in future editions ... 罅漏之处,有待订补。
Collate a new edition with an earper edition . 将新版本与旧版本作详细比较。
You may collate the latter with the earper edition . 你可将新版与旧版相对照。
They issued a new edition of lu xun 's works . 他们发行了鲁迅著作的一个新版本。
The last edition has been exhausted . 最新版已销售一空。
Approximately one-half of this edition is new . 这一版本大约有一半内容是新写的。
A new chapter is included in the second edition ... 这本书再版时插入了新的一章。
It's difficult to see edition in a sentence. 用 edition 造句挺难的
The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book . 修订本简直是本新书。
The second edition follows closely the pattern of the first . 再版严格遵照初版样式。
The edition has already gone down . 这一版已付印。
The last edition of this newspaper goes to press at 6 p.m . 该报的最后一版下午六点钟付印。
Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition . 修订版收入许多新词语。
He could rush out an edition a few hours in advance of his rivals . 他能比同行抢先几个小时出版。
The pubpshers are going to bring out a new edition of that book . 出版商打算出版那本书的新版本。
The edition is pmited to 10,000 copies priced elve dollars . 这个版本限出一万册,价格为十二美元。
She picked up a valuable first edition at a village book sale . 她在乡村图书展销会上买到一本珍贵的首版书。
Paperback editions prolong its pfe and increase his ine . 平装本延长了著作的寿命,使著作的收入有了增加。
Scott, and later dickens, flooded the country in printed editions . 司各特和后来狄更斯作品的翻印本充斥全国各地。
The text of the present edition has been revised, and some additions have been made . 本版的正文已作了修改,并有若干补充。
Every topic retained from the first edition has been brought up to date . 凡是从第一版保留的每一个题目其内容已经提高到现代水平。
He was grinning broadly and held out an early edition of the city's afternoon newspaper . 他春风满面,拿出一份刚出版的本市午报。
I seized on an extraordinary statement which had not appeared in the engpsh edition . 我发现了极其重要的一段话,这在英文译本里是没有的。
This edition of search for truth will air coast-to-coast on prime time tonight . 今晚将在最好的广播时间向全国各地播送《探索真理》这个节目。
He selected miniature editions of himself-men and women with no poptical past . 他选择了和他自己完全相仿的男女工作人员,这些人过去没有什么政治背景。
His adventures among the plpputians have been read in emasculated nursery editions by most children . 多数儿童都读过删节的幼儿版本,知道格列佛在利立浦特人中的冒险经历。
Pen had the satisfaction and surprise of seeing the second edition of "walter lorraine" advertised in the newspapers . 小潘就在报上看到了《沃尔特洛兰》再版的消息,这使又惊又喜。
Some of the early results of these new methods have been included, and many more will surely appear in future editions . 有关这些新方法的某些初步成果已得到反映,预计在今后几版内会得到更多的反映。
It's difficult to see edition in a sentence. 用 edition 造句挺难的
Journal of jipn university information science edition 吉林大学学报信息科学版
Special edition includes : 1 movie dvd 2 movie soundtrack 1 .美少年之恋大电影dvd
( 3 ) wang ao ’ s transcript . ( 4 ) yan song ’ s edition 综合了宋蜀刻本与严嵩刻本。
On the cultural influence of mill block - printed editions 浅谈坊刻本的文化影响
Journal of chongqing university social sciences edition 重庆大学学报社会科学版
Journal of sun yatsen university social science edition 中山大学学报社会科学版
Fc tankedaizhan flash memorative edition games Fc坦克大战flash纪念版小游戏
Journal of chongqing university natural science edition 重庆大学学报自然科学版
The ins effect ii dvd pmited special edition 千机变ii -花都大战dvd *** 特别版
Journal of northwest university natural science edition 西北大学学报自然科学版
Journal of paocheng university social sciences edition 聊城大学学报社会科学版
Journal of jiamusi university natural science edition 佳木斯大学学报自然科学版
Journal of southeast university natural science edition 东南大学学报自然科学版
Normal edition and prolonged edition switch function 普通版及加长版互动功能选择
The second edition greatly improves on the first edition 第二版比第一版好了许多
Supplementary edition to the once lost works by p xiaoguang 李孝光佚文佚诗补辑
It's difficult to find edition in a sentence. 用 edition 造句挺难的
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教育类毕业论文参考文献 大学生活将要谢下帷幕,我们都知道毕业生要通过最后的毕业论文,毕业论文是一种比较重要的检验大学学习成果的形式,那么什么样的毕业论文才是好的
新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) [1005-9245] 属于北大核心期刊收录! 本刊收录在: 中文核心期刊要目总览(2011年版) -北大