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82 评论


On "Crystal Boys" "sin" of consciousness Abstract: Since ancient times, people who lack of filial piety, and contrary to the wishes of the family, social and moral children collectively referred to as "Outsiders", in order to make people "Outsiders" have a deeper understanding, reduce the perception of "Outsiders" and bias, by Pai Hsien-yung "Outsiders" in the "Outsiders" image analysis to explore the "Outsiders" psychological and emotional world. Tell people, not all are called "Outsiders" are "those who do evil," they who are facing to the "Nie Yuan," Some are born deep down there, and fate; some are hereditary , brought from the mother's womb; more because of the lack of home care, warmth, was forced to step by step towards the "Outsiders" abyss. For those who made mistakes, people should give them a "rehabilitation" of opportunity, not because the first mistake put them into the "Crystal Boys" of the abyss, making them nothing in mind, only the margins of society living in the dark , led a miserable life never the light of day. Social progress, not only material progress, it is human civilization and progress of ideas. Keywords: Crystal Boys; Pai; nothing in mind; homosexuality; Nie Yuan

236 评论



244 评论


Since long before, people call those who are unfifial, contradicts to the will of their family or social convention "孽子". To make people have a deeper understanding of "孽子" and reduce the perception of this word, I will discuss the psychological and emotion world of "孽子" by analyzing the character of the hero in the 《Crystal Boys》written by Xianyong Bai. Not all the people who were called "孽子" are "造孽着"(sin maker?), some of them are doomed to have sin. Most of them are the production of lacking of care and love which lead them to the abyss of sin. To those who misbehaved, people should give them a chance of rehabilitation, instead of push them forward to the abyss of sin to impede them have the feeling of belonging and leave them in the dark shadow of the society. What indicates the advancement of a society is not merely the ampleness of material, but the development of human civilization and openness of mind.Key words: Crystal Boys ,Xianyong Bai , homosexual, sin

80 评论



157 评论


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