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Chongqing jiangbei people's procuratorate deputy chief procurators ZhangJing has accepted the China newsweek reporter access, evidence of the crime LiZhuang leak points and no public prosecution again answered questions. ZhangJing said, according to the people's procuratorate criminal litigation rules of the provisions of the third BaiWuShiSanTiao, withdraw no new facts or prosecute after new evidence, no longer prosecution. Interview full-text will appear in 2011 May 2 issue of the "China (newsweek China newsweek:. What reason was the procuratorial organs based on public prosecution? The prosecution what evidence when mastered? Answer: the procuratorial organs in review the entire case investigation organ to evidence material, think LiZhuang has sufficient evidence to prove the act constitutes a crime, shall be testified defenders hamper the prosecution, it shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. Evidence has been LiZhuang charges in a trial court case when the heave shown. These include LiZhuang MengYing evidence in the case of a misappropriation of funds in the relevant documentary evidence; act as his defender Confirm LiZhuang implementation XuLiJun lure, instigate the testimony against facts change behavior more witness testimony; Shanghai WangDeWei input on court confirmation "Shanghai things long jintang entertainment Co., LTD funds is 1 million yuan" civil judgment, civil order; Confirm MengYing "instructions jintang city of the company's financial staff, will deliver WangWeiDe etc. Of the company in TouZiKuan city jintang 500,000 yuan RMB to the form of bank note of its individual bank account deposit and used to return personal help industry loan", constitute the sin of misappropriation of funds criminal judgments; In case MengYing XuLiJun misappropriation of funds are expected to testify in court records of change testimony. Newsweek: in China, the trial of sheba court-appointed what new evidence for? From what way to get? Answer: the trial process, the evidence for a court-appointed sheba, main is to confirm XuLiJun WangDeWei and invested funds to the jintang city 100 million civil judgment about XuLiJun evidence material, and witnesses in August 2005 to accept a legal services in Shanghai two legal workers survey XuLiJun, WangDeWei statement about investment company recording jintang city information. According to the defense department statement, recording data from LiZhuang home within its mobile hard extraction. The rest of the materials department lawyer to relevant units to collect. Newsweek: in China with the public prosecutor for a court-appointed sheba the discrepancy between evidence embodied in what aspects? "Cause LiZhuang testified that committed the sin of defenders hamper evidence exists doubt", the question in what aspects specific performance? Answer: a contradiction mainly reflects in, what exactly is XuLiJun oneself active changed's testimony, or LiZhuang deceived, abetted her change her testimony. The case of the doubtful points, through examination embodied in the defenders sheba heave evidence that witnesses in August 2005 XuLiJun with Shanghai some law services two legal workers statement: she had intention to jintang city company investment 1 million yuan, but by shareholders ZhuLiYan city jintang 100 million yuan investment amount is too small and don't agree. XuLiJun secretly, and the MengYing deliberations. MengYing XuLiJun said to won't make XuLiJun after opening, frustration. MengYing after XuLiJun, whether ask others to XuLiJun XuLiJun issued by written evidence, self-proclaimed "and the" what is not investment. This testimony, both with and XuLiJun to March 2005 MengYing case investigators misappropriation of funds for testimony TouZiKuan 100 million payment is confirmed, and XuLiJun contradict with the 2010 to chongqing judicial organs written statements and six times for chongqing police asked the stated 100 million yuan is TouZiKuan testimony that conflict, leading to LiZhuang in July 2008 XuLiJun implementation lure, instigate against the facts change's testimony, constitute the fact that testimony sin defenders hamper existing gimmick. China newsweek: how to treat the public square. Court dropped request? Answer: after the people's court adjourned jiangbei collegial panel, after appraisal think, according to the supreme people's court on the execution of criminal procedure law of the People's Republic of China > "the explanation of some issues the provisions of article 177 no operator of jiangbei people's procuratorate, before the judgment is pronounced, asked to withdraw prosecution reason was established and granting withdraw prosecution ruling. Newsweek: China will no doubt further j supplementary investigation would ask again, 题目叫Chongqing prosecutors talk about LiZhuang leak case says no new evidence is prohibited from prosecution 重庆检方谈李庄漏案 称无新证据不得再行起诉-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 2011-04-27 07:44:11 ) 来源:中国新闻网 如何上四川在线手机版 wap.scol.com.cn 手机上微博:w.scol.com.cn 点击进微博 重庆江北区人民检察院副检察长张菁日前接受《中国新闻周刊》记者访问,就李庄漏罪案的证据疑点和会否再次提起公诉等问题回答了提问。张菁说,根据《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》第三百五十三条的规定,撤回起诉后没有新的事实或者新的证据,不得再行起诉。 采访全文将刊发在2011年5月2日刊期的《中国新闻周刊》 中国新闻周刊:.检察机关当初基于什么理由提起公诉?公诉时掌握了哪些证据? 答:检察机关在审查侦查机关移送的全案证据材料时,认为有充分证据证明李庄的行为构成辩护人妨害作证罪,应依法提起公诉,追究其刑事责任。 指控证据已经在李庄案开庭审理时向法庭进行了举示。这些证据包括李庄在孟英挪用资金案中担任辩护人的相关书证;证实李庄实施引诱、教唆徐丽军违背事实改变证言行为的多名证人的证言;上海有关法院确认“王德伟投入上海事久金汤休闲娱乐有限公司资金额为100万元”的民事判决书、民事裁定书;确认孟英“指示金汤城公司的财务人员,将王伟德等人交至金汤城公司的投资款中的人民币50万元,以银行本票的形式存入其个人银行账户,并用于归还个人助业贷款”,构成挪用资金罪的刑事判决书;徐丽军在孟英挪用资金案中出庭作证改变证言的庭审记录等。 中国新闻周刊:在庭审过程中,辩护方举示了哪些新的证据?从什么途径得到? 答:庭审过程中,辩护方举示的证据,主要是确认王德伟和徐丽军向金汤城公司投入资金额100万元的民事判决的有关证据材料,和证人徐丽军于2005年8月接受上海市某法律服务所两名法律工作者调查时陈述关于徐丽军、王德伟投资金汤城公司情况的录音资料。根据辩方陈述,录音资料系从李庄家中其移动硬盘内提取。其余材料系律师向有关单位收集。 中国新闻周刊:辩护方与公诉人举示证据之间的矛盾之处体现在哪些方面?“导致认定李庄犯辩护人妨害作证罪的证据存在疑点”,疑点具体表现在哪些方面? 答: 矛盾主要体现在,究竟是徐丽军自己主动改变了证言,还是李庄引诱、教唆她改变证言。 该案的疑点体现在,通过审查辩护人所举示的证据,显示证人徐丽军在2005年8月向上海市某法律服务所两名法律工作者陈述:她当初意图向金汤城公司投资100万元,但金汤城公司股东朱立岩以100万元投资金额太小而不同意。徐丽军就私下与孟英进行了商议。孟英向徐丽军表示,开业以后不会让徐丽军吃亏。后他人询问徐丽军,孟英是否向徐丽军出具字据,徐丽军自称“又不是投资出什么条”。 该证言,既与徐丽军2005年3月向孟英挪用资金案侦查人员所作证言证实100万元款项是投资款相矛盾,又与徐丽军2010年向重庆司法机关书面控告内容和六次接受重庆警方询问所陈述的100万元是投资款的证言相矛盾,从而导致认定李庄在2008年7月实施引诱、教唆徐丽军违背事实改变证言,构成辩护人妨害作证罪的事实存在疑点。 中国新闻周刊:.法院如何看待公诉方撤诉的请求? 答:江北区人民法院合议庭休庭后,经过评议认为,根据《最高人民法院关于执行〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉若干问题的解释》第一百七十七条的规定,江北区人民检察院在判决宣告前,要求撤回起诉的理由成立,并裁定准予撤回起诉。 中国新闻周刊:.疑点会否进一步补充侦查,会不会再次提起公诉? 答:根据刑事诉讼法的规定,证人证言必须在法庭上经过举证、质证查实以后,才能作为定案的根据。公诉人在辩护人举示新证据后,发现辩护证据与指控证据存在矛盾,导致认定李庄在2008年7月实施引诱、教唆徐丽军违背事实改变证言,构成辩护人妨害作证罪的事实存在疑点。休庭期间,对该新证据进行了核实,并经本院监察委员会研究,决定对本案撤回起诉。 该案的撤回起诉符合法律的相关规定,也体现了检察机关尊重事实,尊重法律,以事实为依据,以法律为准绳,客观公正的办案原则。 根据《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》第三百五十三条的规定,撤回起诉后没有新的事实或者新的证据,不得再行起诉。

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