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R.H.Wang,X.Q.Shi,Z.X. Luo,Z.X. Su,Multivariate Spline Functions andTheir Applications,Modern Pure Mathematics & Applied Mathematics series No.28,Academic Press,Beijing,1994;International Kluwer Press,2002. Refereed Journal Papers:1. Z. X. Luo and Z. L. Meng,The Invariant Factors of Orthogonal polynomial For Two Variables and Numerical Integration Formulas,CHINESE JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATION(in English,by Allerton press,inc),Vol. 27,No. 3(2005),79-90(EI).2. Z. L. Meng and Z. X. Luo,The Construction of Cubature Formulae with Some Knots along the Selected Algebraic Curve,J. Information and Computational Science(USA),2:3 (2005),539-546(EI).3. Z. X. Luo and X. Peng,A C1-rational Spline in Range Restricted Interpolation of Scattered Data,J. Comp. and Appl. Math.,/S037704270500 4541(电子版已刊出),2005。(SCI,Impact factor: 0.486)4. Z. X. Luo and R. H. Wang,Structure and dimension of multivariate spline space of lower degree on arbitrary triangulation,J. Comp. and Appl. Math.,4796(电子版已刊出),2005。(SCI,Impact factor: 0.486)5. Z. X. Luo and Z. L. Meng,A result on common zeros location of orthogonal polynomials in two variables,accepted and to appear in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. (SCI,Impact factor: 0.486)6. 罗钟铉, 孟兆良,多元直交多项式的不变因子与数值积分公式,计算数学,Vol. 27,No. 2,2005,199-208(EI).7. Z. X. Luo and C. M. Liu,图像匹配地快速算法,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,Vol. 17,No. 5(2005),966-970(EI Page one).8. Y. X. Shi and Z. X. Luo,Mosaic From Different-Sized Images Using Geometric Feature Mapping and Wavelet Transform,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,Vol. 17,No. 4,825-828,2005(EI Page one)9. L. M. Zhang and Z. X. Luo,一类新的曲线细分格式,高校计算数学学报,Vol.26 No.2,186-190,2004.(EI)10. L. M. Zhang,Z.X. Luo,and Y. X. Shi,A new subdivision wavelet and its application on simplifying graphics,Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science (Japan),2004,Vol.2,27-36(EI)。11. Z. X. Luo and Z. L. Meng,On the properties of bivariate orthogonal polynomials,J. Information and Computing Sciences,1:1(2004),103-106.12. Z. X. Luo,Y. Deng and Zhaoliang Meng,Some Results On Lagrange Interpolation Set Over I or Ⅱ-Triangulations,J. Information and Computing Sciences,1:1(2004),107-112.13. L. M. Zhang and Z. X. Luo,An ApproximatingStationary Subdivision Scheme,J. Information and Computing Sciences,1:1(2004),157-161.14. Z.X. Luo,Li F.Z.,Liu Y.X.,Effect of The Environmental Atmosphere on Heat,Water and Gas Transfer within Hygroscopic Fabrics,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,163(2004),199-210.15. Wang,Z.,Li,Y. and Luo,Z. X.,Radiation and conduction hest and transfer coupled with liquid water transfer,moisture sorption and condensation in porous polymer materials,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol. 89,No. 10,2780-2790,2003.(SCI,EI)16. F.Z. Li,Y.X. Liu,Z.X. Luo and Y. Li,Effect of Atmosphic Pressure on Heat and Moisture Transport Within Hygroscopic Fabric,Mechanics in Engineering,Vol.25,No. 4,2003,pp50-53(EI).17. Z.X. Luo,R.H. Wang,Stieltjes's Type Theorem for Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,268,171-183(2002).18. Z.X. Luo,P.B. Silva & Jin-Yun Yuan,Notes on Direct-Projection Methods, International Journal of Computational Mathematics,vol. 76,pp. 517-535..19. Z.X. Luo,Generator Basis of Module in K[X]m and its applications,Acta Mathematica Sinica,Vol.44,No.6,983-994(2001).20. Z.X. Luo,J. Fan and Y. Li,Heat and Moisture transfer with Sorption and Condensation in Porous Clothing Assemblies and Numerical Simulation,J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 43,No. 16(2000),2989-3000.21. Li Yi,Z.X. Luo,An improved Mathematical Simulation of the Coupled Diffusion of Moisture and Heat in Wool Fabric,Textile Research Journal,October 1999,760-768.22. Li Yi,Z.X. Luo,Physical Mechanisms of Moisture Diffusion into Hygroscopic Fabrics during Humidity Transients,accepted in Journal of The Textile Institute23. Z.X. Luo,C1,C2 Smooth Interpolants on Curve Sides Element,Comput. Math. Appl.,Vol.35,No.5,pp.125-130,1998.24. Z.X. Luo,R.H. Wang,Rational Shape Functions for C1-Interpolation Quadrilaterals,Comput. Math. Appl.,Vol.32,No.9,pp. 55-66,1996. (Sci. TGA No. VU108)25. Z.X. Luo,Algebraic-Geometric Foundation for Constructing Smooth Interpolants on Curved Sides element,J. Comp. Math.. Vol.13,No.4,1995,343-350.26. Z.X. Luo,R.H. Wang,A Nodal Basis of Ck- Rational Spline Functions on Triangulations,Approx. Th. & Its Appl.,10:4(1994),13-24.27. Z.X. Luo,R.H. Wang,Geometric Continuity between Adjacent Rational Patches,Numer. Math.(A Journal of Chinese Universities),Vol.16,No.2(1994),97-106.28. Z.X. Luo,R.H. Wang,C1-Smooth Interpolants on Curved Sides Element(Ⅱ),J. of Dalian University of Technology,Vol.34,No.2(1994),197-202.29. Z.X. Luo,Z.X. Su,Some Blending Interpolation Methods in CAGD,Numer. Math.(A Journal of Chinese Universities,English Series),Vol.12,No.2(1993),195-209.30. Z.X. Luo,R.H.Wang,Structure and Application of Algebraic Spline Curves and Surfaces,J. of Math. Research and Exposition,Vol.12,No.4(1992),579-582.31. Z.X. Luo,R.H. Wang,The Basis of C1-Rational Spline Functions onTriangulation and Their Application,J. of DalianUniversity of Technology,Vol.3,No.6(1993),621-627.32. X.Z.Liang,Z.X. Luo(etc.),A Hyperbolic Interpolation Method for One-dimensional Minimisation Problem,in A Friendly Collection ofMathematical Papers I,Jilin Univ. Press,1990,pp.144-148.Conference Papers:33. Z.X. Luo,K.F. Choi,Numerical Solution of Isoperimetric Problem in Two Ply Yarn Model by Spline,International Conference of Applied Mathematics,Dalian city,Aug.,2000.34. X. N. Luo,Yi Li and Z. X. Luo,Recurrence Surfaces On Arbitrary Quadrilateral Mesh,International Conference of Applied Mathematics,Dalian city,Aug.,2000.35. Z.X. Luo,E. Newton,Y. Li and X. N. Luo,Heat Preservation behaviour of Diving Suit,2000. NOKOBETEF 6 and 1st European Conference on Protective Clothing Stockholm,May 7-10,2000,Organised by the NOKOBETEF Board in association with the National Institute for Working Life,Solna,Sweden.36. Yi Li,E. Newton,X.N. Luo and Z. X. Luo,Integrated CAD for clothing functional design,2000. NOKOBETEF 6 and 1st European Conference on Protective Clothing Stockholm,May 7-10,2000,Organised by the NOKOBETEF Board in association with the National Institute for Working Life,Solna,Sweden.37. Li Y.,Newton E.,Luo X.N. and Luo Z. X.,Integrated CAD for clothing functional design,Nokobetef 6 and 1st European Conference for Protective Clothing,Stockholm,May 7-10,2000,8-1138. Z. Wang,Y. Li,Q.Y. Zhu and Luo Z.X,Condensation,Moisture Sorption,Capillary Liquid Transfer and Heat Transfer in Multi-layer Textiles,outstanding student paper,The 6th Asian Textile Conference,Hong Kong,China,22-24 August 200139. Fan J.T.,Luo Z.X. and Li Y.,Modeling Heat and Moisture Transfer with Sorption and Condensation in Porous Clothing Assemblies,Proceedings of The 5th Asian Textile Conference on Diversity in Harmony - Asian Textile in the 21th Century,Kyoto,Japan,30 September - 2 October,1999,pp396-39940. Z.X. Luo,Rational Interpolating Spline Functions and Their Applications,in the Collections of Research Results Supported by NNFC,Oct. 1996,Guilin,China,pp.131-132.41. Z.X. Luo,R. H. Wang,An Mechanical Approach for Solving Equation System with Polynomial Coefficients and Its Application in Multivariate Spline,the Proceedings of Conference on ICNAA'95. Aug. 1995,pp.30-32.42. Z.X. Luo,Design of the Constrained Curves and Surfaces,Proceedings of the Second Academic Annual Meeting of Youths of Liaoning Province,1995.43. Z.X. Luo,C1-Smooth Interpolants on Curved Sides Element(I),Proceedings of the First China Postdoctoral Academic Congress,Beijing,1993,1100-1103.44. Z.X. Luo,Non-linear Methods in CAGD,Proceedings of the First Academic Annual Meeting of Youths of Liaoning Province,1992,82-87.45. 路振刚,罗钟铉,刘迎曦等,大坝水下观测成像技术的研究与实现,大坝与安全,2003年1月。46. 李凤志,刘迎曦,罗钟铉,李毅 织物的热湿传输机理模型研究 ,大连理工大学学报 2003 ⑴,Vol. 43,pp28-32,(EI检索期刊)47. 李凤志,刘迎曦,罗钟铉,李毅, 大气压力对织物热湿特性影响的数值研究 ,力学与实践2003 ⑷,Vol.25,pp50-53,(力学类核心期刊)48. 刘迎曦,李凤志,罗钟铉,李毅 织物热湿传输耦合方程的一种求解算法,数值计算与计算机应用 (核心期刊) 录用49. 刘迎曦、李凤志、罗钟铉、李毅,人体、服装、环境系统动态热湿传递数值模拟,纺织学报 2004⑸ vol.25 24-27.50. Liu Yingxi,Li Fengzhi,Luo Zhongxuan,Li Yi A new algorithm for solution of transient thermal and humidity field in porous fabric Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications (in English,by Allerton press,inc).

240 评论


1. Lu Fang, Oscar C. Au, “Subpixel-based Image Down-sampling with Min-Max Directional Error for Stripe Display”,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 240-251, April 2011.2. Lu Fang, Oscar C. Au,KetanTang,AggelosK.Katsaggelos, “Anti-aliasing Filter Design for Subpixel Downsamplingvia Frequency Domain Analysis”,IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1391-1405, Mar. 2012 .3. Lu Fang, Oscar C. Au,KetanTang,HanliWang, “Novel 2-D MMSE Subpixel-based ImageDownsampling”,IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 740-753, May 2012.4. Lu Fang, Oscar C. Au, Yan Chen,AggelosK.Katsaggelos,HanliWang, “Joint Subpixel-based Down-sampling andDemosaickingfor Bayer Images: A Fast Frequency Domain Analysis Approach”,IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (TMM), Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1359-1369, Aug. 2012.5. Lu Fang, Oscar C. Au, Xing Wen, “Increasing Image Resolution on Portable Displays by Subpixel Rendering-a Systematic Overview”,APSIPA Trans. on Signal and Information Processing, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-10, Aug. 2012 .

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